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<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1262 (auto - e7e267f : Astro): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1263 (master - e7e267f : Astro): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1264 (auto - f56666a : Astro): The build passed.
<travis-ci> m-labs/smoltcp#1265 (master - f56666a : Astro): The build passed.
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<sb0> whitequark: quite often, a single hardware memory port can be used for both reading and writing. is yosys smart enough not to use two hardware ports when one is sufficient?
<whitequark> sb0: no, there's no logic for this
<whitequark> is this for targeting ECP5?
<sb0> what about ECP5?
<whitequark> i mean, it doesn't matter for ice40 because ice40 BRAM only has a read only port and a write only port with independent address
<sb0> okay, well it definitely matters for xilinx devices
<whitequark> ecp5 does though have true dual port ram
<whitequark> yes, xilinx is even worse than ecp5
<whitequark> in terms of bram inference complexity
<whitequark> actually, even ice40up has single read/write port ram, there was a PR to address this
<whitequark> but it's too ad-hoc to be of much use
<whitequark> this is the kind of thing i would normally volunteer to implement but... memory_bram is possibly the worst yosys pass
<whitequark> i was never able to understand it and it is quite buggy as well
<whitequark> anyway, it shouldn't be too bad to implement, as in, i think it doesn't need major changes
<whitequark> the memory_bram constraint files will need to gain some indication that "this write port is also a read port"
<whitequark> the address will already have been wired to the same signals by earlier opt passes
<whitequark> i might try to do it once is in a reasonable state
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<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #56: replace TSTriple with triple_layout(). -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark closed pull request #56: replace TSTriple with triple_layout(). -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #64 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #64 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #64 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #64 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #64 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #40: WIP: Expand and document lib.cdc -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #40 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark reviewed pull request #40 commit -
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<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Wren6991 reviewed pull request #40 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Wren6991 reviewed pull request #40 commit -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] Wren6991 commented on pull request #40: WIP: Expand and document lib.cdc -
<_whitenotifier-3> [nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #40: WIP: Expand and document lib.cdc -
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<sb0> oMigen?
<whitequark> the inverse of nMigen
<whitequark> i.e. just Migen
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<sb0> jfng1: has minerva been tested with the caches disabled?
<sb0> jfng1: there are also a bunch of problems arising from (which are different with/without caches)
<ZirconiumX> So, I've been trying a fairly basic combinational algorithm for flood fill in nMigen, and Yosys warns about logic loops when I try to assign to a Signal using itself as a source
<ZirconiumX> Algorithm I'm trying to implement in C is here:
<key2> sb0: it has been tested with and without cache
<travis-ci> roblabla/smoltcp#1 (master - 32a8ac5 : Robin Lambertz): The build failed.
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<travis-ci> roblabla/smoltcp#2 (master - 21b0b27 : Robin Lambertz): The build was fixed.
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<vup> ZirconiumX: yosys is right in the first case
<vup> maybe it is easier to understand a simpler case:
<vup> what should
<vup> m.d.comb += prop.eq(prop << 1)
<vup> do?
<ZirconiumX> The value of `prop` is now left shifted by one, so that when you're referring to `prop`, you're referring to the new value, not the old one.
<vup> but the assignment is combinatorial
<vup> so as soon as prop is shifted by one it would get shifted again
<vup> because the output of the shift operation feeds back directly into the input
<vup> do you get what i mean?
<ZirconiumX> Yes, but looping the value is pretty obviously a bug and thus not what the user is expecting
<vup> well thats the definition of combinatorial assignments, they are supposed to work that way
<vup> like how would the circuit for the combinatorial assigment figure out when to stop?
<ZirconiumX> ...After shifting once?
<ZirconiumX> Let me put it another way
<ZirconiumX> What should `m.d.comb += prop1.eq(prop << 1)` do?
<vup> is assigns prop1 to prop shifted by one
<vup> and as soon as prop changes prop1 also changes
<ZirconiumX> I suppose what I'm saying here is that I'm expecting shadowing here, not infinite loops
<vup> ok, but that is not how signals work in nmigen (or any hdl that i know of)
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<ZirconiumX> So what you're basically saying is that op-assignment is something that you cannot actually do in nmigen?
<ZirconiumX> Because nobody in the entire world could possibly want to do op-assignment instead of an infinite loop
<vup> you can do it perfectly fine, as long as you don't have any combinatorial loops
<ZirconiumX> And if nmigen renames behind the scenes, you don't get combinational loops
<vup> yes, but you get order dependence
<vup> which makes things really ugly
<ZirconiumX> Frankly if I wanted to deal with the warts of Verilog I'd use Verilog not nMigen
* ZirconiumX sighs and calms down
<vup> consider
<vup> a = Signal(8)
<vup> c = Signal(8)
<vup> b = Signal(8)
<vup> m.d.comb += b.eq(a)
<vup> m.d.comb += a.eq(a < 1)
<vup> m.d.comb += c.eq(a)
<vup> what value do b and c carry?
<vup> (if you would do the shadowing)
<ZirconiumX> b has the original value of a, and c is equal to (a < 1)
<vup> do you not think this could get really confusing?
<ZirconiumX> ...No?
<synaption[m]> wait
<vup> hmm, i think a having two potential meanings, depending on where you are in the file quite confusing
<synaption[m]> I've been following along for a second
<ZirconiumX> You can't simultanously use both meanings of it, and if you do need both meanings of it, you can use a different variable name
<synaption[m]> why does c equal a<1
<vup> ohh whoops, the example should obviously be a << 1
<synaption[m]> this is HDL right?
<ZirconiumX> I don't think the operation matters for this scenario
<synaption[m]> gotcha
<vup> synaption[m]: yes
<ZirconiumX> Here's how my mental model of that code goes
<ZirconiumX> <vup> consider
<ZirconiumX> <vup> a, a1 = Signal(8), Signal(8)
<ZirconiumX> <vup> b = Signal(8)
<ZirconiumX> <vup> c = Signal(8)
<ZirconiumX> <vup> m.d.comb += b.eq(a)
<ZirconiumX> <vup> m.d.comb += a1.eq(a < 1)
<ZirconiumX> <vup> m.d.comb += c.eq(a1)
<vup> synaption[m]: c being a < 1 is not what (n)migen actually does, we are discussing what would happen if it actually would be that way
<vup> ZirconiumX: yes
<ZirconiumX> And thus you can substitute all uses of `c` with `a < 1`
<ZirconiumX> Kind of like a tree
<vup> yes
<ZirconiumX> Can you give me a use for a combinational loop?
<ZirconiumX> As in, a practical example for where this would be useful behaviour?
<vup> well there is no use, because it is just not allowed
<ZirconiumX> Given that nmigen synthesizes it just fine, it seems plenty allowed to me
<vup> but yosys doesn'=
<vup> doesn't
<ZirconiumX> Ang nmigen uses Yosys as a backend, no?
<ZirconiumX> *And
<vup> yes
<ZirconiumX> So, given that the existing behaviour is buggy code, why not forbid it?
<ZirconiumX> Or use shadowing instead
<vup> well there are actual use cases
<vup> like ring oscillators
<ZirconiumX> <vup> well there is no use, because it is just not allowed
<vup> yes, i hadn't though of ring oscillators
<vup> but imo, nmigen should not allow such things by default
<vup> i don't like the shadowing, because i want use of a signal to actually refer to the same signal
<ZirconiumX> And I want to not have to type signal0, signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4, when I'm never going to refer to each one individually again
<vup> sure, but trivially get rid of that (atleast in this case) using a for loop
<vup> s/but/but you could/
<ZirconiumX> And that's an example of where nmigen shadows under the hood, no?
<ZirconiumX> it'll unroll the loop and insert references based on the iteration number
<vup> well its not really nmigen shadowing, but more python
<vup> like using a for loop, you'll actually have multiple instances of the Signal, as opposed to the shadowing you're proposing
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<vup> s/of the Signal/of Signal/
<ZirconiumX> When something walks like a duck, flies like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that thing a duck.
<vup> i mean the difference is using a for loop you have to manually code the shadowing and it doesn't do it automagically
<ZirconiumX> I'd say it does happen automagically, because I don't consciously think of it instantiating new variables, I just think of it as shadowing the old one
<vup> but using a for loop you'll have to manually instantiate a Signal
<vup> like you'll have to write something like this:
<vup> tmp = Signal(8)
<vup> m.d.comb += tmp.eq(prop)
<vup> m.d.comb += tmp_next.eq(tmp <. 1)
<vup> tmp_next = Signal(8)
<vup> for _ in range(4)
<vup> tmp = tmp_next
<vup> (not valid python, but you get what i mean)
<ZirconiumX> vup, do you write all your Python code using unique names for each variable? Or do you just use compound assignment to existing ones?
<lkcl> ZirconiumX: "Frankly if I wanted to deal with the warts of Verilog..."
<lkcl> it's just how hardware works.
<lkcl> nothing to do with what HDL you're using.
<vup> ZirconiumX: i don't, but in my mind multiple lines in python are more comparable to synchronous statements
<ZirconiumX> ...No? That's not how hardware has to work at all
<lkcl> you could take some wires - i mean actual copper wires - and if you create a short-circuit, you create a short-circuit, that's the end of the battery!
<ZirconiumX> And that's why kids at primary school get told not to short circuit batteries, because it's dangerous, right?
<lkcl> m.d.comb += prop.eq(prop << 1)
<lkcl> connects all the wires of prop to all the wires to the LEFT of each wire in prop
<lkcl> total utter chip-melting suite of short-circuits.
<lkcl> melt, melt.
<lkcl> prop[0] becomes a short-circuit to prop[1]
<ZirconiumX> Yes, I get it now
<lkcl> prop[1] becomes a short-circuit to prop[2]
<lkcl> etc. etc.
<ZirconiumX> As has been pointed out repeatedly
<lkcl> the only way to deal with that is to have a flip-flop in between
<lkcl> gated by a clock
<lkcl> and you do that with m.d.sync
<ZirconiumX> Which is synchronous, yes
<ZirconiumX> I'm not looking for synchronous logic here
<lkcl> ok then what you can do is, assign it to a NEW variable
<ZirconiumX> Which as you can see, I did
<lkcl> m.d.comb += prop1.eq(prop<<1)
<lkcl> however
<ZirconiumX> <ZirconiumX> For comparison, this works:
<lkcl> the graph of wires must be DIRECTED.
<lkcl> aka "acyclic"
<ZirconiumX> Yep.
<lkcl> like you see in crypto-currencies, "DAG", a lot
<ZirconiumX> Like, say, a tree
<lkcl> yep, you got it
<ZirconiumX> With that in mind
<ZirconiumX> Why does/should nmigen permit this?
<ZirconiumX> Yosys does not
<ZirconiumX> But nmigen can and should catch it earlier
<lkcl> nmigen depends on yosys
<lkcl> as in: because yosys catches it, nmigen does not
<lkcl> however... yes, the simulation is nothing to do with yosys
<ZirconiumX> Except that yosys does not catch it here
<lkcl> hence why you get infinite loops and 100% cpu lockups
<lkcl> some circumstances such as d-latches you actually can make combinatorial (clock-less) registers
<lkcl> identifying those (and allowing them) is... tricky
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<lkcl> and y'know what? if the simulation goes into 100% cpu lock-up and doesn't end, ya probably created a combinatorial infinite loop :)
<vup> yosys catches it, it onl
<ZirconiumX> Then don't allow them, or have a "yes nmigen I know what I'm doing" option
<lkcl> done it several times :)
<vup> y issues a warning
<vup> but that is what most synthesis tools do
<ZirconiumX> vup: But nmigen uses yosys to synthesise Verilog in the first place, and nmigen does not catch it there
<vup> no it just converts it from rtlil to verilog
<vup> thats not synthesis