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sb0: if I have a io pin that I want to output the same as the clk, how do I write that in migen ?
comb += io.eq(ClockSignal())
some fpga e.g spartan6 need special tricks.
ah such as ?
on s6 global clock nets are not routable to ios. the trick is to use ODDR2 with fixed data inputs.
why can't the synthesizer infer that itself?
or PAR
whatever works
and that works as well if I use a PLL ? basically a SDCard could go up to ~104 Mhz. so I was giving that out of a PLL as the clock domain
sb0: how would you do this trick if you had DDR2 pins driven by this clock ?
whitequark, no idea. that's just how it's done (and it's one of the least annoying s6 ise clock problems)
PLL outputs are routable to global clock nets, yes. there are design flaws in s6 clocking, but not _that_ big.
what is a "ddr2 pin" and how does it relate to clocking?
sb0: it means that on recent SDCard, the 4bits data lines are DDR
so there is data on rising and falling edge of the clk
if I understand your solution, you are telling me to ODDR on the clk line, in order to generate a pattern that would look the same as the ClockSignal
"ODDR on the clock like" is equivalent to comb += io.eq(ClockSignal()) and all it does is work around the s6 routing limitations and the ISE idiocy
for fast SD you have to do clock speed changes, no?
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can you directly connect clocks to outputs on series7?
or at least, vivado does it without complaining
this also worked on other fpgas, like virtex4
hm, let me try it and see how the routing looks like
or whether it impliciitly inserts a ODDR
why does TB freez sometimes ?
sb0: I have this very simple example but I wonder why the TB doesnt go further than 2 steps
can you see something that looks wrong ?
yes, you have signal.eq(~signal) in comb
hm, ok looks like you can directly route a global clock net to a output pin, local clock nets (BUFIO, BUFR) dont work
the problem of course is that there will be a routing depending skew between clock and data
whereas if you u
use ODDR all outputs are update at the same time
and then you can use ODEALY to get predictable skew
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in my tests going from the BUFG to the OBUF is about 1ns slower than going from the BUFG to the clock input of the ODDR
but of course the ODDR itself also adds a bit of delay
sb0: thx
did you find it by just reading my code or you tried it to find out ?
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doesn't the ODDR have a OBUF as its output?
and the skew on a global clock net is supposed to be small
the difference is less than a 1ns
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in endpoints, is it always the source that gives the info from layout to the sink ? or could the sink send something on its Records to the sournce when Acking ?
only source to sink
I'm reading Einstein's 1917 paper and he writes that the probability dW of spontaneous emission during the time dt is dW=Adt
there's probably some formalism here I don't understand, because if you integrate this you get W=At, which goes over 1 for large values of t
isn't dW supposed to represent a *change* in probability anyway?
how do you get the exponential law from this?
yes, and?
What I'm asking is: Is a differential probability meaningful physical value? They appear in all prob density functions, but I'm not aware that taking the value of a PDF at a single point is a meaningful value.
I'm getting hung up on how he would've derived this
the equation that gets you exponential law is dW=WAdt, not dW=Adt
maybe W is not a probability.
Right... any exponential function is of the form f' = kf
I would have to read the paper. And also brush up on my probability.