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<shuffle2> is Record just a group of named signals (that's what i want)? it's not actually documented anywhere...
<GitHub4> [smoltcp] phil-opp commented on pull request #57 b8e109c: Fixed
<GitHub66> [smoltcp] phil-opp commented on pull request #57 b8e109c: I changed `TxToken::consume` to also return a `Result<R>`, but I think it's still better to keep the `junk` buffer. The reason is that a packet drop on send should be transparent to the sender and not return an `Err`.
<GitHub16> [smoltcp] phil-opp commented on pull request #57 b8e109c: I implemented it
<shuffle2> hrm how does FSM operate wrt clock domains?
<whitequark> FSM is a syntactic sugar for some signals
<shuffle2> i dont really get how you drive a clock domain
<shuffle2> s.clock_domains.sclk = ClockDomain(); s.comb += s.clock_domains.sclk.eq(spibus.clk)
<shuffle2> AttributeError: '_ModuleClockDomains' object has no attribute 'sclk'
<GitHub98> [smoltcp] phil-opp commented on issue #57: Rebased and fixed new interface tests
<adamgreig> shuffle2: s.sclk.clk.eq(spibus.clk)
<shuffle2> ah yea just found it used like so in redpid :)
<shuffle2> added a cd_ prefixed var, then the name you use to access it via self.sync needs to *not* have the prefix
<shuffle2> a bit heavy with the python voodoo heh
<GitHub53> [smoltcp] dlrobertson commented on pull request #57 b8f9d35: performed performed
<shuffle2> not sure why this: s.sync.spi += s.bitcount.eq(s.bitcount + 1) isn't resulting in bitcount increasing with that clock, then :/
<shuffle2> maybe because it's in a Record? i notice verilog.convert() throws about it: AttributeError: 'Record' object has no attribute 'duid'
<shuffle2> oh, i dont even need to specify `ios`
<shuffle2> idk, the verilog looks fine to me
<shuffle2> maybe a sim bug?
<shuffle2> `yield the_dut.cd_spi.clk.eq(1)` in the tb does not change anything
<shuffle2> even removing FSM and putting it all in sync.spi doesn't change sim results :/
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<shuffle2> (spi_clk *is* wigglin in the sim trace fwiw)
<shuffle2> making the spi ios be actual Signals also didn't work...
<shuffle2> as did making a copy of the clock signal internal to the module and then twiddling that
<shuffle2> so uh what
<shuffle2> are external clocks just not supported in the sim?
<shuffle2> yea it's all kinds of wonky
<shuffle2> run_simulation(dut, tb(dut, spi), vcd_name = 'sflash.vcd', clocks = {'sys': 10, 'spi': 100})
<shuffle2> will at least cause the sync.spi stuff to be exersized, altho of course it doesn't behave the way the spi clk should at all
<shuffle2> how do people do this?
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<shuffle2> how do you index a constant with a signal?
<shuffle2> using Memory also seems to make migen unhappy, yay
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<shuffle2> (it was because i hadn't assigned the Memory instance to module.specials, and was trying to index at the bit level, which apparently you can't do)
<sb0> shuffle2, if you're doing a SPI receiver you may want not to use the provided clock for anything other than data transfer
<sb0> since it's potentially not free-running and typically slow
<sb0> also, note that slow clocks (i.e. with slow rising edges) may need to be filtered when entering less-slow logic like a FPGA, otherwise any noise during the edge may result in additional unwanted cycles and obscure bugs in your design
<shuffle2> it was already working fine with my verilog impl...but i've changed my design already just to make migen work
<shuffle2> the project is very much a hack (ie it just needs to work "most of the time")
<sb0> what did you try to index at the bit levelß
<sb0> ?
<shuffle2> Memory(8, 3, init = [0xc2, 0x20, 0x19])
<shuffle2> s.chip_id[s.byte_pos - 1] >> (8 - s.bit_pos - 1)
<shuffle2> works
<shuffle2> s.chip_id[s.byte_pos - 1][s.bit_pos] (or w/e) does not
<sb0> and you need 8 bits on the other memory port, i.e. you have asymmetric ports?
<shuffle2> not sure what you mean
<sb0> why not make your memory data 1-bit wide?
<shuffle2> that is to fetch a bit for spi SO signal
<sb0> instead of 8
<shuffle2> because i wrongly assumed about how i could index it, i guess :)
<sb0> indexing by Signal works, but you have to use Array
<sb0> but then you have two "muxes" instead of one. a 1-bit memory is a simpler structure.
<sb0> if you don't need to access 8-bit at a time somewhere else, then 1-bit is enough
<shuffle2> ok, i was worried it would change how the synth is able to map it to bram (for the main memory, not this chip_id one)
<shuffle2> i need to be able to use a lot of bram
<sb0> iirc the synthesizer handles 1-bit BRAMs just fine
<cr1901_modern> two muxes?
<shuffle2> sb0: fwiw, making it 1bit wide doesn't change the error i was having
<sb0> what error?
<shuffle2> and 8bit seems to work fine so w/e
<shuffle2> basically if i set width to 1, it still just acts the same as if it were 8
<sb0> "it"=?
<shuffle2> the memory
<sb0> no it doesn't
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<GitHub152> [smoltcp] pothos commented on issue #65: Good idea, there was one more problem I could spot through the tests: When it continued to send data, it was using a wrong (too low) sequence number....
<GitHub48> [smoltcp] phil-opp commented on pull request #57 3c8b95e: Thanks, fixed!
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<shuffle2> sb0: probably issue was that i was not using synthesizable Memory? when i try to .build(), migen complains that it can't handle _MemoryLocation type
<shuffle2> maybe there is some behavorial difference? anyway...another thing there are no docs about...actually using Memory in synth :(
<shuffle2> does it mean you can't actually synth things like "m = Memory(..,init=[1]); x = m[0]
<shuffle2> "?
<shuffle2> ie can't use inferred style and instead need to manually use signals returned from get_port?
<cr1901_modern> You need to use the signals returned from get_port() for memorys to work.
<shuffle2> what is the point of supporting indexing the Memory object then
<cr1901_modern> I don't know, I've never tried it