whitequark, you really don't like the misoc csr generator?
it would have prevented all the problems you had with the wishbone interface
you are decoding on all bits now, this uses too many resources and timing slack, and more importantly will fail if the core is not mapped to address 0
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I never figured out how the csr generator works
maybe if it was documented...
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whitequark: The CSR generator will check all attributes and submodules of the passed-in Migen module and look for a "get_csrs" method in all the attributes. The get_csrs method provided by "AutoCSR" will examine all the attributes of any instantiated subclass of AutoCSR, and look for matches to CSRStorage and CSRStatus. Any matches it finds are added to a list (or tuple? I forget) of subclasses of CSR, which has enough informatio
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[migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v6JFe
sb0: so is there any documentation on writing migen testbenches?
this clever coroutine crap breaks and I've no idea why
oh, forgotten `yield from`
I guess I should write said documentation once I'm done...
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whitequark, excellent initiativw
yield dut.i2c.sda_i.eq(False)
print((yield dut.i2c.sda_i))
yield dut.i2c.sda_i.eq(True)
print((yield dut.i2c.sda_i))
this prints 0 and 0
reads happen immediately before the current clock edge, writes happen immediately after the edge
yield dut.i2c.sda_i.eq(True)
print((yield dut.i2c.sda_i))
still 0
nothing else driving it?
oh, the tristates...
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good call. there were two bugs in reads
okay, please commit everything to the drtio_transceiver_test repos
unable to
ah you have deleted the C stuff
yeah, what's wrong with that?
you can check out an earlier commit if you want it
whitequark, do we need to send a reset pulse to the si5324 or is it fine without?
I suppose we at least need to drive rst_n?
also, 1) if (for whatever reason) you generate a reset in one clock domain and register it into another domain, you need AsyncResetSynchronizer
resets do need to be synchronized, otherwise there is an uncertainty on the clock cycle when the reset is removed, which can put the design into an inconsistent state
yeah, I know that
2) manual BUFG insertion on reset signals is not required
did I not do this correctly somewhere?
yes, in si5324_test, clk200 to cd_sys.rst
oh yeah
nevermind, I'll just add the si5234 reset pulse
the reset pin has an internal pull-up
also, it doesn't look like reset is necessary
good. recovers on its own from broken clocks, doesn't require resets - looks like a properly designed chip for once
silabs makes good chisp
cp2102 is an excellent USB-Serial converter, way nicer than the crap FTDI does
yup, ftdi is garbage. they should mark all registers as "reserved", and just give blobs that happen to work, because pretty much any settings not in a reference design tickle silicon bug
it can be totally random, e.g. a GPIO will stop to work if you change the JTAG frequency
and they're expensive as hell too
whitequark, also generally you do not need manual OBUFs
for most signals, if you just take them out of the chip, Vivado will insert the required OBUF automatically
ah, I think I did that for symmetry with OBUFDS
ok. yes, differential signals need explicit buffers
okay, clock cleanup is working great with the transceiver
[migen] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v6Ukb
migen/master 9f9b0d0 whitequark: doc: explain how simulation works.
hm, yes, and it requires decorating everything
can't you define a __del__ on any function?
or use "async def" and a global wrapper; if we mess with the global wrapper it will cause trouble if a test bench also uses asyncio for some reason
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okay, everything looks good on the scope as well re. si5324; also works with the TTL demo