<wolfspraul> lekernel: hmm, bot is here
<wolfspraul> now we need to get the logs to the milkymist.org server
<lekernel> how can the bot do that?
<lekernel> scp?
<lekernel> larsc: done
<lekernel> mwalle: should we keep mcs at all?
<lekernel> flickernoise doesn't use it
<lekernel> urjtag neither
<lekernel> only the xilinx tools do
<lekernel> instead of having tons of formats for the flash images, we can simply use raw binary everywhere
<lekernel> then convert them to mcs in the rare cases when you need the xilinx bloatware
<mwalle> lekernel: i dont care, the only advantage is that the addresses are saved with the file
<lekernel> that's not always an advantage, for example it complicates a bit making the backup flickernoise image
<mwalle> ok so drop it :)
<lekernel> we'd also need to unify the bitstream format too
<lekernel> flickernoise uses raw bit-swapped when flashing
<lekernel> urjtag uses *.bit (with xilinx header) when loading
<lekernel> and raw non-bit-swapped when flashing
<lekernel> that's a bit of a mess
<mwalle> why does flickernoise use bit-swapped binaries?
<lekernel> because that's how it's laid out in the flash in the end
<lekernel> btw it's a bit surprising that urjtag didn't need bit swapping at all
<mwalle> bit swap or LE<->BE?
<lekernel> flickernoise writes all flash images in "natural" order
<lekernel> i.e. big endian, and no bit swapping
<lekernel> bit swap
<lekernel> I thought urjtag did that too, because that's what is needed for the BIOS image as well
<mwalle> what do you mean by bit swapping?
<lekernel> sometimes, the xilinx tools (bitgen, promgen, ...) bit-swap stuff without telling you, adding to the confusion...
<lekernel> replacing msb with lsb and vice versa
<mwalle> bytewise?
<lekernel> word-wise
<lekernel> so 16-bit in our case
<lekernel> (flash bus width)
<mwalle> urjtag does that only for the bit file
<lekernel> yeah
<mwalle> ah
<mwalle> the fjmem could swap it ;)
<lekernel> btw 16-bit is also the width of the words for the fpga configuration engine, so you can expect 16-bit bit-swaps even when not dealing with a particular flash bus width
<mwalle> so maybe the nor flash should be the other way around?
<mwalle> *core
<lekernel> (it should be fun to write a wireshark dissector for said fpga configuration engine btw)
<mwalle> i think i had that issue with umon too
<lekernel> hm?
<wolfspraul> lekernel: there are a few more details with css and search script
<wolfspraul> let me think about it
<mwalle> lekernel: if you swap the nor flash core data bus lines, you wont need to swap, do you?
<lekernel> i'll need to swap the bios and other images, no?
<lekernel> and flash commands...
<mwalle> mh indeed
<lekernel> imo the nor flash core has the correct order. the only problem is the fpga reads its bitstream lsb first
<lekernel> and xilinx tried to fix that by swapping bits in various tools, creating a massive confusion
<lekernel> it makes perfect sense to load a bit reversed bitstream into the flash
<lekernel> because that's addressing exactly the problem that the fpga reverses the bits again when reading it
<lekernel> we can use bit-reversed bitstream images everywhere, and when loading into the fpga directly, take the 16-bit commands and load them lsb first
<mwalle> arg
<mwalle> /home/mw/local/lm32-linux/lib/gcc/lm32-uclinux/4.5.2/../../../../lm32-uclinux/bin/ld: unrecognized option '--eh-frame-hdr'
<mwalle> [mw@thanatos b-l-2-gcc]$ lm32-uclinux-ld --help|grep eh-frame
<mwalle>   --eh-frame-hdr              Create .eh_frame_hdr section
<mwalle> [mw@thanatos b-l-2-gcc]$ lm32-uclinux-ld --eh-frame-hdr
<mwalle> lm32-uclinux-ld: unrecognized option '--eh-frame-hdr'
<mwalle> lm32-uclinux-ld: use the --help option for usage information
<mwalle> [mw@thanatos b-l-2-gcc]$
<mwalle> wtf ..
<mwalle> nice and the autotools check for that option by grepping the help
<mwalle> gn8
<mwalle> lol, every bfd can add options to ld.. but not every emulation can use that options (in my case fdpic adds the --eh-frame-hdr option) but im using elf as bfd
<mwalle> very clever to use --help to get the supported options
<kristianpaul> flashmem...
<kristianpaul> so slow..
<kristianpaul> wee i bricked the m1 :p