<sharebrained> Interesting CrowdSupply quirk: The campaign shows the items shipping June 1, but in the order confirmation/invoice, it shows May 31. I'm smelling a time zone bug. 🙂
<J> heh, probably yeah
<J> I'm gonna go share this with all the hardware hackers I know now 👐
<xabean> chug chug chug 50% funded
<Strauss> Isn't it breaking some records?
egg|laptop|egg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<esden> Some records for sure! I am in awe!
<icb> Lots of people buying themselves a Christmas gift (I know I did)
<J> it's a super good one 🎄
<J> and same.
<Skiphs> I certainly didn't intend to buy one immediately... but that case...
<J> (honestly, it was the case that sold me on doing the crowdsupply thing immediately - I can put together a board almost any time but... yeah, I'm a sucker for integrated kit that looks amazing)
<uep> ordered.. snap snap snap
<bgianf> Almost funded already 😁
<gramunculus> lol my early bird case got sniped from my cart
<gramunculus> were there less of those than the early bird boards? or is someone just stocking up
<icb> Looks like 200 early bird boards, 100 early bird cases
<gramunculus> hmm weird it still shows some available
<uep> wow, I might have got one of the last ones then (sorry)
<xabean> @esden also, thank you for the (@)here or whatever notice, without that I would have missed it.
<esden> hehe you are welcome 😄
<J> indeed ^_^ thank you esden
<sharebrained> Indeed, I got lucky, too. I don't usually have Discord open.
wow, that "funded" counter is moving fast
<J> I got a few for all of my hacker friens for holiday gifts - it's perfect. ^_^
yes thankyou indeed for the @ :D
esden: now i know what you spend your last days working on - the campaign details on the crowdsupply page are awesome
icb has joined #glasgow
<J> 90% funded 🎉
<J> that's gotta be a record
<C-o-r-E> crowdsupply seems bugged i cant order mine
C-o-r-E: already sold out ;)
<DCC> I did only now get the e-mail but early bird already gone 😢 .
<C-o-r-E> it said 77 available when i started trying 10 mins ago 😦
<DCC> Did not check here because I was doing other stuff.
<xabean> being sold out is a good thing
<GeorgeIoak> tried to order the early bird, it shows 49 available but it keeps taking it out of my cart
icb has left #glasgow [#glasgow]
<sharebrained> @C-o-r-E Reload the campaign page. It's not sold out yet.
<GeorgeIoak> done that with 2 browsers
<C-o-r-E> getting 500 internal server error
i guess crowdsupply is counting the ones that people already have in their shopping carts as not available
<J> so, it seems that crowdsupply is having load/caching issues. 🤣
<sharebrained> Clear cookies, or open a different browser?
<DCC> It says that there are some left but there are not appearently.
<C-o-r-E> 'Glasgow revC - Early Bird' is not available, it has been removed from your cart.
<J> yeah, things aren't quite right -- the case just got added to my cart with qty of '-3'
<DCC> I only got the e-mail 19 minutes ago.
<GeorgeIoak> same here, lots of problems
DCC: the campaign started less than 30 minutes ago
<sharebrained> Huh, yeah. I was able to reproduce that. Seems they can adjust the amount of campaign tier items available, but the cart implementation didn't get the memo.
<xabean> so you're manufacturing them! how nice of you :)
<C-o-r-E> Congrats for breaking crowdsupply tho -- its a good sign in my books
whitequark: you have this mailchimp registration on the github page - did you already send an email to the people that registered there? or is it just the mails from crowdsupply?
that is already enough to overcrowd crowdsupply - wow
<J> hey, whitequark - thank you for the work you've done on Glasgow :3
<J> it's great to see it succeeding so quickly on crowdsupply
<sharebrained> ...and funded.
i'm glad you like it
<Strauss> 100% Raised
<sharebrained> ...and I just got my notification email from 1B2.
<Zeta Two> I'm having trouble adding the early bird version to by my basket?
<DCC> Already sold out early bird right after the e-mail, I am happy for you but one day would have been nicer.
<Zeta Two> it just shows up as qty 0
hm, for some reason I can't add the non-earlybird case with shipping to Denmark
<david.rysk> is shipping to the UK allowed?
<david.rysk> for the case
<busdma> 'Glasgow revC - Early Bird' only has qty -3 available.
<sharebrained> Sounds like maybe they need to do a live event (e.g. Ticketmaster?) thing where people's cart contents time out after five minutes, so they can't sit on inventory other people are more eager to buy.
egg|laptop|egg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<GeorgeIoak> finally got one but had to try about 50 times. tries to add the case but that gave me a server error so i figured i should just grab the board while i could
<Zeta Two> same
<busdma> all gone 😩
<xabean> keep trying?
<busdma> early bird i mean
Georgeloak: i guess you can add the case at a later time, when their servers aren't overloaded
<GeorgeIoak> true, that should work
<xabean> lol there are <round number>+1 claimed of a couple things, heh
<busdma> interesting, i suppose 4 people will get canceled
<xabean> ... yeah I think the community may have DDoS'd croudsupply
they don't seem to allow modifying orders or combining shipping after btw
xabean: krautsupply please if you want to make puns
<xabean> that was the wurst
*might* be responsible for 6 of them..
<C-o-r-E> so apparently I just got one
<r2t2> congratulations or the lunch! @esden is there EU shippping for the Glasgow CF campaing? 😉
if you add to cart you can calculate shipping
<gojimmypi> I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!! woohoo!!! 244 backers already!!
<r2t2> I'm asking more regarding customs, I hate to go there 😉
<falstaff321> Congrats for the launch! Is there a reason why the case doesn't ship to Switzerland? It seems the PCB does...
r2t2: i think the orders through crowdsupply are shipped by them from the us. but esden has a online shop in Germany and he will most probably stock glasgow there too. but usually a bit later, crowdsupply first
CS just added more early bird cases
<DCC> How are his prices?
<esden> the shipping is done throug CS aka Mouser
<esden> to europe
<esden> so you can expect the same handling of international shipments as you would for Mouser orders
had no idea they were affiliated, neat
also congrats on the launch
<esden> I will be stocking Glasgow in the german store after the campaign is all fulfilled.
<C-o-r-E> i suspect that shipping to Canada will be painful as usual
<C-o-r-E> probably +60$ or something for customs
oh dear
really? CS did prepaid customs/VAT for me
<alen> No posibillity to cach the early bird I sow about 80 left when trying but no one is mine get the next :(
<uep> shipping to Aus was like $14 or $16
<C-o-r-E> perhaps I'm remembering groupgets then
<C-o-r-E> in either case I'll still be happy to have a Glasgow 🙂
<alen> Do not forget bitsy
<uep> $14 shipping, $16 tax
<DCC> Which shipping option makes more sense with the case, together or separate?
<uep> they were the same date for me, so the choice was easy
<DCC> At least the shipping and VAT is great no need to have any exact amount of change ready.
<esden> @alen yep we will do icebreaker-bitsy in short order too... we have more campaigns in the pipeline and working on being able to launch more things quicker, so we can get them to all of you! 🙂
<DCC> I ordered from the campaign, I hope you are not faster than shipping from the campaign.
<DCC> @whitequark How large is the raw dump of one 3.5 inch floppy just for comparison with your approach?
<TEM01*> Does anyone know how crowd supply orders work if I will be moving soon? Not sure if I will have the same address by the time it goes through.
<icb> You can update your shipping address
<esden> @TEM01* yeah you can update your shipping address as soon as you know it.
DCC: 12MB compressed IIRC
it's basically a logic analyzer trace at 48 MHz per track
<TEM01*> Sweet thanks for confirmation. I'm not familiar with CS
<eddyb> so, uhh, I may have a silly question, but someone got me a revC1 a while back, I haven't gotten around to trying it out, and the "fly-wire cables" from the crowdsupply campaign look like they would be fun as a starting point, but I don't recall seeing that kind of product before
<eddyb> oh, just noticed "The first batch of flywire cable harnesses has been produced and delivered to us." - so I guess this specific arrangement is custom, any chance they could be ordered separately somehow? if I had plans for two Glasgows, I would probably just order another one, but it feels wasteful
<eddyb> @uep wait, did I misunderstand something
<uep> have to double-check that's the right number of pins, but the basic idea is the same
<0xdec> This is the wrong pin pitch so it won't fit Glasgow
<DCC> Will it be in the US store, too?
<0xdec> That being said, the headers on glasgow are standard 0.1in spacing, so any socket-to-socket jumper wires will work
<eddyb> for some reason the ones on the glasgow campaign page look like they're terminated in something more interesting but I might've not paid enough attention :/
<eddyb> and now I can't find the photo that gave me that impression
eddyb: why not use a bunch of single pin fly wires? if you do something which uses a low pincount, like uart, spi or jtag, that works fine
<TiltMeSenpai> yeah, glasgow has a fly wire harness
<0xdec> The fly-wire cables on the campaign page are 20pin IDC on one end and 20 single header sockets on the other
<uep> ah, yeah.. read the title too quickly.. 0.1" for the breakout, but 0.05" for the header.
<xabean> @eddy those look pretty much exactly like the fly wires I got with my salae 8
yeah the saleae ones are nice
<OmniTechnoMancer> @eddyb the heat shrink does make it look more interesting than it is
<eddyb> more on topic, I did come up with a very nice usecase for the Glasgow (tho I don't have any probes for it), earlier today: POST code (dual 7-segment) displays move very fast, so if you want to see the entire sequence without a high-speed camera, you more or less have to capture the data itself
<eddyb> erm, s/nice/niche
<esden> @Flo we are planning to stock the cases after the campaign.
<uep> the dslogic ones are really nice.. I've been so happy with that choice
eddyb: yeah, I started writing an LPC applet
problem is... that highlighted a critical (fatal) design flaw in migen
so it was one major motivation for doing nmigen
<eddyb> no way, is that the origin story fo- haha
and that's one hell of a yak shave
it was a very significant factor, along with many others
the migen bugtracker has a label for all the issues i fixed
congrats on the campaign kick-off everyone!!
<m_w> wow the campaign is going crazy well
<eddyb> I was thinking of capturing the segments themselves, or just before the decoder, presumably it would be easier than LPC?
<xabean> lol where do I see my backer number
<xabean> I wanna see how far behind securelyfitz I am, heh
eddyb[legacy]: that's cursed but yeah you can just do that
glasgow run analyzer --pins-i 0:6
a 7 segment decoder with persistence for multiplexed displays - that would be a nice applet
<eddyb> lol I forgot I still pay for IRCCloud (that's eddyb[legacy])
we need to spend the next several months (until shipping) setting up community structures that could handle applet review and maintenance
people barely have hardware and yet we're at 19 PRs
...also finishing revC2 qualification, fixing selftest and test fixture...
i have those PRs sitting on top of my inbox for like 2 weeks now...
also finishing yowasp and out of tree applets
<uep> nice problem to have, but nevertheless, a problem
and that i2c interface you need
uep: it becomes a lot less nice if you live with chronic pain
<uep> everything does 😦
i am lucky to be able to work with people like esden and electronic_eel because if i was doing it alone it would have been strictly a net negative for me all things considered
one person is not capable of handling this much workload
<uep> I'm constantly in awe at how much you do
with this many backers, there will be a big influx of PRs. your mention of improving community structures, external repo support and so on is right. no one person alone will be able to handle this, even if this person is as capable as whitequark
<uep> (and I know I don't even see, let alone understand, most of it)
once i am capable of doing that again, we should set up weekly triage meetings
that worked ~reasonably well for nmigen and yosys
unfortunately some serious shit happened late summer and i've not been able to do that
elms has joined #glasgow
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
eddyb has joined #glasgow
whitequark: you could change the channel topic to include that the campaign is now live
maybe also the readme.md in the repo?
<J> 266% 🚀 😀
egg|laptop|egg has joined #glasgow
oh yeah!
hmm I think I'll switch to IRC for now, if I plan to hang out in here again
electronic_eel: can you update the README please?
yeah, sure
heh, the Discord bot uses the right profile pic for me (not sure how tho)
speaking of the README, the wiki lists differences between revC0 and revC1, will it have the revC1 vs revC2 differences at some point, or will that move elsewhere?
(the board I was sent appears to be revC1)
merry_ is now known as merry
we still haven't merged revC2!
oh that would explain it, lol
<OmniTechnoMancer> I wonder if the discord bot just matches by username
hmm, on this motherboard, the dual 7seg display has two rows of 5 pins, does that mean it has an integrated hex decoding? oh I guess it could be multiplexing the two 7segs, eugh
almost certainly muxing
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel created branch crowdsupply-readme https://git.io/JLPti
[glasgow] electroniceel created branch crowdsupply-readme - https://git.io/fhhGp
pins are expeinsive, you know
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel pushed 1 commit to crowdsupply-readme [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JLPtS
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel aa396ac - README: the Crowdsupply campaign is live
[glasgow] electroniceel opened pull request #248: README: the Crowdsupply campaign is live - https://git.io/JLPth
[glasgow] whitequark closed pull request #248: README: the Crowdsupply campaign is live - https://git.io/JLPth
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JLPqT
[GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel acf61ba - README: the Crowdsupply campaign is live
electronic_eel: rules are meant to be broken!
7+1 cathodes, 2 common anodes
GNUmoon2 has joined #glasgow
they conveniently stick out of the back of the motherboard, if only I had something to grab them with :P
on my Z97 ebay unicorn? never :P (well, if it was broken, maybe, but so far it seems to be working fine, the POST code thing was more of a curiosity)
oh I think I misread what this does, oops. also, for some reason I didn't expect separate SuperIO chips to still be a thing
separate SuperIO chips are still the norm
(I've only started paying attention to PC hardware in the past few months, and even the ppl who stare at motherboard/GPU PCBs mostly talk about the power delivery, and little else)
hmm, i find the superio ic very interesting, bc i want one with hwmon support in the kernel