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* bashintosh is looking for ways to trick the kernel to "detect" less physical RAM than what's actually available on the hardware..
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<amstan> bashintosh: oh, that should be easy
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<amstan> bashintosh: similar to that
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<amstan> bashintosh: you just have to reserve a bunch of memory
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<bashintosh> amstan: did I tell you that you're the man? :) So that region of reserved memory will not be used?
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<amstan> bashintosh: i think so yes
<amstan> we used that to workaround a bug where a small memory region couldn't be DMAd to, so we just called it invalid for everything to make it easy
<bashintosh> amstan: Magic! I need to "simulate" a 1GB RAM environment (RK3288), where 2GB physical are available - will give a try to the patch. Thanks!!
<amstan> bashintosh: so replace that region from that patch with 0x80000000 0xffffffff
<amstan> wait.. no.. 0x800000000x80000000
<amstan> 0x80000000 0x80000000
<amstan> it's start length, not start end
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<bashintosh> amstan: the second value in the patch (0x1000000) is the lenght right? So should it be 0x80000000 as start region then 0x40000000 the lenght (~1GB)?
<amstan> bashintosh: 0x40000000 for both actually
<bashintosh> amstan: gotcha!
<amstan> i tought you wanted to go from 4GB to 2GB, you need 2->1
<bashintosh> Yes 2->1GB - let's see what happens ^_^
<amstan> why are you doing this btw?
<bashintosh> because I want to see how Lollipop performs with only 1GB of RAM, but I don't have a device RK3288 based with 1GB so I thought about "simulating" instead..
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<bashintosh> amstan: in theory Lollipop should handle 1GB pretty well compared to KitKat..
<amstan> hmm
<amstan> ok
<amstan> bashintosh: what device?
<amstan> that display is nice, but if you run it with arm it'll be really slow
<amstan> and i don't understand why something like that needs to be modular
<amstan> is that rk3288? it says 1.5GHZ, 3288 runs at 1.8
<bashintosh> amstan: why slow? RK3288 supports even higher resolutions, up to 4K
<amstan> at 4k you barely have the ram latency to do anything else but move the pixels around
<amstan> bandwidth*
<bashintosh> amstan: some downclock it to 1.4GHz even. Heat is a concern, so for now 1.5GHz seems like a good tradeoff
<bashintosh> well I have the 2k display right here and so far so good in terms of performance - with 2GB of RAM - that's why I want to try 1GB :)
<amstan> you should do some memory speed tests when running at 2k vs 1080p
<amstan> and see the difference
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<bashintosh> mmh, good tip - might not be so bad - been playing 4k videos with no trouble so far, but I got eDP running properly just last week so still in the works.
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<bashintosh> amstan: mmh, /proc/meminfo reports the same values with/without patch - should I see a difference there after I apply the patch?
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<naobsd> bashintosh: which loader and kernel config are you using?
<bashintosh> naobsd: u-boot and default Firefly config with minor customisations
<naobsd> any detail?
<bashintosh> not using VGA/HDMI, using debugfs and USB-gadget and EHCI support disabled - I think that's it
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<naobsd> well, detail about "u-boot" and "default Firefly config with minor customisation"
<naobsd> any specific information?
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<naobsd> ah, lollipop image...
<naobsd> bashintosh: please forgot previous questions. how did you update dtb?
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<bashintosh> naobsd: I rebuilt the whole kernel :) then flashed resource/kernel
<naobsd> bashintosh: are you sure boot partition doesn't have kernel and resource?
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<bashintosh> naobsd: I've used ' withoutkernel' the first time I build the SDK - changes to kernel/DT do take effect when I flash kernel/resource (verified with different clocks init freqs for example)
<bashintosh> s/build/built
<naobsd> hm. then, sorry, no idea...
<bashintosh> :) thanks anyway
<bashintosh> I wonder what reads the "reserved-memory" node from the DT - maybe it's currently ignored :(
<naobsd> I cannot find any memory node in firefly dts
<naobsd> I guess it's detected & modified by u-boot
<bashintosh> right - I noticed that too - seems to be only in the DTS that amstan pointed me to - trying to find the full source file
<naobsd> you're trying 3.10 kernel, right?
<naobsd> in lollipop sdk
<bashintosh> yes, correct
<bashintosh> I can try on KitKat instead..
<naobsd> I think reserved-memory is not available
<bashintosh> mmh, in v3.10 you mean?
<naobsd> we're talking about 3.10
<naobsd> anyway, I'm not sure, it needs confirmation
<bashintosh> naobsd: I guess you're right - I run "grep -RnisI --color=tty reserved-memory *" in the kernel root directory, which only returned the patch I just added :(
<bashintosh> reserved-memory seems to become available from 3.15 onwards - so no 3.10:
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<bashintosh> naobsd: amstan adding "mem=1G" to the kernel parameters did the magic ^_^
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<Guest30758> does anyone here have access to a recent version of the rockchip linux NAND driver patch?
<Guest30758> (apparently labelled "[RK292X&RK30&RK31&RK32_ANDROID-SDK] linux-nand-driver_Patch_V2.8" or similar according to previous logs of this channel)
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<lautriv_> just had a look on the wiki how rockchips kernels differ and supposed to be build, the "rm -rf $INSTALL_MOD_PATH" is redundant since make modules_install cares about actual content.
<lautriv_> and ...
<lautriv_>': SSL certificate problem: certificate is not yet valid ???
<lautriv_> nvm, my host has wrong time :P
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<lautriv_> need some suggestions on the kernels config. my box is about 80% radxa but differs on some details, especially larger Flash/RAM and probably some GPIO, thingie is a tv-box may i go rather for the rk3188_Tronsmart_MK908_galland_defconfig or maybe rk3188_dongle_defconfig ?
<rperier> if you want to lose weight, I have better than a diet... just read a clktree driver for a soc inside the kernel... :D (I am reading the clktree driver for zynq , for my needs at work... sweet baby jesus...)
<rperier> :D
<rperier> (it's a metaphor of course)
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<mmind00> rperier: yeah, clock drivers are fun ;-)
<rperier> especially when you refer all your clocks by "<&clkc ID>" from the devicetree, it's very helpful :D
<rperier> (well, clock-names is supposed to help yes... )
<rperier> something like the rockchip kernel is nice, because you use macro-like constants
<naobsd> Orion R68 rk3368 box was arrived
<naobsd> there are kind UART2 TX/RX mark on board
<naobsd> mmind00: is somewhat-stable good for rk3368 too?
<mmind00> naobsd: of course, but there aren't any differences between mainline and my dev-branch for the rk3368 currently
<naobsd> I see, thanks
<naobsd> I have to prepare somewhat working dts at first ;)
<mmind00> naobsd: I'd guess they'll have followed the reference layout, so it should be very similar to the r89 (except that your board is nearly square)
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<naobsd> I guess so
<mmind00> naobsd: mainly look if a real pmic magically appeared ;-) ... on the r89 it's just a syr82x for the cpu and some gpio-controlled switches
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<naobsd> hmm, on stock kernel,
<naobsd> only regulator-dummy, vdd_arm, and vdd_logic are available...?
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<naobsd> oops. Orion R68 SDK must be very w.i.p. state...
<naobsd> anyway
<naobsd> diff -u rk3368-box-r88.dts rk3368-box.dts shows very little difference
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<naobsd> power key, dwc power, led
<naobsd> mmm, r88.dts in Android sdk says dwc power gpio is active low...
<naobsd> mmind00: is dwc power gpio really active high on r88?
<mrutland> naobsd: I was able to get v4.3-rc1 happily running on an Orion r68 meta using the r88 dts and mmind00's clock patch.
<naobsd> mrutland: oh
<mmind00> naobsd: as I'm booting my rootfs from an usb stick currently, I guess so :-)
<naobsd> yes, it should work
<naobsd> dwc host might be always on on r68
<mrutland> The UART2 pins are standard 115200n8 TTL
<naobsd> mmind00: android sdk dts says "gpio0 4" is host, "gpio0 5" is otg, both active low
<naobsd> mmind00: but mainline r88.dts says both are "gpio0 4"
<naobsd> I guess it's different board(rev?)
<naobsd> anyway, minor difference for r68
<mmind00> naobsd: according to my schematics, gpio0_4 is host_vbus_drv ... gpio0_5 just connects to TP703
<mmind00> naobsd: and the vcc_host_5v coming form there connects to both usb ports the r88 board has
<naobsd> mmind00: probably dts in android sdk is for different board or rev
<mrutland> naobsd: It's also possible that it's wrong in the android SDK -- connecting OTG to my board with the stock kernel killed the board each time...
<mrutland> Though I haven't tried that with mainline, so it could be wrong there too :/
<naobsd> mmm I have to attach TV and mouse to use "su" on stock android... ;)
<lautriv_> naobsd, no UART ?
<mrutland> naobsd: If you power it on while holding the reset button, you'll get a root shell on the UART
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<naobsd> well
<naobsd> I know well about how android works
<naobsd> UART works of course
<naobsd> if you're using user build (released ver.) firmware, shell on console is not root
<naobsd> and when type "su", superuser app asks grant it or not. this is the reason I have to attach TV/mouse
<naobsd> and if holding button for loader mode while power on, and only if OTG is not connected, it goes recovery mode which gives root shell on console
<naobsd> mrutland: if your R68 is 100M ether ver, this should solve OTG crash
<mrutland> naobsd: Ah, thanks for the pointer!
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<naobsd> hmm, interesting, SD card is working if I removed UART2 RX/TX wires w/o reboot etc
<naobsd> ok, my box seems fine
<naobsd> let's start hacking :)
<lautriv_> naobsd, had this happen when i started on this box, appears to be sensible to ground-loops.
<naobsd> lautriv_: sorry, I'm not sure what's "this"
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<sanjay85> hi
<sanjay85> naobsd> are u there ? :)
<lautriv_> naobsd, the wire from USB via ftdi to your pins has a specific lenght where the GND is put on the host, the PSU has another wire and is not conducting GND to the host, one more wire via USB/OTG may produce a hovering signal because the different resistance of those lines.
<naobsd> sanjay85: hi
<naobsd> lautriv_: I don't have any problem
<lautriv_> naobsd, except the SD when UART plugged
<sanjay85> how are you ?
<sanjay85> i just have a question
<sanjay85> i'm very sorry for disturb
<sanjay85> is there a way, to have a "volatile" partition ?
<sanjay85> because mmcblk0 is volatile
<sanjay85> i can write a file
<sanjay85> execute
<sanjay85> without any error
<sanjay85> but when umount / mount
<sanjay85> nothing
<sanjay85> i can format, it's working, then when mount, file is coming back
<sanjay85> i mount /system, copy debugfs, into /system
<sanjay85> i can execute debugfs
<sanjay85> when umount, mount => debugfs disapair
<sanjay85> same as e2fsck, repair all error, then when re-execute e2fsck, exactly same error inode
<sanjay85> it's like volatile
<naobsd> lautriv_: I'm talking about rk3368 now, no problem
<naobsd> sanjay85: technically possible, but I guess it's just defected
<sanjay85> so mmc is dead
<sanjay85> hardward
<sanjay85> hardware
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<naobsd> just my guessing, not sure at all
<naobsd> oops
<sanjay85> ok
<sanjay85> thank you
<naobsd> somewhat-stable is somewhat booted...but I have to modify cmdline ;)
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<sanjay85> ok
<sanjay85> can you explain me quickly somethink
<sanjay85> when i wrote
<sanjay85> on sdcard
<sanjay85> d if=idb_sector_0.enc of=${DEV} conv=sync,fsync seek=64
<sanjay85> etc
<sanjay85> i can boot with sdcard
<sanjay85> but only recovery and rockchip loader
<sanjay85> is there a way to see /system into sdcard ?
<sanjay85> i really like kernel and system is not in sdcard, if i want to modify kernel and fstab for /system into sdcard
<sanjay85> i can mount anything from sdcard
<naobsd> sanjay85: hard to explain with few words...a lot of things should be done
<sanjay85> just wan't to know the start ?
<sanjay85> from where i must start ?
<naobsd> sanjay85: I think there is no quick start guide for it
<sanjay85> ok
<sanjay85> :(
<sanjay85> thank you
<naobsd> mrutland: which CMDLINE are you using for mainline on R68?
<naobsd> mmm earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0xff690000 should be ok...
<naobsd> ah, ok, console now works
<naobsd> [<ffffffc00053a328>] clk_set_rate+0x20/0x50
<naobsd> [<ffffffc000486fd4>] rk_gmac_probe+0x468/0x56c
<naobsd> mmm
<naobsd> I should try linux-next...
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<mrutland> naobsd: You need mmind00's clock patch, or it hangs early due to a required clock being turned off
<mrutland> I used that with mainline, and with the right drivers enabled I was able to get an NFS rootfs loaded
<naobsd> ah somewhat-stable doesn't have it... but linux-next should have it now
<naobsd> trying...
<mrutland> With that patch even an empty command line is sufficient to get a console (but for earlycon you at least need "earlycon" without arguments)
<naobsd> mmm
<naobsd> I can see oops, console is fine
<naobsd> rk_gmac-dwmac ff290000.eth: cannot get clock clk_mac_refout
<naobsd> Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address fffffffffffffffe
<naobsd> PC is at clk_set_rate+0x20/0x50
<naobsd> let's disable gmac for now...
<mrutland> That's with next? I didn't see that with v4.3-rc1
<naobsd> now I'm trying linux-next 20150916
<naobsd> mmm
<naobsd> gmac is still try to attach...I remove it from dts :(
<naobsd> my operation might be wrong...
<mrutland> For reference my dmesg looked like
<mrutland> and the r88 DTB
<mrutland> (in this case I didn't pass a command line, hence the lack of rootfs and the panic, but it did work if I told the kerenl to try)
<naobsd> mrutland: thanks
<naobsd> ah
<naobsd> mrutland: how do you put dtb?
<mrutland> naobsd: In the resource partition -- rename it to rk-kernel.dtb and then use resource_tool
<mrutland> resource_tool --pack resource.bin rk-kernel.dtb
<mrutland> ./rkflashtool w resource < resource.bin
<naobsd> ah, I see
<naobsd> I appended dtb to kernel, so it's not used at all ;)
<naobsd> thanks
<mrutland> Ah, that won't work. I don't think mainline arm64 will ever have appended DTB
<mrutland> at least you figured it out :)
<mrutland> I take it you've nuked the boot partition, and are placing your kernel in the kernel partition?
<mrutland> That's what I did to get things booting correctly
<naobsd> yes
<naobsd> ah... to use initramfs in boot partition, I have to do something...
<naobsd> I'm not sure initrd=addr,size still works on arm64...
<naobsd> ah no
<naobsd> ramdisk-only boot.img works nicely :D
<mrutland> naobsd: you put the initrd start and end in /chosen
<naobsd> now I got ramdisk shell
<naobsd> I think RK u-boot modifies dtb properly
<naobsd> mmm gmac is not working properly...
<naobsd> linked up 100M :(
<naobsd> hm, on-board usb hub is connected to ehci
<naobsd> I should see stock kernel more carefully
<naobsd> emmc is detected properly
<mmind00> naobsd: depends on what phy you have ;-) ... my r88 board has a 100mbit phy connected via rmii, so the dts is set accordingly
<naobsd> ah!
<mmind00> although I'm still left wondering who has such "great" ideas to connect a 100mbit phy to a mac that can do gb-ethernet ;-)
<naobsd> lol
<mrutland> Supposedly the batch agter mine have a Gb phy, though I don't know if that's actually happened :/
<naobsd> now linked with 1Gbps/Full
<naobsd> and still not working ;)
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<naobsd> ah, clock_in_out...
<naobsd> heh
<naobsd> it's very clear that Orion R68 SDK doesn't support GbE model ;)
<naobsd> GbE works fine now :)
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<naobsd> dts and dmesg for R68G... dts is not finished yet
<naobsd> gpio0 4(otg vbus) is not enabled yet because it makes PC->OTG power supplying :(
<naobsd> oops
<naobsd> I have to sleep
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<naobsd> mmind00, mrutland: thank you for your help. now I have RK3368 board, I can help development :)
<naobsd> good night
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