I fixed an issue where 'o' Marshal.load objects should not call getConstant as it will search inheritance hiearchy (AS unit test failure where it finds wrong constant after a delete) and it will call const_missing
MRI basically does getConstantAt
So everything is happy Ruby-wise except Java integration
you know wait a second...I may be wrong here...give me a few...this is probably not a problem with magic constants
ah so that is what spec:ji is about
although I think we still may have an issue with magic constants if we load a marshalled string before accessing the Java class we are loading
kares: what I was going to mull over with you was the idea we should make JI objects use something else or not
This seemed like it would be so simple to fix and I even limited the change so only marshal load had the new behavior
I would argue we should constantAt for all uses with uncertainty that perhaps const_missing is useful sometimes
kares: so definitely the change for marshal to call getConstantAt breaks things and I suspect it is because we no longer will fire const_missing
kares: fwiw the specific bug I was fixing was not from firing const_missing but I noticed that const_missing never fires in MRI
kares: the problem I fixed was A::C and A::B::C where C from A::B is deleted....then an unmarshal of "A::B::C" gets "A::C" because getConstant searches down and sees a C vs generating an error
I can form-fit here for now and maybe add an explicit const_missing and fix the problem I was trying to fix while still maintaining us doing const_missing for Marshal.load
In the grand scheme I think I would prefer we do something more specific with JI objects and marshalling
going to quick try getConstant with inherit = false to see if all things pass
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kares: ok I think if I switch to useing c.getConstant(str, false, true) AND reinstate those NameError checks I can fix the issue I was trying to fix and make all tests pass but it will keep in place that our marshal.load will call const_missing while in MRI it wont...so I am hoping we can brainstorm a fix for JI so we can remove that incompatibility
hmm well I may have to retag on spec I fixed as well...part of all this is that we do fail to load() but we just raise the error differently
not sure how problematic it was, but the spec:ji only seem to have failed with the inner cases such as enum constants
esp. enums that have overrides -> get a Java class per constant
those, I believe, are now hidden in later Java so maybe they do not matter much
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disclaimer: have not looked into the failures much just a quick look earlier today
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kares: yeah so the problem seems to be that we need to const_missing on load but marshal.load should not
kares: My work-around I am trying is to only perform that in presence of Java objects (package/class)
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enebo: makes sense, we likely should only need to rely on const_missing for Java types
kares built it, enebo reviewed it, and I cheer-led
olleolleolle: just asked you guys about perf on the issue
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Apologies, I’ll click the logs link to re-read
olleolleolle: oh I literally just wrote it
olleolleolle: I do not know enough about puma to know where this object sets and how performance sensitive it may be but seeing that MRI has it as cext I think it might help
In some cases we can definitely do better as Ruby so it is difficult to know without someone running stuff
(I’m mostly interested in our test suites being able to run without hitch.)
olleolleolle: yeah that is a good goal :P
I don’t anticipate big changes in how it behaves. You both had some insight in a comment about massive IOBuffer + reuse of same. That that would remain troublesome.
I’m still excited about this upcoming Puma release.
olleolleolle: the possibility of a big backing array is outstanding but that certainly was done to eliminate allocation so probably helps performance quite a bit
Ah, trade-offs
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