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<dgp> jas-hacks_: the framebuffer issue you had is the same for android I think
<jas-hacks_> dgp: Interesting...
<dgp> I guess we need to diff the kernel trees and work out what they changed
<dgp> I wonder if it'll work with newer blobs
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<jas-hacks_> I tried the new blobs for X11 and I get the same results
<dgp> oh, so maybe this kernel will work with android 4.1.2
<dgp> does it work now?
<jas-hacks_> It boots up, I created a new gk802 board and patched it up
<dgp> it's just x11 thats broken so about the same situation as the android version of it
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<hste> jas-hacks_: tried your new kenel with debian wheezy armhf. with old kernel with 4.0.0 kernel : using plain xorg works for me on 4.0.0
<hste> jas-hacks_: [ 47.884] (EE) VIVANTE(0): internal error: GPU Ctx Init Failed
<hste> [ 47.884] (EE) VIVANTE(0): internal error: initExaLayer failed in VivScreenInit() is where it fails with 400
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<rene_> hey! is there anybody here who could help me? i'm having some troubles with putting the image onto the sd card of a gk802 mini pc...
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<van_pelt> Hello
<van_pelt> I'm trying to compile u-boot for gk802, and the kernel command line looks strange:
<van_pelt> Kernel command line: noinitrd console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 ip=off
<van_pelt> I've set #define CONFIG_CONSOLE_DEV "ttymxc3" (in gk802.h), and the sdcard has an ext4 partition
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<van_pelt> can someone please help.... where do the ttymcx0 and the jffs2 come from
<jas-hacks_> van_pelt: : your kernel is compiled with the default boot options
<van_pelt> so where could i change them?
<van_pelt> Your u-boot gives me the proper ttymcx3 and ext4 options
<van_pelt> The u-boot I compile gives me ttymcx0; so is there some place I need to change it?
<jas-hacks_> van_pelt: When you compiled your uboot which commands did you use?
<jas-hacks_> make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- gk802\_config
<van_pelt> yeah, that's the command
<jas-hacks_> make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
<van_pelt> arm-eabi-
<jas-hacks_> which kernel are you using?
<van_pelt> but otherwise the same
<jas-hacks_> and which uboot source?
<hste> jas-hacks_: tried your new kenel with debian wheezy armhf. with old kernel it worked ok,with 4.0.0 kernel : it failed, using plain xorg works for me on 4.0.0
<jas-hacks_> did you do a make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- clean
<van_pelt> No, i didn't
<van_pelt> let me try it
<jas-hacks_> hste: thanks, looks like a problem with 4.0.0
<hste> jas-hacks_: yes but only with vivante. plain works ok
<jas-hacks_> hste: what do you mean with vivante?
<hste> jas-hacks_: I got x running without vivante driver
<van_pelt> jas-hacks_: Still getting ttymcx0, after the clean
<hste> van_pelt: what kernel are u using?
<van_pelt> I have a question about that as well: does it take the kernel from /boot/uImage, or the one that is dd'ed to the sdcard?
<van_pelt> Both are the same in this case, though
<hste> jas-hacks_: Here is 4.0.0 with plain xorg
<hste> van_pelt: if u use one of the latest uboots it takes uImage from /boot
<van_pelt> Say, the latest from ?
<hste> van_pelt: that one is not in git. but its compiled and ready to be used
<van_pelt> I did try the multi-boot, and I don't get _any_ serial output from there
<van_pelt> So I thought I'd stick to the normal one.
<hste> van_pelt: did u put it in internal sdcard?
<van_pelt> Yeah, it boots up properly; I just don't get any serial output
<van_pelt> it = multi-boot u-boot
<hste> van_pelt: then I think its sth wring with the serial wires
<van_pelt> But I do get serial output with jas-hacks 'normal' u-boot
<van_pelt> so I don't think it's the wires
<van_pelt> Sorry for the confusion: 1. With jas-hack's 'normal' u-boot, I get serial output, and everything's OK
<hste> van_pelt: u could try this one
<van_pelt> what changes does this one have?
<hste> van_pelt: It's compiled from git. should use /boot/uImage
<van_pelt> console=ttymxc0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2
<van_pelt> still ttymcx0
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<van_pelt> hste/jas-hacks_: Are there any u-boot patches I'm missing?
<jas-hacks_> van_pelt: There's no patches
<van_pelt> Then I'm probably missing something....
<jas-hacks_> van_pelt: With multi-uboot, did you place a boot.scr file on the int/ext sd card
<van_pelt> yeah, and it boots up, but just no serial output
<van_pelt> I need to change the cmdline, and I thought the easiest way would be to compile u-boot with the changes
<jas-hacks_> for multi-boot when the kernel booted what was the command line passed to it?
<van_pelt> Don't know: it didn't show up in the serial console
<van_pelt> Let me boot it up again and check
<jas-hacks_> try dmesg
<hste> I think that kernel he use cut the start of dmesg. U could look into /proc/cmdline
<van_pelt> console=ttymcx3 root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootwait rootfstype=ext4
<van_pelt> ....
<van_pelt> so that's correct
<jas-hacks_> did you get serial out?
<van_pelt> this time i did get the beginning, and then some junk
<van_pelt> I actually booted up into xubuntu, and got the /proc/cmdline from there
<van_pelt> No serial console, though
<jas-hacks_> I'd check your serial connections
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<van_pelt> Got it: the multi-boot example didn't have the console variable set properly
<van_pelt> Now that I've added it, there's a serial console
<van_pelt> Thanks! :)
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<van_pelt> And you might want to modify the example on your blog, to add the line: setenv console 'ttymxc3,115200'
<jas-hacks_> thanks
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