So i'd need that, $250 each for P and N type dopants
$250 for Silicafilm
Thats the min order (4 fl oz), if anyone wants to buy some subset of it off me feel free :P
4 fl oz for $250?
seems really expensive
thats what i was quoted before
And trace metal grade chems are rarely cheap
But you dont need nearly that much
bear in mind the 4 ounces of Tantalumfilm i got, well...
i've used maybe 2 ml of 250 :p
actually no
sub 1
So lets see - i already have PR
i can get TMAH and dopants
i'd need a furnace
i can evaporate aluminum
i can etch aluminum with HCl:H2O2
FEOL process needs something to align dopants to, so i'd probably put a sacrificial aluminum layer down and etch alignment crosshairs into it
Then spin coat N type dopant
Spin coat PR, HF etch to pattern the N diffusion
Backfill with Silicafilm, bake to diffuse dopant
Optionally repeat the process if I'm doing P+ diffusion anywhere (assuming P type wafers)
mrdata, a CO2 laser is at 10.6µm, so the smallest spot you could make would be of about the same order, if you had a very fast lens.  i think that's getting a bit coarse for what azonenberg_work wants to be able to do
berndj: Yeah
If i was going to do laser direct write litho i'd use UV
385nm or so
with a ~1um spot
Thats actually on the list of methods to research
lol, got a spare excimer laser lying around?
berndj: if i had one i'd be using it already
checks his pockets
I'm thinking bluray actually
diode laser
google "sam's laser faq" if MTI's prices are too steep
berndj: i'm aware of the site
yeah, you can make a N2 laser ithink, from aluminum flashing and air
azonenberg_work, do you really need 1200C to grow oxide, or do you need that only if you want it to grow quickly enough that you don't do it overnight
but i doubt they can help me with my problem with MTI's prices
berndj: it's quadratic with temperature i think, up to a point
let me look up the equation
dunno... for someone as disciplined as you, you could probably pull off a DIY Ar/Kr laser
berndj: i dont need a lot of power
100 mJ/cm^2 or so
is the complete exposure dose
how much coherence do you need?
bearing in mind that my die is well under that
I need a focused spot that i can aim
oh :(
that is relatively monochromatic
otherwise i was about to suggest the N2 laser
This is basically going to be a raster scan
when i say zero, i mean i dont need coherence at all
if you're willing to sacrifice some power, maybe
But it has t obe narrow
The plan is basically to raster scan the laser across the die
a ~1mm field at ~5um resolution is 200x200 pixels
blankign as necessary
just like those cheap laser projectors people mak
except the die is a lot closer
and the theta tolerance is smaller
wait, are we talking ablation or PR exposure?
berndj: PR exposure
ablation needs waaaay ore
ah, hence you need <400nm lines
But the spot size can be large as i am making what might be a projection mask rather than a contact one
I'm not projecting onto the di
its a mask (metalized microscope slide)
OT: i cut a section through weld beads i ran yesterday, and i'd like to etch them somehow so i can see the various zones.  suggestions?  I have HCl and H2O2, could that work?
(it's a crappy weld, but i want pics for my blog)
What is the material
mild steel
and whats the goal, show grain boundaries?
First step is to polish it
not necessarily even that, just to show the differences where crystals are smaller vs where they are larger
Re oxide growth rate...
polish - to what degree?  i suppose having filed it flat isn't enough :)