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<fzakaria[m]> I am subclassing in Ruby a Java abstract class.
<fzakaria[m]> When I call `java_class` on it though it gives me the superclass (the abstract class)
<fzakaria[m]> Is there a way around this ? This is problematic since it's going to give instantiation exceptions.
<byteit101[m]> fzakaria: Hmm, that might be fixed with this patch that makes concrete extension work: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6141 I was using the java_class.to_s to check my progress implementing it I think
<fzakaria[m]> ah cool.
<fzakaria[m]> Thanks i'll follow that.
<fzakaria[m]> another offbeat question:
<fzakaria[m]> Trying to integrate some JUnit tests that expect the server to be started.
<fzakaria[m]> Anyone have a gist of starting a jruby-rack server programmatically or even just starting a rack server within a ScriptingContainer?
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