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<ayaka> naobsd, does the usb work in your firefly rk3288 board with the mainline kernel?
<ayaka> I have reset the hub manually and confirmed with multimeter
<ayaka> but it still doesn't work, I doubt whether the driver works well
<ayaka> anyway I don't wait the usb to be ready, just send the patch first
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<mmind00> ayaka: usb ports in some constellations have issues with usb devices plugged in at runtime ... dwc2 has a bunch of different issues, this being one of them ... there were patches from dianders on the lists addressing some shortcomings, but I don't think they went in yet
<dianders> ayaka, mmind00: feel free to take up the torch. I think Rob Herring didn't like my solution. and
<dianders> (of course, I didn't like my solution either, but couldn't find one that was better)
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<ayaka> dianders, mmind00 thanks, in this case, I can no more doubt about I do something wrong in dts
<ayaka> just donate time to fix the usb problem in usb driver
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