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new kodi!
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I'd like to use smartctl on libreelec to monitor the health of the disks. Is there a simple way of making it either (1) send email, or (2) show alerts directly in kodi ?
hijacker has joined #libreelec
If smartmontools are included for your platform, you should have smartd, which can send mails
oh, nevermind, the package includes smartctl but not smartd
Yeah, probably needs an MTA of some kind.
Well. and a lot of things.
I wonder... Is it unwise to try to install some arm-based debian on some container/namespace ?
So I can have all the things I need
I really like LibreeElec, but I miss also tons of usual debian stuff
sunn1 has joined #libreelec
I plan on using debootstrap to prepare some arm debian install, copy it over to the sdcard, and launch it inside a private mount/pid/user/net namespace
Dunno if that'd works, but sounds like it's worth trying
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I'm pretty sure that'd work, but what I don't know is if that's considered a "heresy" and/or conflict with some libreelec update/maintenance scripts, etc
ghostcube has joined #libreelec
yep, it worked
(need a little "elbow oil" but that's all)