sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
<cr1901_modern> sb0: Do I understand correctly that ClockDomains() in Migen are local to the module in which they are defined (unless a submodule doesn't define it's own ClockDomain)?
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<sb0> rjo, not sure what exactly caused the "python" command to use the wrong interpreter
<sb0> rjo, also, the most annoying thing is running a full build after modifying the script to debug, not installing artiq
<sb0> re. $PYTHON, re-building a artiq commit that used to work didn't anymore, so it's probably not "you guys break stuff"
<sb0> and another problem was conda removed the binstar command so migen didn't get updated. again, not us breaking stuff.
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<sb0> cr1901_modern, they go up the module hierarchy as well
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<cr1901_modern> sb0: That makes sense. Until tonight I was wondering how to properly make an always@ block wrt another signal besides the default sys_clk. ClockDomains provide a way to do that.
<cr1901_modern> sb0: Under what circumstances will Migen decide not to associate the default clock for a platform with the sys clock domain?
<cr1901_modern> Can provide code snippet if necessary
<sb0> when you aren't defining clock domains
<cr1901_modern> Not that I said decide NOT*... b/c defining my own clock domains is what's breaking the defaults
<sb0> behavior is: simple design with no clock domain defined -> assign platform default clock to sys
<sb0> any clock domain defined by user -> user also needs to deal with the sys clock
<cr1901_modern> Okay fair enough. I just did: self.comb += [self.cd_sys.clk.eq(clk)]
<cr1901_modern> Now, is there any way to make Migen stop prefixing my verilog variables with __main__/the class names (as opposed to the submodule names) after I define my own sys clock?
<cr1901_modern> this is a nitpick, but it's difficult to read
<sb0> there is no api for that
<cr1901_modern> That's fine, but why does migen do that (change from using the variable/module names to using the class names/__main__ when defining clock domains)?
<sb0> because you have several "clk" signals to differentiate, I guess
<sb0> well, actually, there's some api for that
<cr1901_modern> you forgot :P?
<sb0> you can set name_override on specific signals to resolve name conflicts manually
<sb0> and hope that there won't be other conflicts that will make it prefix in the way you dislike
<sb0> but it'll be very fragile.
<cr1901_modern> Well, I guess ideally, I'm not supposed to be looking at the Verilog code output.
<cr1901_modern> It's just throwing me off that Migen's behavior (naming and defining defaults) changes the minute I realize I need two clocks
<cr1901_modern> (and no, for this design, there's no way around it)
<sb0> cd1.clk.name_override = ....
<sb0> but the problem may pop up elsewhere and you'll spend a lot of time fixing this kind of trivial detail
<cr1901_modern> Alright, I'll trust that Migen knows what it's doing when it decides to change the naming scheme :P. I mean, it's not like the code's impossible to follow XD
<sb0> would the name of the different clk signals not conflict without the added prefix?
<cr1901_modern> Funny you mention that... the clk signals are basically the ONLY variables that aren't prefixed with the class name
<sb0> do you have minimal code that shows this?
<cr1901_modern> I'm creating one now
<cr1901_modern> Interesting... cannot duplicate in minimal example. Which means I did something wrong in my "real" code
<cr1901_modern> Wait a second... I figured it out
<cr1901_modern> Well, maybe, but: Migen doesn't like it when I instantiate submodules before passing them into a function
<cr1901_modern> when that happens, Migen decides that it wants to prefix some module components with __main__ and others with the class name that inherited from Module()
<cr1901_modern> I edited the gist to add a third submodule that's defined solely within the top-level module in addition to a module that's passed in. The third submodule also has __main__ decoration
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<sb0> cr1901_modern, do you want this to be handled differently?
<sb0> also, does minimal example code need to use mibuild at all?
<sb0> or fsm libs, wishbone, etc.
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<GitHub62> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub62> artiq/master 9e24b56 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: add state manager
<GitHub62> artiq/master a64766a Sebastien Bourdeauducq: protocols/FlatFileDB: remove unneeded default_data
<GitHub62> artiq/master 00cae1c Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: save dock area state
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#368 (master - a64766a : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build has errored.
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<GitHub53> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub53> artiq/master 8ad8843 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: save display state
<GitHub53> artiq/master b2f720d Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: better state error handling...
<whitequark> sb0: wish: flterm should be able to reset the SoC by itself
<whitequark> can you tie some UART control line to the reset pin or something?
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#369 (master - b2f720d : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build passed.
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<GitHub178> [misoc] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub178> misoc/master d43e470 whitequark: libdyld: fix DT_HASH address calculation.
<cr1901_modern> sb0: Minimal example updated to removed cruft. If I wanted to handle this differently, I would've had signal names decorated based on which modules they ultimately are assigned to as submodules. >>
<whitequark> sb0: dds_init() seems to hang for some reason
<cr1901_modern> In the linked example, the DAC signal "ser_dat" becomes "ym3014dac_ser_dat". I would've expected it to become dac_ser_dat or maybe synth_dac_ser_dat.
<cr1901_modern> (Because dac is the submodule name where it's ultimately assigned)
<cr1901_modern> Now I'm very open to explanation why this is the wrong way to do this :P
<cr1901_modern> (I would've also expected DeltaSigma signal "out" to become deltasigma_out. Instead it became __main___out. Ditto with any signal defined in the Synth module.)
<GitHub4> [misoc] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub4> misoc/master 3f7f0a3 whitequark: libdyld: fix dyld_lookup algorithm.
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<whitequark> sb0: the HANDLE_EXCEPTION code is AMAZING
<whitequark> by which I mean
<whitequark> l.sw 0x1c(r1), r9 ; \
<whitequark> l.jal _exception_handler ; \
<whitequark> ... in _exception_handler
<whitequark> l.or r14, r0, r9
<whitequark> /* Call exception handler with the link address as argument */
<whitequark> l.jal exception_handler
<whitequark> l.or r3, r0, r14
<whitequark> or was it never *designed* to give you, you know, the pc of the exception? I'm not even sure what is worse.
<whitequark> ah, I suppose you could fish it out of 0x1c(r1)
<whitequark> ha, actually, no. that's not enough. it gives you the r9, which is the pc of the caller of whatever function raised the exception
<whitequark> grrrr
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<GitHub164> [misoc] whitequark pushed 4 new commits to master:
<GitHub164> misoc/master d625c43 whitequark: libbase: also pass exception PC and EA to exception handler.
<GitHub164> misoc/master 13a50a9 whitequark: libbase: downstream users should provide fprintf.
<GitHub164> misoc/master 344e1bc whitequark: libdyld: add support for R_OR1K_{NONE,32,GLOB_DAT}.
<whitequark> ↑ still ABI-compatible with runtime on master
<whitequark> __artiq_raise: ===> raise (name=InternalError, msg=Hardware exception {0} at PC {1}, EA {2}, params=[6,1078012496,1078068439])
<whitequark> now we're cooking with gas.
<whitequark> why did this happen...
<whitequark> oh well, alignment error on +4d7.
<whitequark> 000004d7 R_OR1K_32 __artiq_personality
<GitHub99> [misoc] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub99> misoc/master 10773db whitequark: libdyld: handle unaligned relocations.
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<rjo> sb0: did this get lost or was it not the issue?;
<rjo> sb0: i did not have my fingers in migen-travis-ci, only artiq. i don't think making daily migen packages is usefull.