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<abrasive> ?
<rz2k> we had a guy doing android around here
<rz2k> he will be interested in these links
<dgp> me?
<Juggie> you?
* dgp almost has working bt :)
<abrasive> almost is good ;)
<dgp> hciattach is talking to my hacked up version of the character device thingy.. it's the android bits I have to fix now
<abrasive> oh great!
<abrasive> can you see any devices with hcitool?
<dgp> Haven't tried yet. Need to fix wifi again first :(
<Juggie> dgp, you have 4.2.2 running on the imx6?
<Juggie> or mostly running
<Juggie> ?
<abrasive> asdfghzxc3tyu6yzdfghjkfghjkghjkbbmmi99p[]-=[0~~~ ./v\uio678tyuiop[\sdfghjkl;\./
<abrasive> oops
<abrasive> sorry, cleaning my keyboard.
<dgp> Juggie: 4.1.2
<dgp> Juggie: I stole the wandaboard stuff to bring it up
<Juggie> ah nice
<dgp> once I have 4.1.2 working enough that I can get paid by the client I might look at 4.2
<Juggie> is stagefright working?
<dgp> but they change shit all the time and don't document any of it.. so I might just use 4.1.2 for a while
<Juggie> 4.1.2 is good enough for a tv stick
<dgp> Juggie: it seems to all be working. UI is very smooth, I need to test video at some point
<Juggie> yeah i'm curious if you xbmc w/ libstagrfright support would do video accel
<Juggie> but mx player would be the first one to try
<Juggie> its hardware player is more robust then xbmc
<dgp> I'll try it at some point. :)
<dgp> all the vendor binaries are in there so it should work. I read there are issues with the wandaboard and video though
<Juggie> never heard
<Juggie> quick google turns up nothing
<dgp> I think it was on the cnxsoft site
<dgp> s/wandaboard/wandboard/
<rz2k> wandboard is itself one big issue. no bsp support at all.
* rz2k rants again
<dgp> Their source release is a bit shitty. They have a tool for doing the partition setup on an sd card copied from the freescale stuff and instead of fixing it to actually write the android stuff they put exit 0 in the middle of the script and they shipped a pdf with all of the dd etc command lines to do the job manually
<Juggie> lol
<Juggie> nice
<dgp> I'm just glad the rest of the android bits are mostly freescales stuff ;)
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<jas-hacks_> dgp: Did you get far with bt?
<dgp> I have a version of the tcc-bt-dev that RDA's hciattach seems to talk to
<dgp> I'm working on getting wifi working from source at the moment but I'll see if it actually works later today
<jas-hacks_> Does it use gpio 155 only?
<dgp> the ioctl that hciattach calls only toggles the "power" pin
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* rz2k got SECO devkit
<rz2k> this will drive 2 screens, ethernet and LTE as backup (pci-e module)
<rz2k> runs imx6q 2gb ram, 8gb eMMC
<Arnieisthebest> how hard would it be to get this to work on the gk802??
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<dgp_> Arnieisthebest: getting to the point were you have it booting and showing the ui should be easy
<dgp_> getting wifi and bt working is not as easy
<drachensun> rz2k do you know what the price is for those q7 modules in volume?
<rz2k> that is NDA, unfortunately
<rz2k> as SECO
<rz2k> ask*
<rz2k> they do answer
<drachensun> ok
<rz2k> and they are available to buy
<rz2k> (not like Technexion "it will be soon")
<rz2k> also that is the reason why I decided to go for seco
<drachensun> I like the concept of swappable processor modules and I think that is the smallest one I have seen
<rz2k> i really like the pITX board design
<rz2k> with SIM card slot
<rz2k> and USB on mini-pcie
<rz2k> also sdio on mini-pcie
<rz2k> not all x86 notebooks have that
<Arnieisthebest> but the wifi and bt modules should be included in the kernel source?
<drachensun> they are offering some other pretty powerful cards as well it looks like, well "soon"
<drachensun> well I guess the are available, just not in mini yet
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<rz2k> you mean omap?
<rz2k> they ship imx6 and tegra now
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<rz2k> drachensun: hows your business doing? you want to use q7 modules in tablet ? :)
<drachensun> Yeah, the omap5 sounds interesting
<rz2k> that would be a cool tablet
<drachensun> rz2k: Its going ok, always looking for the next big thing though
<rz2k> but TI said that they drop mobile department, no?
<drachensun> yeah, I was trying to get a Ampe A10 with the IMX running
<rz2k> so no android for casual users
<drachensun> part of the joy of a swappable module, if so you can switch back
<rz2k> I wanted to buy it other week too, and run our kernel (since the boards are probably the same just LVDS for LCD routed out)
<rz2k> ampe a10 is done by richtechie too
<drachensun> I had a lot of trouble trying to get Linux running, there are a bunch of GPIOs involved with the LCD
<drachensun> and the power management
<rz2k> no idea here, didnt check out what panel they use
<drachensun> so I got the IOMUX settings all figured out, but which one was which became the next problem
<rz2k> you should catch jas-hacks and abrasive, they did a programm for android, dumping the registers
<drachensun> none of the candidates matched any of the freescale dev boards, so they didn't do the usual thing of just copying a dev board layout
<rz2k> s/registers/memory/
<rz2k> all the iomux is in memory
<drachensun> I talked to jas and used this program
<drachensun> yeah, I got that part worked out, iomux matched
<rz2k> interesting
<rz2k> I might join you soon
<drachensun> but I couldn't figure a way to dump out which gpio line was tied to which peripheral
<drachensun> I tell you what, I'll buy you one if you want to dig in and see what you can figure out
<drachensun> you are in Russia right? It would be cheaper to drop ship one plus I can't ship directly to Russia unless you are a business
<drachensun> I'm not sure if the aliexpress folks have a special way to get around that
<rz2k> yes, our postal services are living nightmare
<drachensun> lol
<rz2k> thanks for the care, but I think I pick up one here, my boss wanted to try this tablet as part of the "imx6 checkout". first thing was me showing him the dongle, then I got seco stuff.
<drachensun> ok
<drachensun> its got a UART, very easy to access
<rz2k> same as on our dongle?
<drachensun> let me get it all back out, I had shelved the project
<drachensun> similar, I think the pinout migth be different
<drachensun> yeah, its only got 4 pins
<rz2k> actually, you should contact guy named chip3c, he is behind the richtechie/hiapad. when I posted in comments about what was the pinheader for, he posted pic from OrCAD with pinout
<drachensun> the gk has 6
<drachensun> wow
<rz2k> I tried to contact him, but no luck
<drachensun> I tried talking to richietech about paying for them to just finish the Linux parts or even designing a new custom tablet
<drachensun> they starting ignoring me, not sure why
<rz2k> it was long ago, though
<rz2k> I never got an answer from that email
<drachensun> I thought it would would work, I mean if Ampe/Sanei aren't even building the tablets anymore what is the risk in sharing code and letting us try and restart interest in the model
<drachensun> yeah, seems to be common they help then mysteriously just stop answering
<rz2k> yes, good tablet with linux/android dualboot and all the 3d stuff/codecs working would be good. and imx6 covers everything, I guess.
<rz2k> good for your business, I mean :p
<drachensun> hey, good for everyone
<drachensun> a lot of people want that device
<drachensun> quad core gets a lot more people excited
<drachensun> and once there is a proven market for Linux/ dual boot tablets
<drachensun> we can get the manufacturers to start paying attention
<rz2k> if we could add a mini-pci-e slot there with usb/sdio and sim slot, then it will kill sales of big guys
<dgp_> It would be nice if the chinese companies making this stuff would respect the gpl at least
<drachensun> dgp_ yes, and thats all we lack, just a kernel with the GPIOs assigned to the peripherals and this project would be running.
<dgp_> this project == gk802?
<rz2k> I have LTE module and also would enjoy LTE tablet around. Now my module is my notebook, and there are around mobile 3-4 devices with LTE support, and they are all pricy/total crap
<drachensun> rz2k: yeah problem with tablet boards, they never bring out features they aren't using because of the space
<drachensun> which hurts the industrial control, custom application market
<rz2k> I have an old tablet
<rz2k> renesas emma ev2
<rz2k> it had 3g on minipcie
<rz2k> was pretty ok :)
<drachensun> dgp_ I mean an extension of the gk802 to run with tablets as well
<dgp_> for tablets you might as well just buy a nexus 7.. its not crazy expensive and the chinese tablets aren't great IMHO
<dgp_> cheapy tv sticks are a bit different to tablets really
<drachensun> rz2k a lot of the tablets will have a 3G supporting variant but I haven't seen any imx tablets with 3G
<drachensun> of course there just haven't been many imx6q tablets
<rz2k> looks like in latest bsp for imx6 android they tested some 3g solutions
<rz2k> check the table
<rz2k> drachensun: send a guy in china to visit the hiapad office, they have address in the contacts
<rz2k> :)
<rz2k> they cant stay silent to real person
<drachensun> man, its been tempting
<drachensun> I actually did hire a guy who spoke Chinese to harass them on the phone but I think he has given up
<drachensun> now he is ignoring me too :)
<dgp_> drachensun: what info are you trying to get from them?
<rz2k> dgp_: drachensun wants to sell their tablets with some modifications and etc
<drachensun> dgp_ The pinout of the peripherals on the A10/N10 control board so we can boot a custom built Linux kernel on it
<dgp_> mmm they'll probably only speak to you if you are talking serious amounts of units
<rz2k> i think Neal can talk that amounts
<drachensun> and then sell them to people who dont want to hack it themselves
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<drachensun> yup
<drachensun> we had a crowdfunder before
<rz2k> it went ok, iirc
<drachensun> yup
<drachensun> this would be much bigger
* rz2k didnt participate because he was jobless student
<drachensun> first we have a little reputation and media contact
<drachensun> but mainly its a lot better device
<drachensun> and much more current that selling allwinner A10s
<drachensun> dgo_:
<rz2k> I would probably instabuy imx6 netbook with 10" screen
<rz2k> but that is probably only a dream right now
<drachensun> I think we could sell 5k unit in a crowd funder this time, and once source quoted 5k would open up production again
<drachensun> yeah, thats a smaller market
<drachensun> there are some reference netbook designs floating around though
<rz2k> i didnt see an actual one apart from Efika mx5 netbook and ARM chromebook :(
<rz2k> I mean supported ones
<dgp_> I guess the sort of work to design a board around the imx6 is beyond the limits of the "community"?
<rz2k> there are ton of chinese wtf products
<drachensun> rz2k yeah, there was an A10 netbook I was thinking about adding to the pengpod line up
<rz2k> why not?
<rz2k> you can design with freescale whatever you want
<drachensun> but I'm pretty sure they stopped making them for the lack of sales
<rz2k> you can even get a support
<drachensun> there is a lot too it though
<rz2k> (I asked some questions without a corporate email and get an answer)
<dgp_> rz2k: I don't know many people that could layout a board with that many layers etc
<drachensun> I have laid out Arm boards before, not as complex as the imx6q, its tough, lots of hours
<drachensun> lots of cost when you mess up
<drachensun> hell even the good tools to design them cost thousands
<rz2k> that is not that hardly hard, just needs really thousands of checks
<drachensun> I never got comfortable with the high end applications for designing and its been 3 years or so since I touched any of that, so yeah, hopefully its gotten easier if you know what you are doing
<rz2k> i was thinking about doing an imx6 board this summer, I can get couple of PCB runs for free at my job
<drachensun> really
* dgp_ has some BGA dragonball chips he needs a breakout for.. ;)
<drachensun> free PCB runs, that does save a lot of money
<dgp_> drachensun: even more so for more than 4 layers
<rz2k> I have some quota for month that I can use for R&D
<rz2k> it includes pcb if I will switch to electronics (probably I could say switchback to electronics, since I started doing linux after doing EDA for simple stuff for some time).
<drachensun> what does your company do?
<rz2k> robotics and entertaitment systems
<rz2k> custom ones
<drachensun> interesting
<rz2k> before I came, they did many stage systems including various MIDI/DMX stuff, combined with moving robotics and etc. it all used x86 for some reason, now everything is switching to ARM and they needed ARM community guys who can look up new stuff and help with brining it all up
<drachensun> see I think that custom, industrial control, commercial POS market could really benefit from low cost ARM tablets. Especially if there was a device with more GPIO available on headers they could plug up to
<drachensun> ok, so they are kind of coming around
<drachensun> yeah, all the industrial systems guys we have been talking with at PengPod move slowwwwwwwww
<rz2k> thats exactly why seco was chosen
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<rz2k> the pitx board has so many stuff, ready to use
<drachensun> how do you tell a guy, by the time your project is complete the processor will probably no longer be in production without losing the sale...
<dgp_> drachensun: why not have all that stuff on a usb board.. I have a board that works with any android device with usb host that has 4 uarts and about 10 gpios..
<rz2k> and these systems you describe are more commonly known as HMI, I checked some of them up
<dgp_> the single chip is $3
<rz2k> they all bring price to $2K
<rz2k> which is insane
<drachensun> right!
<drachensun> there is money to be made in that market
<drachensun> but I guess you have to be able to promise some longevity
<drachensun> which we are working on
<rz2k> it just easier to bring something with off the shelf stuff and glue it up, you will save $1.5K out of that
<drachensun> dgp_: Yeah, I'm thinking that will be the way it has to go
<dgp_> drachensun: the only things it doesn't work for is when you need to integrate with the android frameworks
<dgp_> for stuff like NFC
<drachensun> dgp_ since the market moves so fast, that way you can always offer access, just with whatever is currently available
* dgp_ is having a nightmare integrating NFC onto a tv stick
<drachensun> interesting
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* rz2k has a rule - never go android
<drachensun> I had found some German company selling NFC usb dongles
<drachensun> from a Linux boot it seems like it should be easy to work with
<dgp_> drachensun: they probably don't work with any of the android stacks
<drachensun> though yeah, Android would require a rebuild to add it in
<dgp_> drachensun: the nfc stacks in android are all tidied to a vendors chips.. and the only one that works well is the pn544 from nxp
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<rz2k> nxp is ok, i guess? I had samples from them coming freely when I did EDA stuff
<dgp_> If you want to use off the shelf bits you need to do everything in your application
<dgp_> rz2k: I get samples from nxp too, the pn544 is an nda'd super secret thing though
<rz2k> oh
<dgp_> and because it's of no real use to anyone but phone makers you can't get nice little modules with it on
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<dgp_> I actually requested an i2c sample pack from nxp a few months ago and now every few weeks 3 of a single part turn up in a massive package from DHL
<rz2k> they sent me with TNT post
<rz2k> but I lold when digikey sent me 50cm box in half a meter cube box
<rz2k> s/50cm/5cm/
<dgp_> yeah, they do that. They do samples for a lot of the semi companies and send stuff in stupid packaging
<dgp_> like two QFN chips in a massive box
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<rz2k> atleast our postal services cant fuck this up :)
<dgp_> have you ever managed to get stuff from TI?
<rz2k> only msp430
<rz2k> omap is market as weapon grade stuff, lol
<rz2k> marked*
<rz2k> usa cant export that to my country
<dgp_> Every time I request samples I follow the instructions for "independent consultants" and they always close the order 3 weeks later because they say I need to fill in the form as an "independent consultant" for exports reasons
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<rz2k> get a job at university or EE firm :) I used my university lab engineer ID for msp430 stuff and replaced university address with my home :p
<dgp_> I do bits of electronics stuff freelance .. I have no problems with other companies, just TI
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<dgp_> on the imq6 so I need to be changing pinmux settings or something to get gpios to work?
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<drachensun> dgp_ they have iomux settings to enable gpios
<dgp_> drachensun: yeah, it's ok now
<dgp_> I think I've worked out the bt finally
<dgp_> soldered wires to the QFN so I can see what their driver is doing.. :)
<drachensun> that works
<dgp_> I think the only thing I'm doing wrong is that I seem to turn the power off and never back on again ;)
<dgp_> drachensun: what works?
<drachensun> just eavesdropping on the existing system, its one way to do it
<drachensun> :)
<dgp_> well, I was getting pissed off with it and I have a logic analyser, so..
<dgp_> I now have a wire sticking out of the gk802 board :)
<dgp_> it looks like I just got the polarity wrong but otherwise I was doing the right thing
<drachensun> yeah, those things are handy
<dgp_> it's earned the $50 I spent on it many times over
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