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<soul-d> when you figure out other uses for tools you might think twice when to mention :) ->
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<West0n> How do you design the origonal exposure patern?
<horizontally> don't use transparencies not meant for laser printers in laser printers
<West0n> What program do you design the artwork in?
<West0n> And how do you make sure its to scale?
<Thetawaves> they have a 5 pixel design rule or something
<West0n> What program do you design the artwork in?
<West0n> And make sure the dimensions are correct?
<West0n> Paint doesent realy have a dimension tool
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<West0n> I am trying to use solidworks
<West0n> But I can't seem to print to scale
<Thetawaves> wait for azonenberg to nonafk
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<azonenberg> Thetawaves: I do the original design in Glade (the IC layout tool, not the GUI designer)
<azonenberg> Then i convert the GDS to a DXF
<azonenberg> and print that to scale
<West0n> Is glade free azonenberg?
<West0n> I'm guessing its not
<azonenberg> West0n: Freeware but closed source
<West0n> What can I use for simple designs?
<West0n> I only need a 8mm ring
<West0n> That's 1mm wide
<azonenberg> West0n: This is what I use, thats all i can say
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<azonenberg> That's a design I did in it
<azonenberg> a full 2" wafer of the comb drive I'll be making soon
<azonenberg> You are going to want to use vector graphics
<azonenberg> Autocad might not be a bad choice if you have it already and know how to use it
<West0n> What program do you print dxf's from?
<West0n> And does glade itself convert gds to dxf?
<Thetawaves> how much force will you get with that?
<azonenberg> Right now? (still working on this part)
<azonenberg> I convert DXF to PNG using QCad
<azonenberg> and postprocess in gimp
<azonenberg> then do final printing in gimp
<West0n> I know how to use solidworks
<azonenberg> The toolchain does need improving
<West0n> And drew a 3d drawing
<West0n> Can't figure out how to export it as something usefull.... lol
<azonenberg> eventually i want to feed the GDS directly into a laser direct write system for mask fab
<azonenberg> Thetawaves: No idea
<azonenberg> The goal is, first off, to build it successfully
<azonenberg> Doesnt even matter if it works
<azonenberg> being able to build something off the mask set is a first step
<West0n> Solidworks won't let me export in 1:1 scale for dxf...
<azonenberg> Hmm, strange
<Thetawaves> i think you should just use inkscape
<Thetawaves> or another good vector graphics program
<Thetawaves> hand draw it like the 6502
<azonenberg> That will work fine for simple masks
<azonenberg> the nice thing about glade is that it can export to standard formats like GDS
<azonenberg> and it supports cell based layout
<West0n> How do I print vector graphics with correct scale?
<azonenberg> meaning you can do hierarchal designs rather than flat
<azonenberg> Depends totally on your toolchain
<azonenberg> If you figure out a good way of doing it, let us know and we'll document it on the wiki
<azonenberg> the only way i know how to do to-scale printing is Gimp specifying physical size of the rendered image in the print set up page
<West0n> I'm gonna try google sketchup
<West0n> I think you can print to scale from it
<azonenberg> Do your own research for your tools
<azonenberg> I'd love to hear how it turns out but I don't know every tool around so i cant help you with everything
<Thetawaves> it would be better to laser->galvanometer->lense->wafer
<Thetawaves> convert dxf to gcode
<Thetawaves> run the galvanometers with the gcode
<azonenberg> Thetawaves: Thats the idea
<azonenberg> except it would probably use GDSII as the native format
<azonenberg> or GDSII to gcode
<azonenberg> But that's the ultimate goal
<azonenberg> I'm talking with a couple of folks now about it
<Thetawaves> GDSII to gcode
<Thetawaves> ?
<Thetawaves> sounds like a bitch
<azonenberg> Thetawaves: I might do GDSII to gerber and then make gcode from that, or run the gerber natively
<azonenberg> i dont know enough about the file formats to know how CAM friendly they are
<azonenberg> But what i do know is i am going to have a pair of galvos on a mirror assembly with a bluray laser bouncing off it (405nm, right in the middle of my photoresist's peak sensitivity range)
<azonenberg> shining onto a metalized photoresist-coated microscope slide
<azonenberg> the goal being a chrome-on-glass mask
<Thetawaves> are you going to make the galvanometer?
<azonenberg> it wont have alignment capability so i cant do direct write on the wafer
<azonenberg> And not sure, this is a longer term project
<Thetawaves> yes after some consideration
<Thetawaves> i WOULD be fun to build a galvo
<Thetawaves> it*
<azonenberg> how about one that does 2D on one mirror?
<azonenberg> So you can do x/y raster scan
<Thetawaves> procuring magnets could be irritating
<azonenberg> i'm not sure how that would be done
<Thetawaves> i would not attempt it
<Thetawaves> procuring magnets is always irritating
<Thetawaves> azonenberg, have you figured out a way to do 2d on one mirror?
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> If i had, i'd have built the thing already :p
<azonenberg> I was thinking some kind of a ball joint at the center of the mirror
<azonenberg> sprung to keep it centered
<azonenberg> then electromagnets on all four corners
<Thetawaves> no
<azonenberg> Why?
<Thetawaves> the electromagnet is the mirror
<Thetawaves> you have magnets on the outside
<Thetawaves> north/south
<azonenberg> Why does it have to be done like that?
<azonenberg> remember i dont need super fast panning
<Thetawaves> i'm no expert, but if you look at the way regular galvanometers work...
<azonenberg> its not like i'm trying to do realtime video projection etc
<azonenberg> i'll be doing a brief ~100ns pulse
<Thetawaves> you don't want to control two separate coils when you can do one
<azonenberg> then panning by a small amount and doing it again
<azonenberg> And the thing is, if i do 2 axis
<azonenberg> i will need at least 2 nad possibly 4
<Thetawaves> you're talking about 4 signals vs 2
<azonenberg> in fact, i almost wonder if i could do it with digital servomotors
<azonenberg> similar to how they do swashplates on RC helicopters
<Thetawaves> you probably could
<azonenberg> i just would like to make it a little bit faster
<azonenberg> And also more precise
<azonenberg> because i would like to have micron-scale positioning accuracy lol
<Thetawaves> you could probably do better with some belts and a high def encoder
<azonenberg> Probably
<azonenberg> Again, these are just ideas and i havent done any real research on it
<azonenberg> Right now i have more immediate problems at hand
<azonenberg> Like the 100-odd exams i need to have graded ASAP
<Thetawaves> <- machine tool enthusiast
<azonenberg> I want to get better at machining too, i'm competent but no expert
<azonenberg> thing is, i dont hav ethe time right now :(
<Thetawaves> what a shame
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