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<cyrozap> Hi, all, I'm trying to add support for the Numato Mimas V2 to MiSoc and I'm encountering an issue while building my tree (,
<cyrozap> "TypeError: Expression of unrecognized type: <class 'migen.genlib.record.Record'>"
<cyrozap> I've already added targets/ and have configured it to use the mimasv2 platform and correct clock source/SDRAM/etc., but I'm not sure what I need to add/modify to fix that error.
<cyrozap> The command I'm using to build is `./ -t mimasv2 build-bitstream`
<sb0> cyrozap, i guess you should use record.raw_bits() somewhere ...
<sb0> cyrozap, if you use the 'new' branch of migen, it will tell you where you incorrectly used Record
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<sb0> cyrozap, also, you may want to have only the target and any specific cores you need in your repository, instead of a complete misoc fork
<cyrozap> sb0: I'm just using the fork as a scratch repo until I mail a patch. As for using the new branch, I've made similar changes and now I'm getting new errors. Sorry if I'm making noob mistakes; I only learned about this stuff last week and there doesn't seem to be much documentation anywhere.
<cr1901_modern> Yea, I agree porting documentation could be better; I didn't know what _io vs _connectors meant until ysionneau explained it to me >>
<cr1901_modern> I'm looking at the mimas board right now- freaking adorable lol. Ummm, looks like for the most part, it doesn't have that many built-in peripherals
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<cyrozap> cr1901_modern: It's $35 with a student discount, so I'd say it's got plenty for the money. Besides, I'm just using it a a simple dev board/PoC until I roll my own for the device I'm trying to make.
<cr1901_modern> I also misread and thought you were doing a Migen port, not a MiSoC port lol; that's why I made the comment about built-in peripherals
<cr1901_modern> MiSoC has undergone changes recently, and I haven't had time to get acquainted with them. :(
<cyrozap> Hmm, it looks like the Pipistrello is actually more similar to the Mimas V2 than the miniSpartan6+
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<cyrozap> doesn't seem to support MOSI/MISO SPI, only DQ
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<cyrozap> Ok, I've gotten the gateware for the base SoC built and flashed--how do I tell if it's working?
<cr1901_modern> Should be text output from the serial port?
<cyrozap> Do I have to instantiate a serial port (or whatever it is in MiSoC terminology)?
<cr1901_modern> That's what I'm not sure anymore. I THINK MiSoC will have instantiated one for you if you use the default BaseSoC class
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<cyrozap> Ah, it looks like it does, I just had to configure the baudrate.
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<cyrozap> Now that I'm getting the hang of it, I'm really starting to like MiSoC :)
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<cr1901_modern> Can't believe I went so long without a browser tab manager... what was I thinking?
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<cr1901_modern> sb0: Sorry, I literally didn't notice the email response from Joe until now. Looks like I'm the only one testing on Windows for now.
<cr1901_modern> (His way isn't wrong, though I would certainly using XMing before installing Cygwin... bleh)
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<GitHub148> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub148> artiq/master 9f2ff32 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test/sync_struct: nparray mutation
<GitHub148> artiq/master 967d4ed Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: shortcut support
<GitHub148> artiq/master 138ba7e Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: add addItems to populate log level comboboxes
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<GitHub16> [artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub16> artiq/master f872d92 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui/schedule: improve delete status bar message
<GitHub16> artiq/master 179416d Sebastien Bourdeauducq: gui: delete shortcuts
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#550 (master - 138ba7e : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> m-labs/artiq#551 (master - 179416d : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build has errored.
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<whitequark> $ conda install conda
<whitequark> $ conda
<whitequark> conda: No such file or directory
<whitequark> oops
<sb0> whitequark, is ptfe tape acceptable for sealing vacuum threads (on the forepump)?
<sb0> or should I use vacuum grease?
<whitequark> perfectly acceptable
<whitequark> I assume you have an NPT thread there?
<sb0> why is the vapor pressure of dow corning "high vacuum grease" not specified?
<sb0> not sure what thread i have. some chinese thing.
<whitequark> if so, make sure to tighten it very well. the PTFE tape does not seal the NPT thread, rather it allows you to rotate it far enough for the thread to slightly deform
<whitequark> it's probably NPT
<whitequark> the far end of this
<sb0> yes, could be
<whitequark> yeah, so basically, take a wrench to it and apply a lot of force.
<sb0> right now I have epoxied a kf25 flange on it, which is messy and unreliable
<whitequark> *nod*
<whitequark> I added a NPT 1/4" to hose barb to my system, and I have a barb-to-kf25 on the other side
<sb0> removing the epoxy mess will be fun too
<whitequark> and a rubber vacuum hose
<sb0> also, I want to mount a angle valve right on the pump to limit the mess caused by oil backsucking
<sb0> and the epoxy hack definitely won't support it
<whitequark> manual valve?
<sb0> yes
<whitequark> have you considered automatic
<whitequark> ?
<sb0> the only good chinese ones are pneumatic
<whitequark> yes, I am speaking about a pneumatic valve
<sb0> I don't have compressed air...
<whitequark> it is pneumatically operated by the vacuum itself
<whitequark> specifically for this application
<whitequark> i.e. preventing oil backflow
<sb0> hm, let me look at those things more closely...
<sb0> my non-existent chinese skills not helping
<whitequark> yeah, that's irritating. i am definitely planning to get better at chinese
<sb0> even without a large evacuated volume, you can still get a lot of oil mess. i got a ~30cm kf25 hose properly filled with oil yesterday...
<sb0> and the damn thing definitely sticks in the bends and prevents good pumping
<sb0> i'll get a dry pump next time
<whitequark> so this valve takes power from the pump itself
<whitequark> when the power is lost, it floods the pump-side hose leading to the valve with ambient air
<whitequark> which prevents any backflow
<sb0> so there is this
<sb0> and that's a good supplier
<sb0> seems to operate on compressed air, no?
<sb0> (also, it's slightly expensive)
<whitequark> let me see
<whitequark> that's... a really weird valve
<whitequark> no, it operates on compressed air. it uses air and a spring
<whitequark> as far as I can see
<whitequark> yeah, "single acting"
<whitequark> taobao does not seem to have the type of angle i'm speaking of
<whitequark> ok, yeah, I can't find a second one anywhere at all
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<whitequark> ugh. even if I get the bin/conda back, it does not actually install all the deps of artiq-kc705-nist_qc1 if from scratch
<whitequark> so my fix is doubly broken
<whitequark> maybe I could put that in version number instead, but we need the same functionality for rollback anyway...
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<whitequark> sb0: suggestion: I put (proper) conda on hold, finish new compiler integration, and then toss it out and use a package manager that isn't complete crap
<whitequark> 0install is currently looking good
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