arent both of those suggestions bad as they add delay?
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shuffle2: A PLL is (probably) not going to add meaningful delay. Idk about clock buffers; not sure how they're implemented.
aren't PLLs pretty limited resource?
i guess it doesn't really matter for me
i'm just making some spi slave design (so certain responses are latched by master on negedge, after sending cmd on posedge)
so probably i should not actually be using negedge to change state, anyways...bit gross (although it's been working fine)
for input/output you can use a DDR IO resource
those are clocked on both positive and negative edge
and you just throw away those you don't need
larsc: er, is there a migen concept of a "ddr io resource"?
grep via github didn't seem to find anything
oh i see. searched misoc by accident
[smoltcp] pothos commented on issue #62: Ok, finally got it working. Besides keeping the retransmission timer there was an overflow that needed to be fixed. Preparing a PR now. https://git.io/vFkjD