<bart416> azonenberg, would you trust a 1000 euro piece of equipment to an ikea table?
<azonenberg> Depends, i dont have any ikea furiture
<azonenberg> i have over 1000USD of equipment on a relatively cheap table now that's somewhat worrisome
<azonenberg> while i am planning to replace it soon i don't feel the gear is in any immediate danger
<azonenberg> And actually its probably closer to 2000USD
<azonenberg> two microscopes, probing station, and fiber optic illuminator
<smeding> hmm
<bart416> well, this table looks sturdy at first sight
<bart416> but the "wood" at the top is fairly light
<bart416> If it's a layer of MDF with cardboard under it to fill up the space I don't mind
<bart416> But else...
<adc> whos here
<adc> this should be a fun chan
<berndj> data point: i have a former bookshelf, made of chipboard, standing outside; i rescued it from the neighbours' trash 3 winters ago, so it's seen some rain.  parts have swollen, but it's still supporting a few potted plants.  that's about as hostile an environment i can think of for the material
<berndj> my personal advice would be: don't do anything stupid, like standing on a table to change a lightbulb, while there's a k$-value piece of equipment on it.  don't do it anyway if you're unsure it'll hold: injuries are a pain in the ass (probably literally in this case)
<bart416> lol
<bart416> I've seen somebody fall through a glass table already
<berndj> also, unlike wood, chipboard and i guess MDF fails suddenly and catastrophically - it doesn't "yield" like real wood does
<berndj> glass also doesn't yield :)
<berndj> although that's likely to have been tempered glass, no?  so lots of little cubes rather than shards, i hope
<bart416> yes it was tempered
<bart416> but it still wasn't pretty
<berndj> i get a weird bit.ly frog in an ice cube :(  something about unregistered domain
<berndj> i'll try again later
<bart416> just refresh
<bart416> I also have it sometimes with imageshack
<XgF> It's also inadvisible to inspect something on the ceiling while walking on a raised surface...
<XgF> (Yes, the resultant catching of my leg in the subsequent 1 meter drop hurt)
<azonenberg> hi adc
<azonenberg> check the logs and lab notes on the googlecode repo to get up to speed on past work
<bart416> berndj, does it work now?
<berndj> azonenberg, i'm a bit behind with your tech.  your Ta2O5... do you start with some tantalum chloride in something-solution or what?
<berndj> nope, still the frozen toad!
<bart416> Also, please ignore the teken and doom3 posters, they're glued to the wall >_>
<bart416> :S
<bart416> Does it work for you azonenberg ?
<XgF> works here
<berndj> maybe my isp is doing weird things
<XgF> It's my general observation that ISPs are like that
<berndj> okay, getting it via ssh to another box
<berndj> maybe some confused "transparent" web proxy getting in the way
<azonenberg> berndj: yes, i do
<azonenberg> tantalum chloride in ethanol
<azonenberg> spin coat, then bake in air at 200C for 1 hour
<azonenberg> emulsitone tantalumfilm is the product i'm using
<azonenberg> they dont go into detail on the composition on the main page but the MSDS says its tantalum chloride in denatured alcohol
<azonenberg> and i confirmed that by EDS
<berndj> ah, the table.  bart416 i wouldn't worry about leaving expensive stuff on it, unless a) you have Mw 9.0 quakes regularly, b) drunken oafs falling around regularly, c) expensive stuff is more than a few dozens of kg
<nathan7> azonenberg: and then?
<berndj> azonenberg, i was just wondering how you got past the insolubility of Ta2O5.  i guess the baking is a sort of roasting process, where you substitute Cl ions with O^2- ?
<nathan7> on a side note, where do you get that TaCl5
<azonenberg> berndj: 2TaCl5 + 5H2O = 10HCl + Ta2O5
<azonenberg> is the reaction afaik
<nathan7> doesn't that give the oxychloride?
<bart416> berndj, does a 5kg scope count? :P
<azonenberg> I dont know the exact details, all i know is that the resulting film has the characteristics of tantalum oxide
<berndj> pfft, maybe if you stack 10 of them!
<berndj> nathan7, i imagine it's temperature-sensitive
<azonenberg> nathan7: and when I ran EDS on the sample I found nothing but Si, O, Ta, and a trace of C (photoresist residue)
<nathan7> it's just a guess, I don't know about tantalum
<berndj> higher temp would drive the equilibrium (if it's anywhere near the "middle") towards more HCl - 10HCl vs 5H20 - more degrees of freedom
<azonenberg> I know tantalum oxychloride is formed in a similar reaction
<nathan7> but anhydrous metal chlorides tend to do that
<nathan7> interseting
<nathan7> *interesting
<azonenberg> Its not a hot selling item
<azonenberg> I'm the only customer for the lot number they sent me
<berndj> and another thing azonenberg - how crazy do you go on reagent purity?
<azonenberg> made the batch on request for 500 USD lol
<azonenberg> berndj: Not very for now since i'm not doing CMOS
<azonenberg> i can get away with much lower tolerances
<nathan7> Also, you seem to get all kinds of funny inorganics
<azonenberg> the photoresist is printed circuit board
<nathan7> where'd I get PdCl2?
<berndj> i thought the semiconductor industry uses only an insane number of 9's in their purity of reagent, to avoid traces of unwanted stuff
<azonenberg> grade
<berndj> but you seem to be using IPA etc al from the electronic equivalent of the corner grocer?
<berndj> (or am i mistaken there)
<azonenberg> my NaOH and KOH are technical grade from a biodiesel vendor
<azonenberg> so is the HCl
<nathan7> mh-hrm
<azonenberg> the HF is sold in the grocery store as a rust remover
<XgF> My assumption is that MEMS is a lot less critical on purity?
<azonenberg> 3% H2O2 and ammnoia are from a drugstore
<nathan7> I figured you'd know where to get some funny transition metal chloride
<berndj> apropos HF, i've looked, but have not found anything HF-like in any normal shops
<azonenberg> IPA is actually 99% / 1% DI water from a cleanroom supplier
<bart416> If you need pure chemicals, go medical industry
<azonenberg> berndj: Whink brand rust remover
<berndj> the only rust-pertaining products i've found seem to be based on phosphoric acid
<azonenberg> my acetone is from the same biodiesel supplier but i also have a can from a hardware store
<azonenberg> I would not attempt CMOS with the stuff i have now, thats for sure
<berndj> (i don't think we have whink here - i'm in ZA, not US)
<azonenberg> But for MEMS a few PPM of contaminants dont hurt anything
<azonenberg> as long as it isnt enough to change the physical (rather than electrical) properties of the substrate
<XgF> thinks really this channel should be #homemems
<azonenberg> XgF: CMOS is still on the wishlist
<azonenberg> much of the equipment can be used for either
<azonenberg> and once i get a furnace i plan to try duplicating jeri's transistor process
<berndj> re ethanol / IPA, i imagine *water* itself isn't such a big deal - it also evaporates, albeit somewhat more slowly
<azonenberg> berndj: Yes, but 70% drugstore grade tends to have salts etc in it
<berndj> rather the sub-1% contaminants, whatever they may be.  assuming oily stuff
<berndj> yes, and salts. indeed
<azonenberg> nathan7: http://www.emulsitone.com/pdf.htmlmay be palladium chloride
<azonenberg> it may be polymer based too
<azonenberg> berndj: The lowest purity i have is my denatured alcohol (paint store grade) and that is actually bad enough that i saw problems resulting from using it to dilute stuff
<azonenberg> so i'm gonna try and find highier grade at some point
<nathan7> I need just a catalytic amount of PdCl2
<azonenberg> nathan7: Emulsitone won't sell you less than four ounces of their stuff
<azonenberg> fluid ounces that is
<berndj> salts indeed, i was playing with water drops and a hot pan (leidenfrost effect) the other day.  there was a "sticky" spot where drops got stuck; eventually a distinctive residue of stuff built up on said spot.  i assume it was perhaps a carbonate type thing
<azonenberg> And the precious metal based ones tend to run around $500 for that volume
<XgF> azonenberg: Hmm... what sort of purity do you need on the [denatured] alcohol?
<azonenberg> When one says denatured alcohol, i assume that it's just ethanol with maybe 5% methanol
<azonenberg> but this stuff has other things inside too
<azonenberg> my guess is there's something oily
<berndj> sigh, i live in possibly the biggest Pd-producing country in the world, but i bet there's no way i can get any in less than ton quantities here
<XgF> Denatured alcohol always has other stuff inside
<XgF> Generally things like flavorants so it tastes disgusting
<nathan7> denatonium
<nathan7> generally
<azonenberg> Correct
<azonenberg> But that's present in trace quantities in my HF too
<nathan7> o.o
<azonenberg> and doesnt cause any problems
<bart416> azonenberg, you need medical grade ethanol
<bart416> seirously
<nathan7> like you'd taste it before it's too late
<bart416> *seriously
<XgF> The list for UK denatured alcohol is pretty large
<bart416> It's not that hard to get
<berndj> or that purple stuff for methanol.  hobos here use bread to "filter it out", apparently
<bart416> But it's pure
<azonenberg> bart416: i'm seriously considering doing so
<azonenberg> apparently you can buy it taxed as a beverage which saves all of the recordkeeping from buying untaxed 100% ethanol
<azonenberg> costs an extra few $$ per unit volume but if its 500ml of ACS trace metal grade ethanol then the extra $5 wont matter
<bart416> Or you could try a bottle of cheap russian vodka
<bart416> That's usually fairly pure ethanol as well :P
<azonenberg> bart416: waaaay too many organics in that
<azonenberg> insoluble organics that is
<bart416> Organics can survive in that?
<XgF> ...99% ABV grain alcohol maybe?
<nathan7> of course, bart416
<nathan7> ethanol itself is organic =p
<bart416> nathan7, I was joking :|
<nathan7> hits bart416
<bart416> No but seriously, cheap russian vodka is probably far more pure than your denatured alcohol
<azonenberg> http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/ProductDetail.do?D7=0&N5=SEARCH_CONCAT_PNO|BRAND_KEY&N4=493546|SIAL&N25=0&QS=ON&F=SPEC
<azonenberg> $63 for 500ml of ethanol USP
<XgF> Comes up as £13.80 here :o
<azonenberg> prob detected a .uk IP address lol
<XgF> YEah, sent me to UK site, but you're beingq uoted ~3.5x the price
<azonenberg> not sure
<azonenberg> This is taxed as a beverage in the US
<azonenberg> you can get it untaxed (much cheaper) but there are all kinds of paperwork stuff to follow
<azonenberg> to prove nobody is drinking it
<bart416> Mhhh Sigma Aldrich became cheaper
<azonenberg> easier to get the taxed version since you're legally clear
<nathan7> make sure to have the paperwork look like it was filled in by a drunk person
<bart416> Damn their FTO glass is cheap o_O
<XgF> would be surprised if a bottle of lab ethanol turned up here with a UK duty tax sticker on it :p
<azonenberg> http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/ProductDetail.do?lang=en&N4=179124|SIAL&N5=SEARCH_CONCAT_PNO|BRAND_KEY&F=SPEC
<azonenberg> i should place an order from these guys at some point
<bart416> and they're also cheaper than most for their SU-8 o-O
<nathan7> you can order there?
<nathan7> sweet
<nathan7> ebay's ¬50/g is starting to look very reasonable
<bart416> http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/ProductDetail.do?D7=0&N5=SEARCH_CONCAT_PNO|BRAND_KEY&N4=654892|ALDRICH&N25=0&QS=ON&F=SPEC <-- this is cheap o-O
<nathan7> looking at aldrich
<azonenberg> bart416: is that su-8?
<bart416> no
<nathan7> ¬87.50/g, wtf
<bart416> but they had something that was chemically identical to SU-8 at first glance
<bart416> might have been mistaken
<azonenberg> i see
<nathan7> If I could find someone who needed 0.5g of PdCl2, I can't afford a gram of that shit
<nathan7> man, drugs are cheaper than this
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> Palladium is expensive :(
<nathan7> I should use the Wacker oxidation to make drugs to be able to afford the PdCl2
<nathan7> except I need the PdCl2 in the first place
<nathan7> =p
<bart416> Where could you get palladium cheaply
<bart416> mhhh
<nathan7> I should start stealing catalytic converters, I guess
<azonenberg> :p
<bart416> Probably
<bart416> Maybe steal one from a car accident scene before the police gets there
<bart416> lol
<nathan7> heh
<bart416> nathan7, hey cheer up
<bart416> It's still cheaper than platinum!
<nathan7> true
<bart416> Platinum is cool though
<bart416> Probably one of the safest materials you can possibly handle
<azonenberg> Gold comes pretty close
<azonenberg> in terms of unreactivity
<bart416> well, from a medical point of view gold is better
<azonenberg> Pt/Pd/Au are all very unreactive
<berndj> wonders if platinum dust in your lungs would catalyse some mega bad reaction
<azonenberg> would prefer not to find out experimentally
<berndj> i thought titanium was pretty much king in terms of biocompatibility. but maybe rather due to relative cost and mechanical properties
<bart416> pure elemental platinum or not berndj ?
<XgF> berndj: isn't it the king in terms of biocompatibility while bring /rigid/? :p
<berndj> bart416, i dunno?  i thought Pt as catalyst was pretty much just the metal?
<bart416> elemental platinum shouldn't cause too much problems
<bart416> some irritation I figure
<bart416> also titanium has its mechanical properties
<bart416> But gold has some interesting ones as well
<bart416> azonenberg, that's another thing
<bart416> You could potentially make bio implants with your Tantalum Oxide processes
<berndj> heh, okay, not metallic Pt, but cisplatin would be nasty
<azonenberg> bart416: Not likely :P
<azonenberg> And i have no idea how biocompatible ta2o5 is
<bart416> Nah, tantalum is biocompatible
<bart416> It should be
<bart416> Ta2O5 is stable as far as I remember
<azonenberg> its a glass
<azonenberg> almost indestructible
<azonenberg> HF is about the only thing that attacks it chemically
<azonenberg> An order of magnitude or so slower than SiO2
<bart416> how are the oxygen atoms arranged around it again?
<azonenberg> No idea
<azonenberg> I treat it as potentially dangerous since i'd rather not find out the hard way it wasnt harmless
<azonenberg> iow, with the same caution i'd use with my HF, conc. HCl, etc
<berndj> except with those you KNOW a priori that they're not harmless!
<azonenberg> Correct
<berndj> and they make it pretty obvious that they aren't
<azonenberg> But the MSDS for this substance indicated it hadnt had any formal toxicity studies conducted
<azonenberg> So i treat it as potentially nasty
<azonenberg> i may well be overreacting
<azonenberg> but i'd rather be safe
<bart416> looks like Ta2O5 is safe
<azonenberg> How about the chloride though?
<berndj> well, i wouldn't inject myself with TaCl5 solution, but if i spilled some on my skin i'd probably wash it off and not worry too much
<bart416> well yeah, only found one paper on it but meh
<bart416> Chlorides are bad generally
<azonenberg> The glass is pretty obviously stable
<azonenberg> The chloride is what i'm concerned about
<bart416> Chlorides are generally rather reactive
<azonenberg> Hence the usual gloves-lab coat-goggles routine
<berndj> i can't imagine the chloride ion itself could cause much harm: you have plenty of it in your body
<azonenberg> berndj: The concern is the Ta+ ion
<berndj> any toxicity would have to be special to the tantalum ioin
<bart416> Tantalum on its own is biocompatible
<azonenberg> bart416: Metallic, sure
<berndj> yeah; i'm just countering the "chlorides are bad" thing.  i think they're generally bad because chlorides are generally more likely to be soluble, hence can get through your skin?
<bart416> berndj, just saying chlorides are generaly rather reactive, not that they themselves are bad
<bart416> It's too complicated to bother
<bart416> Quick glance I'd say Ta+ would start acting very similar to Mg+
<azonenberg> Meaning?
<bart416> You're not going to die from it unless it are large quantities
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> But still, i have no plans to become any more casual in my handling of it
<bart416> lol
<bart416> You don't want Tantalum bones?
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> What?
<bart416> Where do you think Magnesium ends up?
<azonenberg> i'm saying, i dont :P
<bart416> I thought you'd love that azonenberg, imagine how fun MRIs would become :P
<azonenberg> lol
<berndj> my *guess* would be you have more to worry about from the pH effects of TaCl5 interacting with your body than from Ta(V) itself
<berndj> http://www.lookchem.com/Tantalum-chloride/ thinks its vapour pressure is 33900mmHg at 25°C :(
<azonenberg> lol
<berndj> probably they meant µmHg
<azonenberg> Looks like its nasty if it gets inside
<azonenberg> but doesnt penetrate skin
<berndj> but: that page does have a safety section
<azonenberg> its corrosive but not toxic on skin contact
<berndj> poison by intraperitoneal route.  iow, don't eat it
<azonenberg> Yeah lol
<berndj> lol, LD50 at 1900mg/kg (the higher of two values)
<berndj> that's close to death by overeating
<azonenberg> 1.9 grams/kg? Yeah lol
<azonenberg> thats a LOT
<azonenberg> i dont even know if my entire bottle of solution is that much
<berndj> i guess treating everything as potentially harmful is a good idea, but on balance i don't think it's necessary to treat it the same way you treat piranha!
<azonenberg> i wouldnt use piranha in this lab lol
<berndj> at some point you incur more risk in trying to avoid the original risk, than from accepting the original risk itself
<berndj> (which i'm not saying you're doing)
<berndj> how closely can you control the layer thickness?
<azonenberg> Process control, especially on the tantalum oxide layers, is a sticky point right now
<azonenberg> i'm having trouble getting consistent good film quality
<azonenberg> Photoresist and other stuff i can spincoat fine
<berndj> and, can you produce a "clean" layer of Ta2O5 (smooth, mainly, and uniform thickness)?
<azonenberg> Over what area?
<bart416> mhhh, how hard would it be to dispose silver on acrylics
<berndj> over a square foot or so :)
<azonenberg> Not even close :P
<azonenberg> i've had trouble on 2-inch wafers getting uniform coatings
<berndj> what thickness do you typically try to deposit though?
<azonenberg> 50-100nm
<berndj> i'm just wondering if it's useful as a reflection-enhancing coating on optics (telescope mirrors)
<azonenberg> No, in fact the opposite
<azonenberg> its routeinely used as an antireflective coating on lenses :P
<berndj> its insolubility would be a boon
<berndj> antireflective vs reflection-enhancing is just a matter of film thickness :)
<azonenberg> Hmm, good point
<azonenberg> In any case i'm having trouble getting good yields with it
<azonenberg> tonight i'll actually be conducting some experiments with the goal of removing it from my process
<berndj> in fact i'm surprised they'd use it as an ANTIreflective coating - i'd imagine its "high" refractive index is higher than that of the lens material?  do you have any idea what its index of refraction is?
<azonenberg> 2.5ish i think?
<azonenberg> thats for bulk material though
<azonenberg> thin films may be different
<berndj> would 100nm count as "thin film"?
<azonenberg> but yes i think its higher than that of the lens
<azonenberg> Yes
<azonenberg> Submicron, generally
<azonenberg> as a rough rule of thumb
<berndj> still, it's an interesting idea; sounds like it's better than impossible to get hold of, it's water-insoluble, and good transmission window
<berndj> what sort of non-uniformity were you getting?
<azonenberg> First, pinholes in the surface
<berndj> local or global, specifically?
<azonenberg> those were local and went all the way through the layer but were tiny
<berndj> i think pinholes wouldn't be a problem for a reflection coating
<azonenberg> Then there were global thickness variations as well, probably due to viscosity of the solution
<azonenberg> i think i need to thin it down more
<berndj> more important would be if you could maintain thickness to within a dozen percent over a square foot
<azonenberg> A dozen percent? Hmm
<azonenberg> I'm getting visible color variations right now over a 2-inch wafer
<berndj> even if not, it would probably still be better than no coating at all
<azonenberg> But hopefully the process can be improved to the point that this goes away
<berndj> do you know that those color variations are due to film thickness variations, and not just viewing angle?
<azonenberg> They show up under microscopy from a straight-down angle
<berndj> you could expect circles of fixed path length-difference showing up
<azonenberg> and are consistent as i move around
<berndj> sounds like the film then
<azonenberg> these are theta-related
<azonenberg> streaks going from center out to the rim, slightly thicker or thinner than the rest
<berndj> oh right, yes, that does sound like what i'd expect from spin coating + too much viscosity
<azonenberg> Yes
<berndj> in fact i'm still surprised that spin coating works at all in giving a ~uniform film thickness
<azonenberg> I need to get higher purity ethanol
<azonenberg> to thin the solution down
<azonenberg> the stuff i was using seems to be contaminated somehow
<berndj> could ethanol evaporation be causing problems?  you'd have locally more-concentrated regions, which would be more viscous
<azonenberg> I dont think so, i got better results in the past
<azonenberg> there is a contaminant somewhere and i suspect my ethanol
<azonenberg> But one experiment was anomalous
<berndj> anyway, i don't think one can (easily) spin-coat a miror!
<azonenberg> i got the same result from using pure tantalumfilm with no dilution
<azonenberg> so either it wasnt as pure as i thought
<azonenberg> or there is another variable out there
<azonenberg> one i'm not seeing
<berndj> wait, how much water was in your ethanol again?
<azonenberg> i dont know
<azonenberg> The tantalumfilm is 16% solids by weight, the remainder is semiconductor grade denatured alcohol (which basically means ethanol+methanol w/ nothing else)
<azonenberg> I prepared a dilution of a few drops of this mixed with my ethanol
<azonenberg> Which is paint store grade
<azonenberg> i dont even have an msds for it listing the denaturants
<berndj> yeah, i imagine any water at all would cause partial hydrolysis
<azonenberg> Ooh, interesting
<berndj> disclaimer: i'm just parroting wikipedia and my other google results from the last hour
<azonenberg> you're thinking my ethanol is contaminated with water
<azonenberg> and that its hydrolyzing some of the stuff on contact without heating?
<berndj> something like that
<XgF> Water would be an especially cheap denaturant
<berndj> so there might be some tantalum oxychloride
<azonenberg> berndj: The results i was seeing were catastrophic though
<azonenberg> not a slight degradation in film quality
<azonenberg> there was no film to speak of
<azonenberg> It beaded up and didnt stick to the surface
<berndj> yikes
<berndj> it was that "flaky" looking stuff in your pics?
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> worse
<azonenberg> i pipette a ml or so of the solution (pure or diluted) onto a wafer
<azonenberg> spin at maximum speed on my spin coater
<berndj> oh no, the flaky stuff was your PR
<nathan7> oh
<azonenberg> before spinning it formed a nice thin layer over the wafer
<azonenberg> as i spin, i see it gradually thinning
<azonenberg> then radial lines start appearing
<azonenberg> (well before it hits the desired thickness)
<berndj> a sort of surface tension thing?
<azonenberg> so i remove power and spin down
<azonenberg> and i see balls of solution in a relatively random pattern across the surface
<azonenberg> some free, some connected by narrow lines of coated area
<azonenberg> the rest of the silicon was uncoated
<azonenberg> wish i had a photo but my hands had something on them and i didnt want to contaminte my camera
<berndj> sounds like a surface tension issue
<azonenberg> Agreed
<berndj> your "silicon" (or maybe more likely, the SiO2 covering it) didn't like the film
<azonenberg> hence why i suspected a contaminant in the film
<azonenberg> Since in the past it had worked beautifully
<azonenberg> I tried stripping native oxide in HF
<azonenberg> and coating immediately
<nathan7> quaternary ammonium salt might help with wetting
<azonenberg> that didnt work any better
<azonenberg> So i re-grew the oxide in heated 3% H2O2 (didnt wnat to wait a week for it to form on its own)
<berndj> can contaminants cause such gross changes in surface tension behaviour?
<nathan7> I figure it'd degrade to N2 during the oxidation steps
<azonenberg> verified native oxide was present by the water-droplet test
<azonenberg> and coated again
<azonenberg> still didnt work
<nathan7> :(
<azonenberg> after three or four tries it spontaneously worked
<azonenberg> i baked it, not wanting to risk losing a semi-decent film
<azonenberg> then after several tries got an ok-ish one on the back side
<azonenberg> But i have no idea what the variable was
<azonenberg> Some of my best Ta2O5 films were gotten by diluting with alcohol
<berndj> ethanol soaking up whatever impurities were on the wafer?
<azonenberg> the same alocohol that i previously thought was my problem
<azonenberg> I did an acetone rinse, then a native oxide strip followed by regrow
<azonenberg> not a full RCA clean but should have gotten everything but trace metals
<azonenberg> I'm now out of <110> wafers so i cant run any more tests of this type until i order another one from MTI
<azonenberg> probably next month
<azonenberg> In the meantime, i have these two wafers
<azonenberg> one with so-so Ta2O5 on both sides and the other without any oxide
<azonenberg> both coated in 5nm Cr and 1000nm Cu
<azonenberg> on the polished sides
<azonenberg> (one is double side and one is single)
<azonenberg> Going to do some KOH testing to see how well the CuCr stack handles it
<azonenberg> if the Cr improved adhesion enough i may be able to ditch the Ta2O5 entirely
<azonenberg> at least for shallow etches
<azonenberg> Also, Cr has virtually zero etch rate in KOH
<azonenberg> actually no sorry
<azonenberg> i was thinking Ni
<nathan7> the only etching would come from oxidation and stuff, I figure
<azonenberg> Cr is around 5nm/min - low but definitely nonzero
<azonenberg> KOH + Cu i'm told does react slightly
<nathan7> in an inert atmosphere it'd be zero
<nathan7> and yes, that forms cuprate if dissolved oxygen is there
<nathan7> again atmosphere screwing with it
<azonenberg> How would i go about removing said oxygen? :P
<nathan7> inert atmosphere, run the water over something reducing
<berndj> like potassium metal!
<nathan7> Yeah, that'll reduce your water too.
<azonenberg> lol
<nathan7> I figure H2 could help
<azonenberg> how about cesium :P
<nathan7> heh
<berndj> i hope you guys have seen that sodium party website
<berndj> H2 in presence of catalyst (Pt?): not a bad idea
<nathan7> Yeah.
<nathan7> Pd can absorb H2
<nathan7> and if you buy Pd, azonenberg, give me a little =p
<azonenberg> nathan7: Do i look like i'm made of money? :P
<nathan7> 0.3g will do, sir
<azonenberg> good luck finding anyone willing to sell you 300mg of the stuff
<nathan7> Yeah. I should try cocaine.
<nathan7> maybe it works as a catalyst.
<bart416> lol
<azonenberg> Lol
<bart416> what do you guys think about using conductive epoxy and then copper plating that
<azonenberg> bart416: For what?
<nathan7> that
<nathan7> I should try that
<azonenberg> I was considering it for via plating
<nathan7> that sounds viable
<azonenberg> :P
<nathan7> or spend ¬50 on a gramme of PdCl2
<azonenberg> Use something conductive, maybe silver pen or maybe conductive epoxy
<azonenberg> then electroplate up
<berndj> via plating: another interwebs research project that has so far frustrated me
<bart416> I'm considering it for making multilayer pcbs
<nathan7> PdCl2 is the standard way of doing vias
<nathan7> PdCl2, then SnCl2
<berndj> again, afaict palladium / platinum seem to be involved
<nathan7> then electroless plate it
<nathan7> and then electroplate
<azonenberg> If anyone wants to put some time into developing a non-PdCl2 based process for via plating i'd be interested
<nathan7> ¬50 for 1g of PdCl2, lasts a lifetime
<berndj> hmm... find a PCB manufacturer who'll let you scoop out a teaspoon of PdCl2?
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> I'm probably just going to end up asking a chemistry professor what's the best way to electroless copper plate something without killing yourself
<nathan7> Hmm?
<nathan7> electroless copper is just an aldehyde and a copper salt afaik
<azonenberg> Like i said i'll gladly collaborate if you guys want to test a process
<nathan7> I wonder if auric chloride or something would work as well
<berndj> collaborate, v., t.; we suggest random crazy stuff and azonenberg tries it out
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> nathan7, there's more to it
<azonenberg> I expect some degree of sanity to the suggestions
<nathan7> surfactants and things
<bart416> You need to keep the pH in check
<bart416> And most methods generate cyanides
<azonenberg> Oh fun
<azonenberg> Anybody see problems with silver ink + electroplating?
<nathan7> not me
<azonenberg> Do this before laying down photoresist
<berndj> i think some ppl in the homebrew pcb world do exactly that
<nathan7> bart416: cyanides, are used for electroplating
<nathan7> matte electroplating
<azonenberg> Then spin coat the board in PR, expose, develop, etch
<azonenberg> Actually, maybe do the PR first
<nathan7> I have gotten beautiful shiny Cu plates with CuCl2
<azonenberg> nathan7: CuCl2? Interesting
<azonenberg> How did you synthesize that
<nathan7> It works damn well.
<bart416> nathan7, I can do basic chemistry
<nathan7> I had some Cu(OH)2 left over from something
<berndj> HCl + H2O2 + Cu
<bart416> But I'm certain there is a better way than anything we can come up with
<azonenberg> Because CuxClx is a waste product of HCl:H2O2 etching of Cu
<nathan7> azonenberg: get CuO at pottery place
<bart416> I want something with chemicals I can buy easily without having to fill in 50 pages of paperwork if possible
<azonenberg> I have a pretty significant amount of it (though dilute)
<nathan7> hmm
<berndj> did you mean *pure* CuCl2?
<nathan7> etch PCBs with CuCl2/HCl(aq)
<azonenberg> And if i could plate it out onto vias rather than having to dispose of it as hazardous waste
<nathan7> berndj: (aq), acidified.
<nathan7> to a fancy green colour :D
<azonenberg> that would improve things
<nathan7> I use a copper anode
<azonenberg> I could certainly boil it down to a reduced volume
<nathan7> I dunno, I try to keep it somewhat concentrated
<azonenberg> the stuff i have is quite dilute because whenever i rinse Cu+ contaminted glassware (like etch beakers) i dump the first rinse in the waste jar
<berndj> nathan7, do you know what potential you need to maintain to avoid etching the electrodes?
<nathan7> I have a something big amount of transition metal waste
<nathan7> in the form of hydroxides, some carbonates
<nathan7> meh, no, all hydroxides really
<nathan7> berndj: unsure
<nathan7> I was just plating experimentally for solderability
<azonenberg> My waste right now is three big 950ml containers
<berndj> my teenage electrolysis / electroplating experiments always just ended up as a green/grey/brown sludge :(
<azonenberg> one (nearly empty) is HF based
<nathan7> well, teenage I am
<nathan7> and my electroplating seems to go fine (=
<azonenberg> one is HCl/H2O2/CuxClx/water
<berndj> which i now figure must've been Cu(OH)n
<nathan7> Acid, my friend.
<nathan7> You need more Hz
<azonenberg> and one is mixed solvent waste (acetone, IPA, ethanol)
<nathan7> Apparently CuSO4/H2SO4 works well too
<nathan7> but I have little H2SO4
<nathan7> fucking hell, a CFL
<nathan7> a *shitty* CFL at it
<berndj> the last time i tried to plate anything was to get even just a *little* Cu onto an aluminium laser pointer battery tube
<nathan7> Al..
<nathan7> Al is hell to plate
<berndj> didn't plate nicely at all thoughj
<nathan7> you need to do zinc first
<berndj> yeah, that damn oxide layer no doubt
<nathan7> before you plate *anything* onto Al, Zn first.
<berndj> but it "worked": i managed to solder something onto the tube
<nathan7> Al reduction is an excellent way to make metal powders
<bart416> copper plating acrylic sucks
<bart416> I've done a few attempts already
<nathan7> acrylic?!
<bart416> plexiglas
<nathan7> awesome
<nathan7> I know
<azonenberg> how do you do that
<nathan7> PMMA, acrylic, plexiglass
<bart416> azonenberg, as described above
<azonenberg> But its nonconductive?
<nathan7> all the on-plastic plating seems to use PdCl2 first
<bart416> yeah, that's the issue
<bart416> My film forms
<bart416> but doesn't stick
<nathan7> then they do electroless Ni
<azonenberg> ony plating methods i know of are electroplating, evaporation, and sputtering
<azonenberg> for metals
<azonenberg> and CVD for glasses
<azonenberg> then spinning for polymers
<berndj> azonenberg, i don't think this falls into your "sane" qualifier, but i was wondering if one could plate a pcb with gelatine or something, add bacteria, a mask, and a germicidal lamp
<berndj> would be interesting to know the vapour pressure of pcb materials
<bart416> Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
<bart416> We want a thin, flexible sheet that's conductive to electrocoat...
<bart416> *plate
<bart416> That we can later chemically fuse together in layers
<nathan7> What you trying to do?
<nathan7> also, transparent conductors, isn't there this cheapish ITO alternativ
<nathan7> e
<nathan7> Al/Ga/doped ZnO
<nathan7> err
<nathan7> I misread that
<bart416> nathan7, something that's probably far too complicated for you
<nathan7> no
<bart416> copper deposition on acrylics with non expensive chemicals
<nathan7> Al/ZnO, Ga/ZnO or In/ZnO
<nathan7> Ga is cheapish
<nathan7> and easy to deposit
<nathan7> (ever played with Ga?)
<bart416> Multiple times
<nathan7> you can probably electroplate your hand after.
<nathan7> or, polyaniline
<nathan7> ammonium persulphate, aniline
<nathan7> no idea where to get aniline for non-chemists
<bart416> I can get anything that isn't high explosive or highly radioactive
<nathan7> aniline, ammonium persulphate.
<berndj> i'd like a kilo of astatine please, thanks!
<nathan7> you have 8h to deliver it
<nathan7> most stable isotope
<nathan7> iirc
<nathan7> send 2kg, deliver in 8h
<nathan7> 1kg will arrive
<berndj> and a ready-cooked meal
<nathan7> =p
<nathan7> also a hazmat van will arrive
<berndj> good, i never like washing the dishes after i eat anyway
<bart416> astatine you say?
<bart416> Could probably do
<berndj> hmm, have you played with gallium, nathan7 ?
<bart416> lol
<nathan7> bart416: yes
<nathan7> berndj*
<berndj> did you get it on your skin and turn into the terminator
<nathan7> Yeah.
<nathan7> my gallium solidified recently
<berndj> just how *do* you get it off again?
<nathan7> soap, water
<berndj> i can't tell if you're pulling my leg :-/
<nathan7> on a piece of kitchen paper
<nathan7> rub well
<nathan7> does wonders
<bart416> Am I the only person who wears gloves or what? O_o
<XgF> kinda misses doing chemistry stuff
<nathan7> bart416: not for gallium
<bart416> I always wear gloves when working with chemicals or pure materials
<bart416> Even if it's only to avoid contaminating them
<nathan7> yes, that gallium was just for toying with really
<bart416> Bismuth is better for that
<bart416> (though not healthier :P )
<berndj> does bismuth also wet the skin?
<berndj> or what special properties are you referring to
<adc> anyone have a pudn login?