problems: I usualy switch to aarch32 in cmd/boot.c but it just crash now with this u-boot, I also tried to make the "ROM" a uImage , but I don't know how to set it to non kernel ( that is not looking for atag etc)
anarsoul: or is tftpboot broken?
anarsoul: with mkimage making it a arm32 image
ok , tried a testprogram now , same result
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anarsoul: this is set: CONFIG_ARM64_SUPPORT_AARCH32=y
found the mkimag setting, but no luck
maybe nobody tested mainline with 32-bit?
but code is there
bootm should be able to figure out from image type
made no diff
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line 355 in arch/arm/lib/bootm.c
ah just for linux
crash from this: armv8_switch_to_el1
anarsoul: I think mainline was a bad idea for me :D
micken: try 64 bit :)
stikonas: feel fre to port riscos to arm64
could just port to x86
it would be as hard to do
well, yeah... probably quite a bit of low level assembly