can see if it is in your particular box.
( my understanding is that all boxes where the http://www.loper-os.org/?p=2415 debug cable works, have it. )
lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_
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adj_, definitely not
lurchi_ is now known as lurchi__
asciilifeform, have you tried getting UART for it?
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lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_
paulk-gagarine: i had uart earlier this wk, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/XPFXr/?raw=true ( this is prev ver, in then flashed in google's next image to get the rma unlock command )
cr50 uart shows up on /dev/ttyUSB0 via my selfmade usb 'suzyq'
ttyUSB1 is ec uart; 2 is AP (cpu) uart
3 is a fw upgrade intake; 4 and 5 possibly same but for ec and spi bootrom for cpu
in re cr50 uart, the only useful thing you can do from it in 'production' ( consumer machine ) rom, is to read version
in 3.4 rom you can also attempt the rma unlock ( see my post today ), but google's www will simply laugh at you when you go to fetch the magic decrypted code.
anyway it defeats the purpose of a TPM to allow reflashing by anyone else than the manufacturer
it isn't merely a box for storing keys.
it's an intel-style nobus rootkit.
yeah scratch that
they've done it once, they could have done it twice
I really need to ask why things were done that way
for the obvious reason, imho.
e.g. fbi can vacuum up the contents of 'locked' cbook, or plant 'evidence' without leaving a trace, or insert, during baggage inspections or in hotel, keyloggers, etc
and google made is deliberately difficult for the machine owner to detect or interfere.
'tpm' was a bait and switch from day 1, back when it was 'palladium', and pushed by ms
and plenty of folks, e.g. rms, understood in 1990s, and warned.
and 'market choice' is a sick joke, where exactly do i buy a ~new~ laptop without fritz chip.
that line of reasoning is inconsistent with most of the previous choices they made
their 'openness' is a front.
I don't buy that. At all.
then explain cr50.
probably something related to glued displays
'open but for this nsa backdoor' is not what people typically think of as 'open'.
but I will ask the relevant questions to the relevant people and find out
I think you're missing the fact that if there was no signature at this point, the device would be fully vulnerable to any attack under this model
it was definitely not designed as a backdoor
it is a backdoor, in that it privileges some physical attackers over others.
oh I'm not questioning that
I'm saying it was not designed as one
there's a difference
a plain old, e.g., floppy disk, is not 'vulnerable', anyone who finds it, can read, write
cr50, on other hand, is specifically a nsa nobus smoking gun.
have you read about the cros security model?
it really feels like you're missing most of the points
the 2014 page ?
and focusing on one specific aspect
written when cr50 did not exist.
it is the only aspect that matters ! 'other than that, mrs lincoln, how was the play?' !
ok so maybe learn about it, you might gain a different perspective
i read the whole published src.
ok then I guess there's not much point in discussing motivations I suppose
the only thing that remains for me to learn, is how to break it.
asciilifeform: can you please stop ranting, its quite annoying for anyone following this channel
you absolutely lack elements to get a clear idea
but I agree with your conclusions
which is what matters to end users, anyway
lurchi_, erm, maybe don't pay attention if you don't like what people are saying?
i'ma bbl. i think my article speaks for itself and contains ample proof of all of my hypotheses.
lurchi_, this is definitely in-topic
asciilifeform, disagreed
lurchi_, please be respectful to others :)