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<bashintosh> sjoerd: I tracked down some related info here:
<bashintosh> adding "#define CONFIG_SYS_ALT_MEMTEST 1" to the relevant include/configs/.h headers looks like a good start..
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<naobsd> sjoerd: if you want write permission to linux-rockchip on github, please ask me
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<naobsd> sjoerd: thank you for the patch :)
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<sjoerd> naobsd: np
<sjoerd> naobsd: btw tyler-baker and me discovered yesterday that rkflashtool b 3 doesn't mean it'll go into mask mode, it will make the board skip the eMMC (but then boots from SD)
<sjoerd> Which was soemthing i didn't expect
<rperier> hi all
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<mmind00> oh nice ... Rockchip seems to be working on a driver for the rk3288 crypto accelerator
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<sjoerd> nice
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<sjoerd> mmind00: hrm do the thermal zones work for you ? cat: thermal_zone1/temp: Resource temporarily unavailable
<sjoerd> curious
<mmind00> sjoerd: two problems with thermal
<sjoerd> do tell
<mmind00> sjoerd: 1: only two of the 3 zones are connected (cpu+gpu)
<sjoerd> nod i noticed 1 of the three was in mode disabled
<mmind00> sjoerd: 2: still missing probe deferal on orphan clocks (which is probably what kills your attempt)
<mmind00> sjoerd: the thermal clock is sources from the rtc clock which always comes from an i2c ic and most often the thermal probe runs before
<sjoerd> Ah!
<mmind00> sjoerd: patch1 already made it in, for the actual deferal sboyd had a different approach, but both broke sunxi at the time ... need to re-check after the merge-window
<sjoerd> I see
<sjoerd> I just managed to hang my board a few times doing -j5 so wondering if it hits the thermal limets
<sjoerd> but given the sensors couldn't tell me... :)
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<mmind00> sjoerd: it's quite likely to be a thermal problem :-) ... even when idle the 3288 gets quite warm under my heat sink
<sjoerd> yeah i don't have a heatsink on this board
<sjoerd> the scaling govenor in the last deiban kernels going to performance didn't help
* sjoerd makes note to submit patch for that
<sjoerd> right putting a probe on the package shows that even with -j2 the temperture keeps rising and it resets at ~50C
<sjoerd> if the thermal stuff would wokr it should throttle down the cpu frequency until things get stable ofcourse
<mmind00> sjoerd: it does work, only the orphan-clock makes the clk_prepare_enable do bad things (the actual clock gets enabled, but never the parent clock in the rtc-ic, as it gets added only after that prepare_enable)
<sjoerd> right but my rtc clock doesn't get enabled
<mmind00> sjoerd: chromeos has a patch migrating that state when an orphan gets "unorphaned" but the clock maintainers wanted to prevent usage of orphan clocks althogether
<sjoerd> e.g. i don't have wifi turning that 32k clock on atm
<mmind00> sjoerd: not the wifi's fault :-) ... the thermal clock is already a child of xin32k, so if it were present it would get enabled automatically with correct refcounting ... and the clk deferal will make sure thermal only probes after the clock tree is actually complete
<sjoerd> yes
<sjoerd> i mean if i had wifi it would happen to do the right thing ;)
<sjoerd> maybe
<mmind00> sjoerd: ah ... yes of course :-)
<mmind00> sjoerd: or just give the rtc clock a CLK_IGNORE_UNUSED flag ... so it stays on after probe
<mmind00> somehow my lists of stuff to revisit always vanish ... but maybe for the better, as the number of construction sites would probably be depressing ;-)
<sjoerd> :)
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<sjoerd> Right sticking on a heatsink (so happy i had a spare small one) makes the board far happier
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<naobsd> sjoerd: oh. if "rkflashtool b 3" just skip boot from on-board flash (NAND or eMMC), RK official flashing tool may not work properly when bootable SD is inserted.
<naobsd> wow wow wow!!! crypto on rk3288!?!? really nice!
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<rperier> rockchip does a really great job in mainline
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<karlp> all these talks about the benefits of being closer to mainline are paying off
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<tnn> hum, how does one use CONFIG_RK_USB_UART?
<tnn> like, how does the kernel determine if the PHY should be USB or UART?
<rperier> active the driver, and then add 'rockchip.usb_uart=1' to the kernel cmdline, assuming you have a correct usb cable to get logs... it should work
<rperier> the 'mux' is done by the driver in early stage at boot (if I rmemeber correctly)
<tnn> currently only have the scope. Mostly curious if there is anything in there that tries to sense the cable.
<sjoerd> should really make u-boot do that already
<sjoerd> tnn: you mean sensing whther the connected cable is usb or serial? no dont think that's done/possible
<mmind00> the original Rockchip code does some sort of sensing, but that does include big hacks into their dwc2 driver with my WIP mainline rework I did go with the hard decisision using the param
<mmind00> either you want usb or serial on that port :-)
<mmind00> rperier: judging from the config option tnn mentioned, it looks like he's using a rockchip kernel
<mmind00> because I think did spell Rockchip fully in mine :-)
<tnn> using kernel sources from the rockchip-linux github
<tnn> should I use mainline instead? (this is for a messing around with a rk3026 tablet)
<mmind00> tnn: there is no mainline for the 3026 (yet), so you're probably stuck on the rockchip kernel for now
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<ondroider> hi everybody
<ondroider> I'm looking for help
<ondroider> it's almost one month I'm trying to get linux on my mk809III but I don't understand why it won't work
<cristian_c> ondroider: ?
<ondroider> hi
<ondroider> cristian_c > ci sei ancora?
<rperier> writel_relaxed((readl_relaxed((volatile void *)_reg) & ~((( 1L << (_len) )-1) << (_start)) | ((unsigned)((_value)&((1L<<(_len))-1)) << (_start))), (volatile void *)_reg ); <--- I probably need to more alcohol or drugs to understand this code o_O
<rperier> s/to//
<cristian_c> ondroider: ?
<ondroider> cristian_c> non capisco il punto interrogativo!
<ondroider> saresti disponibile a darmi una mano?
<cristian_c> ondroider: speak english
<cristian_c> this is an english language channel
<ondroider> cristian_c> I thought you are italian
<ondroider> anyway I tried to prepare a micro-sd card using this guide
<cristian_c> uhm
<ondroider> but my minipc - I think it's a mk809iii - doesn't boot with it
<ondroider> so now I'm trying to know if it's really a mk809 III
<ondroider> otherwise I need to know what is it so I can install linux on it
<cristian_c> ondroider: can you link a photo?
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<ondroider> I bought it from there
<cristian_c> ondroider: ok, it is
<cristian_c> mk809iii
<ondroider> I tried to write the disk image using dd on linux and using disk image and using Win32DiskImager-0.9.5-install
<ondroider> I think the microsd was written correctly but it didn't work
<ondroider> i tried firstly with a 32gb micro-sd and then with a 8gb micro-sd and the result was always the same
<cristian_c> ondroider: I've installed it manually
<ondroider> have you written some tutorial on how to do it?
<cristian_c> ondroider: I've not flashed bootloader, boot
<cristian_c> boot image and os into micrpsd, yet
<cristian_c> I've to try it
<cristian_c> ondroider: I've tried the old method (flashing kernel into recovery partition)
<ondroider> ok, you followed some tutorial?
<ondroider> many thanks I bookmarked the forum-postpage
<cristian_c> np
<ondroider> I'll try and keep you informed on how it goes
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