It's not all zeros - it just cannot access the bus.
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Also - question about the governor. When I run cpufreq-info it says "no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU". Do I need to compile a specific module?
Sure. Right now as I compile the kernel it gets too hot (even with the case on). Is there a simple hardcoded way to throttle the cpu?
Thanks, I'll grab that kernel.
there should be a cur_freq entry in sysfs
that is writable within a range
have a find.
You must be write about a dodgy kernel. find /sys -name cur_freq doesn't turn up anything.
i'd look for *cur_freq* actually
pretty sure it's not calle that.
also check /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor and /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
Hmmm.. nothing. I'm not the only one it seems. My console is crying "cooling: cpu cur freq is 0" "thermal_notify: trip_hot reached!" and "cooling: can't get cpufreq current operating point!"
get a real kernel.
i think jas built his kernels without cpufreq for a while, maybe he still does
cpufreq is unstable on vendor u-boots with bad DRAM configuration at boot, but we fixed that in ours months ago
Was hoping to compile my own but I'm having to hit Ctrl-Z.
Yes, this the latest jas kernel from his blog post yesterday.
Whew - has come down from 92 to 66.
Time to "fg" again...
Oops. Have to go - but that kernel you mentioned at neuro.axdf - I'm having trouble with the modules. What is the uname -r for that version of the kernel?
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hroth: i'm sorry, i don't recall
i think it had all the needful compiled in though
you can't get it to boot?
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No, couldn't get it to boot properly. It's working now with jas's earlier kernel with cpufreq off his blog. (hosted at miniand).
fair enough.
it might have a baked-in commandline that doesn't suit your setup
Still struggling with kernel compilation. I hadn't realized it could throttle the CPU *that* much... dmesg says: "cooling: cpu cur freq is 792 000 000; cooling: cpu max freq set to 792 000" That's a lot lower! Time to cross-compile...
crossing should be fairly easy. what is your host OS?
Yes should be fine. VMWare Player on an Ubuntu 10.04 (also have a 12.04) server.
One thing is interesting - all these kernels and none of them can read from EDID.
my $2 is still on the hardware.
different, if not broken
Yes. I was looking at the Freescale HDMI ref design (which may or may not be the same) and for the HDMI I2C connection it looks like they use the GPIOs. I wonder if I need to enable I2C via GPIO in the kernel... As you said, maybe they moved it onto a different I2C bus.
i highly doubt it
only one of the i2c ports supports HDCP, as far as i know
and on my board, that's the port they used (I2C2 on the chip, which is i2c-1 under linux)
EDID is DRM protected?
no, but HDCP depends on the DDC link
the HDCP engine on the chip takes over the i2c link from the host controller
Hmmm. So my V2.4 brethren may have trouble if we actually used HDCP.
which we never will, so.
that's assuming that they're using a different i2c port
there may be some other explanation.
it does suggest we'll have to figure out how to tell the difference between the revs from software, which doesn't strike me as fun.
I wonder if a better approach might be for me to load in the 1.65.4 Android firmware from Richtechie and look a bit closer at dmesg at boot.
afaik, they ignore edid entirely
and force either 720p or 1080p depending on user selection
Oh, interesting..
Well, if they didn't even design for it, I suppose I'll have to force things anyway.
yes, well. unfortunately the kernel makes it hard to force a video mode that isn't supplied by EDID
we might need to patch for that if we can't figure out how to get EDID up on your rev
but if we can, there should be a more elegant solution.
(?) passing through the videomode from u-boot seemed to work fine for me.
interesting. i've heard of problems.
My main problem was using that old u-boot that has nothing to do with the compiled one to pass through setenv's.
CEA modes might work OK, there's a table of those in the kernel somewhere.
video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24 worked well.
dmesg during boot responds: fbcvt: 1920x1080@60: CVT Name - 2.073M9
oh, great.
one more thing off the to-do list then!
and there's a table of them in the kernel
but there isn't an equivalent table for non-HDTV modes, even ones that are common in PC monitors like 1280x1024
so to set those, you need EDID
Oh, I see.
Yes, I have a 16:9 monitor.
i pushed a very similar patch to theirs to our tree ages ago
Thinking outside the box.. I don't suppose we could add some common VESA modes to mxc_edid.c?
yes, but i'd still rather fix the problem at the source
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Sure. I just find it rough when the designers themselves ignore EDID.
it's a bit crap, but as far as whitebox designs go, it's reasonably solid.
when I was working on linux for WM8505 based netbooks a few years ago, i found out that about half the machines in the wild had the SD card write protect line backwards relative to the other half
I just mean in some revision they could have taken over the i2c clk or data for some other purpose and they wouldn't care about it.
I think it's still a bargain for $69.
yeah, i don't know what the reason for the engineering change might be. maybe they just left off the parts to save cash. you've still got 3 SOT23 transistors next to the HDMI connector, right?
Hold, please.
it's a great deal. based on freescale is a great win. it's only the 3d/video support that's closed and consequently shitty
Those chips are very tiny. I'm assuming, yes.
yeah, little 3-legged things
(Are they on the same side as the CPU?
can't remember. probably.
they're on top when the board is in its sled
Yep, 3x 3-legged things.
so they haven't ditched the functionality.
it's just not working!
when you get a chance to get a scope on to them then can do some debugging.
Yes. After getting set up on the Bus Pirate first to look at the I2C I just realized it's the wrong i2c bus.
Let me grab my scope.
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Alrighty.. All set. What do you suggest I capture with the scope.
Just curious. Is anyone working on integrating the on-board bluetooth/FM radio?
BT works.
or so i hear
FM i'm not sure if the audio is wired in
so, the USB connector shield is a good place for your ground clip
i suggest looping some i2c access in the shell
then probing around those transistors i mentioned
the single transistor on one side translates SCL from 3.3 to 5 volts
and the pair on the other side push SDA between 3.3 and 5 also
You just want to make sure they are level shifting properly?
you should be able to see the bits coming past
i doubt it's the shifting that's the issue, but either there's a signal integrity problem, or it's the plain old wrong bus
ok. how fast is this bus supposed to be?
ok.. just perturb it with the i2cdump?
yeah. i'd do something like
while true; do echo Y | i2cdump...; done
hmm. no dice. It just streams "Error: Could not set address to 0x50: Device or resource busy" across the screen and there's nothing actually there.
They are all pretty much flat at ground.
the "device or resource busy" comes from not getting an ACK from the device, i think
hroth: is there any activity on the other pins on the serial header connector?
i think a couple of them are attached to one of the i2c buses
also, if you can try with the other numbered i2c buses, that'd be good.
Looked there too.. it says "I2C 3" on the cnx-software blog post but I don't see "3" on my available devices. I *can* i2cdump dev 2.
Boy, tried it on the header and there's nothing. I'll speak Bus Pirate to that exposed bus and see what it says.
Are there any headers or signatures for the EDID block?
if it's not coming up on your scope, nothing's doing.
um, probably.
but i2c idles high
so that suggests the pins are not being properly configured.
which u-boot are you using? it shouldn't matter, but...
Right.. I'm using jas's u-boot_multiboot.imx. The Bus Pirate does speak i2c so I can inquire 0x50 but don't know if there's a fast way to see if EDID is read out there.
do you have gpiodev on your system - is /sys/class/gpio present?
okay. so, we can try and figure out which SoC pin those i2c lines are wired to.
let me quickly clone the kernel source here so i can dig along
so... candidates for I2C2 SCL are GPIO_2_30, and GPIO_4_12
the latter is the default used by our kernel
the kernel pin numbering is different to the SoC bank numbering (sigh) so the number is (2-1)*32 + 30
which is 62 if today is a good day
so echo 62 > /sys/class/gpio/export, echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio62/direction, and echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio62/value
then if that was the right line the SCL output (single transistor side) will now be high.
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Got it.
and if that doesn't work... we might have to be a bit more creative
Dumb question - how do you know it is I2C2 that is the bus (say, instead of I2C3)?
i'm assuming that they're still using it because it's the only one that muxes with HDCP
Got it, again.
Give me a few minutes..
no rush :)
Actually, do you have the GPIO for I2C3 ? That's the one brought out on the serial header and I'd feel better with a known good to make sure my testing jig is working.
Those three are all possibilities for I2C3 SCL?
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It's only $69 but any idea on where else I might be asserting high... ? :)
if the iomux on those pins isn't configured for GPIO (which most are by default, i think, but not all), then that might not get you far
you could use the method i used to find the wifi enable GPIO - just set every available GPIO to high, then if that gets you there, binary search for which one you're looking for
for i in `seq 0 256`; do [set pin to output] [set pin to high]; done
that's the easiest way to find if any of these pins are set to gpio...
If I can echo the pin number to the console this might not require a binary search.
Not sure I have the hang of the algorithm there, though.
well, i did it with echoing and pausing between each pin
but if you just want to know up front if this is going to work, just set them all high and figure it out later :)
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Hmmm... 3, 5, and 81 didn't make I2C3 SCL assert high.
Let me check them all... after I compile my kernel.
Perhaps I'm not doing something correctly... but nothing happened. gpio0, gpio32, gpio171, gpio224+ didn't write but the others did and no dice.
then the muxes are set to something else.
it could be that they *are* set to i2c and that something is wrong in its initialisation or similar
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Well, I'll have to pack it in - but just continue the IRC and I'll check tomorrow on any other ideas you may have.
From the IRC log
thanks for the efforts, it's very illuminating
i (and all other users of that revision!) appreciate it :)
Not a problem; you guys are doing a tremendous job of making a $69 SoC dev board.
PS: Are there any logs/posts on that Bluetooth working? I haven't seen it in any kernel I've looked at.
you can get it chatting with hciattach
i haven't actually gotten any further than that, but that does work
it may be that we aren't configuring the pinmuxes though and that only worked with vendor u-boot, but that's highly unlikely
i think it's on ttymxc1 if you want to give it a try
I'll try that.
abrasive: do you need to compile a special hciattach with an 'rda' mode? I found a source download for that the other day
you do if you want to go above 115200 baud
but I haven't tried using it either in a generic mode or with the patched hciattach
i *think* it works fine with generic
it attached without error and read the BD addr
i couldn't get it to see my stupid ipod though
yay standards!
bluetooth is such a dog.
the more i learn about either bluetooth or usb the less i want to learn about them
also, the more impressed I am that things mostly work most of the time
i really like speaking native USB in devices though
abrasive: I could hciattach and read hci0 's address with hcitool ; but the Xubuntu Bluetooth Devices hasn't found a thing, including my mouse.
hroth: then maybe we do need this RDA-patched tool
or, there's some sort of GPIO enable we're missing
datasheet doesn't seem to imply any hard rfkill type feature
no, i don't see one on the pinout
and the coex signals are probably not used
given the wifi module doesn't bring them out
any hints in the hciattach code about radio enables or anything?
i haven't even unpacked the rar file yet
or the LDO_ON pin...
sorry for backseat driving here, i'm working on something totally unrelated :)
I think the LDO is for the FM receiver but it's hard to be sure
I'm just about to test run the graphical version of the debian installer
then I was going to poke around with bluetooth a bit
On the Kconfig for tcc_bt_dev it states: tristate "TCC Bluetooth dev Control power"; if you say Y here, you can control the power of the BT H/W Module.
their board might have a gpio used to power it on/off
i might have a poke when i get home too
awesome, their C file is commented in chinese, and less doesn't like that :)