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<stdint> coolblade, could you tell me more detail about your issue?
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<coolblade> stdint: Yes, and thank you in advance. I’m trying to secure boot into the Nvidia TLK on a RK3288 chipset, the TLK iso has MAGIC header KRNL. It is my understanding that the SOC maskrom has built-in support to boot into the TLK. After the TLK loads into the TZRAM it should then boot the linux kernel in non-secure mode which then boots android os. My problem is that I have no documentaation on the boot sequence, I can see th
<coolblade> TLK is expecting some command line boot params starting with a header TFBP but I have no idea how this is supplied nor do I know what the partition convention is so that the maskrom loads it and correctly sets the SP. If I name the TLK partition “kernel” it goes through the u-boot rkboot procedure and just hangs on “starting kernel…” which means either its booting but waiting for commandline arguments (I have no vi
<coolblade> output at this point) or its incorrectly positioning the SP.
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