<Helldesk> Here we demonstrate that several defect spin states in the 4H polytype of SiC (4H-SiC) can be optically addressed and coherently controlled in the time domain at temperatures ranging from 20 to 300 kelvin."
<azonenberg> Helldesk: Hmm, i dont know much about SiC
<azonenberg> But that sounds interesting
<soul-d> evening  just finished first uv method pcb test project -> http://imgur.com/a/9T26z
<soul-d> much sharper tracks  probably 5>  <10 mill
<soul-d> had some grid problems with stupid package  not wanting to snap to middle of pads  and such
<soul-d> now i only need enough wires to actualy test it  :)
<azonenberg> very nice
<azonenberg> yeah, one of my roommates complained about smelling something from a pcb etch in his room - not sure how thats possible, its >30 feet away
<azonenberg> But to avoid any problems i'm halting etching until i finish my local exhaust setup
<soul-d> i use ferric chloride
<soul-d> but still use shed for all that stuff  altough getting cold
<soul-d> took 15 min  ofcourse could turn on heater and bubbler first and wait  10  / 15 min