<lekernel> new arm clone: http://opencores.org/project,amber
<lekernel> of course it's slow, but at least it seems to somewhat work
<Fallenou> lekernel: let's see how long this one is gonna stay :)
<Fallenou> (for the arm core)
<lekernel> imo they could stay indefinitely, worst case by anonymously releasing them
<lekernel> but anyway I don't think ARM has any sound legal handle in many parts of the world to shut them down
<lekernel> it's a lot of intimidation
<lekernel> which is a nice subject to bother ARM employees with btw
<Fallenou> =)
<Fallenou> don't bother them too much
<Fallenou> it's not their fault
<Fallenou> it's more the directors and stuff
<mwalle> hi
<Fallenou> hi !
<lekernel> hi mwalle
<mwalle> oh, memcard is broken when no -sd parameter is supplied ;)
<mwalle> lekernel: there is not detection if a sdcard is inserted, is it?
<lekernel> no, there isn't
<mwalle> ok then i should probably remove that warning if no sdcard image is available
<lekernel> the software just tries to read... and if it gets no replies, it assumes no card
<mwalle> btw just submitted v2 of my target-lm32 patchset :)
<mwalle> no replies means all zero?
<lekernel> what changed between v1 and v2?
<mwalle> minor changes :)
<mwalle> some tcg ops were replaced with specialized ones
<lekernel> all 1 iirc
<lekernel> there's a pull up on the memory card's command line
<mwalle> ok
<lekernel> same with data lines