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<ayaka> dianders, about the auto-suspend, it is requested to set the PCGCTL register to put dwc2 controller into hibernate?
<ayaka> dianders, the PCGCTL register is 0x0e00 at kernel, but I saw the document from rockchip, it is 0x0b24
<ayaka> although I change the address to 0x0e00 doesn't bring any help, but it could a point to solve this problem?
<mmind00> ayaka: I don't think dianders is working on this anymore ... but an interesting find you made there
<mmind00> ayaka: but as stated in the patch, that seems to be more some sort of quirk of the host-only instance of the dwc2
<mmind00> ayaka: i.e. the otg dwc2 does seem to work nicely in both host and device-mode and only the other controller seems to need some sort of kick
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<dianders> ayaka: yes, I found the same thing and even asked Rockchip about it, but got no response. My final conclusion was: Note: I'm going to guess that it's just a typo in the user manual and that it's really at e00
<dianders> ...and yes also. I'm not actively working on dwc2. I'm happy to answer questions for stuff that I happen to know, but probably won't be able to do any active digging...
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