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<venkatkms[m]> headius: Thank you so much. In the meantime with in a say or two let me try to verify the patch at my end. Also before that the debug trace command. Thanks again
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<fidothe> Hey again, I need to use a feature of SAX where you register a class that implements `org.xml.sax.EntityResolver`. I made a class, am doing the `java_signature`/`become_java!` dance and just figured out that what the SAX spec expects is a class name as a String, that it can then load.
<fidothe> Can I get a string that the Java classloader can use to load this class?
<fidothe> Do I need to make a for-reals .java file here?
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<fidothe> Following stuff on the Wiki (https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/GeneratingJavaClasses) I've tried `become_java!`and `become_java!(false)` without success
<fidothe> (looking for `rubyobj.MyClassName`
<fidothe> `irb(main):018:0> XmlAuditor::AuditorEntityResolver.become_java!(false)
<fidothe> => class rubyobj.XmlAuditor.AuditorEntityResolver
<fidothe> irb(main):019:0> Java::rubyobj.XmlAuditor.AuditorEntityResolver`
<fidothe> NameError (missing class name (`rubyobj.XmlAuditor'))
<fidothe> I'm probably missing something obvious
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<aemadrid[m]> what is the best way to deal with maven jars that are in a separate repo?
<aemadrid[m]> I played around with jbundler (discontinued?) and jar-dependencies and I could not get it to pull the one requirement from another repo
<aemadrid[m]> (I like having the jars in my gem instead of in the local .m2 directory)
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