the exception should be propagated out as a RaiseException, which is not a a checked exception (i.e. javac won't yell at you if you don't handle it)
so if you catch org.jruby.exception.RaiseException you'll capture just about anything that might bubble out
oops that's org.jruby.exceptions (note the plural)
there are also Java subclasses for most of the core Ruby exceptions, like org.jruby.exceptions.NameError or StandardError or what have you
you could try to catch (Throwable) and see what it is
I'm confused why it's not a RaiseException but now I'm thinking perhaps the ScriptingContainer API wraps it with something else
(that API was created a long time ago, before we had a nice set of Java exceptions to raise)
I don't see anything that would be re-wrapping it
hedius[m]: Yeah we did :) Probably timezone?... I will try to create the PR...let's see how it goes from there...
valphilnagel: I'm here now!
I haven't done the fork and PR.. let me do that and you can see the changes
rabidmonk: this is the API we recommend for embedding
the alternatives are using javax.scripting, which is pretty limited as an API, or using JRuby's internals directly
rabidmonk: aha, so it does rewrap it
you should be able to catch that exception and then unwrap it to get the actual cause
thank you headius I'll play around with this more
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Hi headius[m], I just found out the OpenJFX component only works on Java 11 onwards... for JRubyFX, what's the minimum Java version ? Java 8 ?
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valphilnagel: so I assume your changes will require moving to the OpenJFX packages, yeah?
headius[m] I tried to compile jfx source code in Java 1.8, it failed with message :FAIL: java version mismatch: JDK version (1.8.0_252) < minimum version (11)
It seems the OpenJFX is based starting from Java 11 onwards... I don't know how it affects the JRubyFX direction...
JRubyFX is a very helpful library for me to develop some desktop app...
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headius: speaking of jrubyfx, I'd love to get feedback on this PR so I can drop most of the fxmlloader in favor of the native java fxmlloader once it's merged: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6141
byteit101: I have it in my queue to look at, will try to do that today
Awesome, thanks! I know it probably needs some more work, as per my questions at the top of it, but those are things I couldn't really answer myself