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<bashintosh> lautriv_: probably a silly question but, regarding the RAM issue.. Why not use a newer kernel? RK3188 is well supported on v3.10 AFAIK - unless you have code only compatible with older kernel versions and porting such code is not feasible/convenient?
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<bashintosh> Some progress on ChromeOS kernel v3.14 for Firefly/CX929... It gets stuck at the last line for now, not yet sure why.
<sjoerd> ooi why the chromeos kernel
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<bashintosh> sjoerd: I want to try mainline too :) But I'd like to run ChromiumOS and Android - Linux is in the "pipeline" of work too and for that will definitely get onto mainline!
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<sjoerd> Ah i see
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<rperier> mhhh
<rperier> 4.3-rc2 worked just fine on my veyron... 4.3-rc3 does not boot at all
<rperier> the kernel seems to hang before the rockchip_usb_uart is enabled
<rperier> I use this tree, basically everything I need for veyron + some interesting fixes...
<sjoerd> rperier: does actual upstrema rc4 work?
<rperier> >= -rc3 hangs
<rperier> no, it does not, at least it was not the case yesterday
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<lautriv__> bashintosh, i'm somewhat stuck on this one because the lack on detailinfos. Since this box appears to be very similar to radxa but differs in some regards. i try to use the kernel from emmc and extract modules from initramfs. Vanilla has not even a framebuffer and alternative images (partially booting from SD) don't even match their own modules.
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<sjoerd> mmind00_: Just updating my spdif series(finally) ooi do you prefer patches to the dts to be seperate ones for the SoC dtsi and the board specifci dts, or is just one patch doing both e.g. rk3288.dtsi and rk3288-rock2-square.dts fine?
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<rperier> it really sucks to read something like this post . I met sarah 4 years ago at the RMLL 2011, she gave a talk about usb3 subsystem in the linux kernel. Technically she is impressive, and she is very cool and pleasant.
<rperier> that's a very good thing to have geekess (I don't know if this is the right word...) like she in the community... unfortunately , it will no longer be the case
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<mmind00_> sjoerd: I would prefer them to be separate (soc-level change and board-change)
<mmind00_> sjoerd: and of course \o/ for spdif
<amstan> how's everyone doing?
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<mmind00_> amstan: I meet norris today :-)
<amstan> cool, what occasion?
<mmind00_> ELC europe in Dublin :-)
<amstan> oh, wow, i didn't know he was there
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<blurider> I was looking into getting the Asus Chromebook Flip and was wondering if HEVC decode was working for Linux distros
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<amstan> 12 minutes is too little time to answer that :(
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