Had to move migen on my filesystem, forcing me to rerun setup.py develop. Hrm, did Sphynx always need 100 packages, or has it just been a while since I last run it?
bb-m-labs: force build --props=flash=1,package=artiq-kc705-nist_clock artiq-board
build #184 forced
I'll give a shout when the build finishes
ah, regarding runtime vs runtime.rs. no. we don't need both. after the DDS rewrite and stuff I'll merge the two directories, as was always the plan
it's a bit ugly because the build systems are so different, which is why they were separate at first
_florent_, in liteeth, mii.py, instead of inserting a reset on the converter and hooking it up to ~dv, can't you hook up stb to dv?
the converter should reset itself when it gets a EOP
and resetting the converter on ~dv runs the risk of interrupting any output transaction the converter may be doing when dv is deasserted, causing data loss
[ 8882234us] TRACE(runtime::session): before send_args
sb0: ok so the issue is
most tcp_write calls take 2ms to complete. but some of them (when sending rpcs like this test does) take 40ms.
this is exactly reproducible with every single ms, within a ms of tolerance
*with every single rpc
by "take X ms to complete" I specifically mean "cumulative value of len passed to the sent callback equals buffer size"
I block Rust code until the write completes because otherwise, lwip's buffers would have to be large enough for the largest packet I can send. which can be quite large indeed
s/packet/buffer/, like the 65kb log buffer...
sb0: amazing.
simply amazing.
from what I can tell, it takes lwip 40ms to send four bytes in particular.
one byte? 1ms. fifteen bytes? 1ms.
four bytes? 40ms because FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY
* whitequark
stares in disbelief
* whitequark
stares some more
[artiq] whitequark pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vX6k6