ChanServ changed the topic of #lima to: Development channel for open source lima driver for ARM Mali4** GPUs - Kernel has landed in mainline, userspace driver is part of mesa - Logs at and - Contact ARM for binary driver support!
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<anarsoul> yuq825: hi, looks like rellla found misrendering issue with growing heap enabled
<anarsoul> <rellla> setting to 85 and above lets appear "artifacts" in the result, which shouldn't be there.
<yuq825> ok, i see, then we may consider disable growheap by default for now
<anarsoul> yeah, probably, turn 'nogrowheap' flag into 'growheap'?
<yuq825> yes
<anarsoul> I guess we're missing cache flush or tlb flush somewhere
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<rellla> disabling growheap exposes other issues though like kernel errors again
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<rellla> to confirm it, disabling growheap makes dEQP-GLES2.functional.color_clear.* pass - with out kernel errors.
<anarsoul> :(
<rellla> with growheap 3 tests fail.
<rellla> and they fail in a flaky way. depending on which test subset is executed
<rellla> long_masked_rgb for example succeeds when executed within the complete color_clear.*, but fails when run as single test
<rellla> indeed smells like some missing flush or sth related
<anarsoul> rellla: if you run tests in batches heap likely grows in previous test
<anarsoul> so subsequent test passes (it already has large enough heap)
<anarsoul> rellla: I checked kernel driver and it does l2 cache flush and tlb invalidation
<anarsoul> :q
<anarsoul> oops
<anarsoul> yuq825: how do we make sure that heap bo doesn't overlap with other BOs?
<yuq825> in GPU VM space?
<anarsoul> yes
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<yuq825> we give it a max 16M size, VM will reserve 16M space for it from the beginning
<yuq825> then we append real mem when fail
<anarsoul> I see
<anarsoul> from what I can tell lima does exactly the same as mali kernel driver
<yuq825> how about add another flush after vm updated and before resume?
<yuq825> now we just flush after fail and before vm update
<anarsoul> but blob doesn't do that?
<yuq825> yes
<yuq825> sorry, no
<anarsoul> yuq825: I guess we can try allocating heap_size + 1 page, while specifying exactly heap size to the GPU
<anarsoul> i.e. GPU VM will have extra page mapped
<anarsoul> maybe there's GPU bug and 1 write may be lost if page is not here
<anarsoul> I'll try implementing that tomorrow
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