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<Ancient> mmind00, Are you aware of any patches not yet in mainline that would be relevant for veyron chromebooks? Just trying to determine if I'm missing something obvious before I start trying to bisecting the kernel.
<mmind00> Ancient: depends on if you're meaning features or trying to fix an issue
<mmind00> Ancient: there are some features missing, but I'm not aware of any patches as fixes ... although someone reported a suspend issue, but no patch yet
<mmind00> and I hadn't time to look into that yet
<Ancient> Fix an issue. Got a mainline git version from a bit before the 4.6.0 release to boot perfectly for me. Problem is I've never been able to upgrade it.
<Ancient> I had been gradually figuring out the problems, but with 4.7.0 out now. I can't even get the screen to turn on again. Just like before the Analogix patch landed.
<Ancient> I'll do some further debugging to see if I can figure out where it all went wrong.
<Ancient> Thanks for the input.
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<coolblade> Does anybody know how to configure partions to boot first trusted execution environment (little kernel with nvidia extentions, e.g. tlk)
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