<venkatkms[m]> headius: How are you?
<headius[m]> as good as can be expected I suppose
<venkatkms[m]> Yea. This whole covid thing makes me hesitate to ask that question these days
<venkatkms[m]> We have been trying to go live with 9.2 and hit a road block. We use activemerchant gem and due to the tls min version set calls are not implemented in jopenssl it simply fails
<headius[m]> hmmm
<venkatkms[m]> I did see this reported in jrubyopenssl and it got closed...
<venkatkms[m]> With the link/expectation of netty based alternative reimplementation....
<venkatkms[m]> Which too got closed with pr declined
<headius[m]> can you link me that
<headius[m]> interesting that kares added it to the next milestone
<headius[m]> reproduces on master
<venkatkms[m]> I missed seeing that
<headius[m]> openssl is definitely one of our problematic libraries because nobody wants to touch crypto
<venkatkms[m]> Ok. Obviously this virus would have made him limited in his time
<venkatkms[m]> I would like to attempt contribute fix wise for this if this is within my technical reach
<venkatkms[m]> I am going to spend a hour on this today
<headius[m]> well this one appears to be happening in ruby code
<headius[m]> min_version= is defined in ssl.rb
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<headius[m]> that's where it's trying to call set_minmax_proto_version on SSLContext but we don't have it
<venkatkms[m]> That set min max thing we donโ€™t have
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<headius[m]> right
<headius[m]> why was this ok on 9.1?
<headius[m]> for you I mean
<venkatkms[m]> This min version was introduced in 2.5 ruby I think
<headius[m]> ah that could be
<headius[m]> I'm not sure when the .rb files were last updated either
<venkatkms[m]> Meaning this needs some code regen?
<headius[m]> well, meaning nothing really, I just noticed the file is prefixed with "jopenssl23" which means it's from Ruby 2.3
<headius[m]> that may not have any impact on this because the missing method is in native code
<venkatkms[m]> In case I attempt this, this about locating the corresponding functionality in java side?
<venkatkms[m]> I can attempt that?
<headius[m]> that's the file
<headius[m]> whatever this set_minmax thing does would go in there
<headius[m]> the Ruby code is here...
<headius[m]> I mean the CRuby code
<venkatkms[m]> Sure
<venkatkms[m]> Let me try that
<headius[m]> it's not a very big method
<venkatkms[m]> Sure
<venkatkms[m]> I will attempt. At least can provide a crude first cut and get the tests passed. You were only mentioning about ssl tests in jruby the other day in a tweet
<venkatkms[m]> For payment transactions setting min version expectation is a important practical need. Activemerchant is a important gem to support
<headius[m]> it may be as simple as just translating this into the right version set on whatever our SSLContext uses
<headius[m]> I don't know of any reason we can't support this, it's just not there
<venkatkms[m]> Sure
<headius[m]> I mean really of that C code this is the only important part:
<headius[m]> it's pretty much just set the version info into the SSL engine
<venkatkms[m]> Sure
<venkatkms[m]> Take care. Sorry if I interrupted you
<headius[m]> no worries, what else do I have to do ๐Ÿ˜€
<headius[m]> I'm actually working, just going through unresolved bugs from the past few months
<headius[m]> oh did you see my comment on your fixnum.cache bug?
<headius[m]> I can't repro with latest racc running its tests
<venkatkms[m]> We will also verify that indy patch ourselves first. Team wanted to get 9.2 first
<venkatkms[m]> We will provide more info on that also
<headius[m]> ok
<headius[m]> I hope you and yours are doing ok over there
<venkatkms[m]> I will attempt to see if i can get someone to put 10 hours a month regularly doing at least simple triaging contrition to ruby.
<headius[m]> that would be a big help, just to trim down the backlog
<headius[m]> I'm reluctant to just mass close things that are old, because I feel like known bugs should remain open
<venkatkms[m]> You had mentioned it. It is the right long term approach but adds to your work load
<venkatkms[m]> All are doing reasonably ok here. Thank you
<venkatkms[m]> My 10 year old daughter was just standing next to me and not knowing what jruby is commented ruby is a girls name and j is a boys name. I guess that is very interesting as jruby adds some masculine power to beautiful ruby
<headius[m]> hah that's pretty good
<headius[m]> you can tell her the name of the mascot/logo is "Jay Ruby"
<headius[m]> the worst part of bug triage is all the stuff you find that you really don't want to work on... today it's File.fnmatch edge cases
<headius[m]> it's like exercise... you know it's good for you but you'd rather not
<headius[m]> I think I'm going to call it a day
<headius[m]> only a few pages of bugs left before I've reviewed every open bug updated in the past three months
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<kares[m]> yeah, sorry I did not have time as planned to work on 9.3 as well as handle some jossl issues I marked for next mikestone ...
<kares[m]> venkatkms supporting AM is definitely a no brainer for JRuby, sorry things broke ... in 2.5 a detailed issue report on how its being used could be helpful
<kares[m]> as well as a PR :)
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