<kristianpaul> hmm with cti we could do burst cyles
<kristianpaul> ha!, just cti 001 :D
<mwalle> lekernel: (yeah but for what simulator?) the first one is for gdb sim and the second one for qemu (evr bsp), but you cant remove it, because then the scripts used at OAR wont terminate anymore
<mwalle> is lekernel reading the logs? :)
<kristianpaul> wow https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Milkymist, thanks wpwrak wich poit it at qi-harware
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: no, that wasn't me
<kristianpaul> wolfgang?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (checking my logs ....) yes, wolfgang
<kristianpaul> yes checking, i just wake up :-)
<wpwrak> i agree that the article looks very nice, though
<kristianpaul> and very updated !
<kristianpaul> that soc diagram was commited just a week ago, no more than two :-)
<kristianpaul> oh yes, was wolfgang but my brain asociated with you first :/, i need bette got for some morning juice
<wolfspraul> I have no idea who wrote the article
<wolfspraul> I added the sales number (32), a few categories, enlarged the soc diagram a little
<wolfspraul> but the text was someon else
<wolfspraul> it's a solid start though, for sure
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: I read the backlogs sometimes, not always
<kristianpaul> me too
<kristianpaul> (backlog)
<kristianpaul> wishbone to ram, finally !!
<kristianpaul> with this i'll migrate pratically with near-zero effort :D
<kristianpaul> all is about memory :D
<wolfspraul> hey after the Milkymist fragrance there now is another Milkymist
<wolfspraul> an Indian curry or so
<wolfspraul> I think we are in good company.
<wolfspraul> fragrance, tasty food, and... the computing revolution
<kristianpaul> he
<lekernel> yeah... milkymist.in has already been there for couple of years actually
<kristianpaul> and whatever  the .net is as well
<lekernel> ah, that one is new
<kristianpaul> and .com ..
<lekernel> Creation Date:   2010-07-07
<lekernel> .com is mine
<kristianpaul> ah ;)
<kristianpaul> put something there ! :-)
<lekernel> it redirects to the .org, no?
<kristianpaul> test looks good :-)
<lekernel> doesn't work for you?
<kristianpaul> no
<kristianpaul> i got a root dir with a test.php file..
<lekernel> ah
<lekernel> weird
<lekernel> what IP do you have for www.milkymist.com ?
<lekernel> should be
<kristianpaul> ah..
<kristianpaul> hell with my isp..
<kristianpaul> anyway..
<kristianpaul> lekernel: are of aware if some of the current mm1 soc cores uses block transfer cycles?
<lekernel> what is a block transfer cycle?
<kristianpaul> well, thats explained in the wishbone B4 spec doc
<lekernel> well probably not then
<lekernel> checking
<lekernel> ah, burst
<lekernel> yeah the cpu does it
<lekernel> it was called burst before, no?
<kristianpaul> dunno, it not burst when using cti?
<kristianpaul> s/it/is
<lekernel> cti is used for bursts yes
<kristianpaul> Btw why you decied to move the mimimac DMA to a wishbone slave connected to a dual ported ram?
<kristianpaul> there is a know or posible bug around that? or.. just to keep simplicity?
<kristianpaul> s/that/memory/ram system memory..
<lekernel> there were those overflow problems... I don't really know if they were due to a lack of bus bandwidth or to a simple bug, but I had already spent too much time on ethernet
<lekernel> it just had to work
<kristianpaul> sure
<kristianpaul> yeah, may be this issue just get noticed when working with data need to be verified, process that obviouslly is not needed with audio and video
<kristianpaul> anyway..
<kristianpaul> will not try DMA neither for now
<kristianpaul> hmm, pipeline traffic mode is just in revision B4
<kristianpaul> ha, is me or there is no wishbone switch implementation at opencores.. :o
<lekernel> just don't bother with opencores... I never found anything worthy there
<lekernel> opencores is for bachelor degree projects, period
<kristianpaul> well, lets start a milkymist cores repository.., if a core got running on the mm1, and lekernel dont complaint about it is a good sign for that design ;)
<scrts> are there any alternatives for opencores?
<scrts> :)
<lekernel> scrts: yeah, github
<lekernel> it's better in every aspect, except it doesn't link HDL projects together
<scrts> yeah... damn hard to find ANYTHING there :\
<lekernel> otoh a repository of links to HDL projects hosted on github/bitbucket/whatever shouldn't be too hard to come with
<lekernel> which opencores should just be, but instead of that they're being anal retentive about the files needing to be hosted on their server
<kristianpaul> gitorious !
<scrts> :))
<scrts> at least that jpeg encoder on opencores works fine
<lekernel> really? wow
<kristianpaul> phew, 3 days reading from time to time the wishbone spec doc, after all is not so complicated how it works
<kristianpaul> scrts: there is no zlib enconder to?
<kristianpaul> booting mm1 became a bit slow this days ;)
<lekernel> how many JPEGs have you encoded with it? sometimes, opencores stuff works on a case or two, but breaks randomly like shit in real use cases, and trying to fix the messy code is like opening a massive can of worms
<kristianpaul> hahah
<kristianpaul> thats nasty btw
<scrts> well that wasn't mine project, but I've seen it realized and working fine
<scrts> capturing rgb image from camera -> encode -> send via wireless lan
<lekernel> if it works as fine as you say that's interesting
<kristianpaul> scrts: and you are happy? isnt?, thats the goal ;-)
<lekernel> we could use that for MJPEG streaming out of the MM1
<lekernel> but I don't hold my breath ...
<scrts> I suppose the cores uploaded by You guys to opencores are working too?
<scrts> ;))
<kristianpaul> uses git
<kristianpaul> lol it exits http://opencores.org/project,deflatecore
<kristianpaul> but vhdl..
<lekernel> scrts: got a link to this 'working fine' JPEG encoder?
<kristianpaul> ah is lzma wat bios uses..
<scrts> contacr the author, he will tell You all the worms if there are any :)
<scrts> *contact
<scrts> I suppose many of "FPGA proven" projects there should be working
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> thinking how link customs cores to current source code
<kristianpaul> ie a lzm boosts core
<lekernel> yeah... we should have a 'partial reconfiguration' interface to load 'plugins'
<lekernel> would be useful as well for dubious code like this JPEG thing
<lekernel> and to cut down synthesis times
<kristianpaul> and not mess/hack the original source lib in the process. or..
<kristianpaul> oh please (cut down synthesis times)
<kristianpaul> :-)
<scrts> btw.. is there any graphical linker to LM32 like SOPC builder for Nios or EDK for MIcroBlaze?
<kristianpaul> dunno
<kristianpaul> mux mux, he not so complicated
<kristianpaul> wishbone specs is a MUST read doc
<lekernel> yeah there's the lattice micosystem builder
<lekernel> I have never used it
<kristianpaul> ah that one is wrriten with eclipse i remenber..
<kristianpaul> one guy joined this channel asking support about it, now i remenber :-)
<lekernel> there's also someone who praised it on the list...
<scrts> btw, who did mm pcb?
<scrts> I mean the routing itself, not manufacturing
<kristianpaul> ask on the list, but i think you can find PCB manufacturing name on qi-wiki there is a directory like page for that
<scrts> nah, I am searching for the pcb image itself, I am interested how DDR memory is traced on the board
<scrts> ah, found it @ milkymist one page
<kristianpaul> yup
<kristianpaul> scrts: btw if you can export milkymist pcb layout layer by layer and send the pdf to the ML i will be gratefull
<scrts> hmm, I will try
<scrts> I see that wire lengths are not equal
<scrts> there was no problems with that?
<scrts> *were
<scrts> kristianpaul where do You want me to put the pdfs?
<kristianpaul> scrts: how big those are to send to the list?
<kristianpaul> scrts: may be lekernel can host it with the other schmatics on the milkymist web page?
<scrts> its actually one pdf 1,5MB
<scrts> I am not on the list yet
<scrts> maybe You want it sent by email?
<kristianpaul> okok
<kristianpaul> or wikisend :_)
<kristianpaul> is prety easy
<scrts> just give me a link where to send :)
<kristianpaul> scrts: http://wikisend.com/
<scrts> should work
<kristianpaul> got it
<scrts> check if its ok
<kristianpaul> he well  i dont know the layout for all layers..
<kristianpaul> let me see
<kristianpaul> i dont see the botton...
<kristianpaul> ah wai not
<kristianpaul> looks okay, thanks scrts
<scrts> np
<kristianpaul> he, just matter of search and i found this too http://en.qi-hardware.com/w/index.php?title=File:MM1_RC1_PCB_DESIGNs.pdf&page=1
<scrts> this pdf is made of rc2
<kristianpaul> yup
<kristianpaul> wich is much better :-)
<kristianpaul> miss some colors
<mwalle> lekernel: (yeah but for what simulator?) the first one is for gdb sim and the second one for qemu (evr bsp), but you cant remove it, because then the scripts used at OAR wont terminate anymore
<lekernel> did you write this?
<mwalle> the second one, yes
<lekernel> hm, ok
<mwalle> that was before mm days ;)
<lekernel> anyone uses the EVR anyway? :-)
<mwalle> the lm32 coverage analysis, yes
<mwalle> but you could talk joel into using the mm bsp :)
<mwalle> mh
<lekernel> outdated uart driver api, outdated IRQ API, answer "just a toy project" from original developer when asked about those, etc.
<mwalle> the problem is the couverture port for lm32.. i havent updated it for.. um.. 2 years?
<mwalle> 1 year
<mwalle> U-Boot 2011.03-00168-g73e5476-dirty (Apr 23 2011 - 19:07:50)
<mwalle> Buffalo Linkstation Pro (LS-XHL)
<mwalle> yey :)
<lekernel> why did you choose that obscure lm32 architecture for couverture? *g*
<mwalle> s/obscure/simple/ :)
<kristianpaul> "the lowest two bits are always zero." ADR_O lm32, ahh that exp:aing a doubt i have related with csr adr decodin..
<CIA-48> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rb33b555 / src/fb.c : Fix autostart crash in 640x480 - http://bit.ly/gVieeY
<CIA-48> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r1230e7f / src/version.h : Bump version number - http://bit.ly/eIYheo
<CIA-48> mtk: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r6b201c7 / lib/edit.c : Edit: show line numbers - http://bit.ly/gtHPrr
<CIA-48> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rd8c2954 / src/keyboard.c : Keyboard controls autobuild - http://bit.ly/hWT7la
<CIA-48> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rf388ed2 / src/keyboard.c : Keyboard controls autobuild: take starting key into account - http://bit.ly/eyif1J
<CIA-48> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rea2d349 / src/keyboard.c : Keyboard controls autobuild: sort files before cutting - http://bit.ly/eOJpib
<CIA-48> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rf8706f8 / (src/keyboard.c src/midi.c): MIDI controls autobuild - http://bit.ly/gjM3tg
<wpwrak> hihi, "Divination" ;-)) someday, autocomplete will start a war somewhere :)
<wpwrak> lekernel: hmm, "Revision" (ex-"Breakpoint") might have been a place to showcase mm1: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Demo-Party-Revision-Gelungener-Einstand-1232297.html
<wpwrak> lekernel: there are similar events, e.g., one in switzerland in august: http://bnz19.buenz.li/   but probably a lot smaller
<mwalle> revision 2011 was 200m away from my work ;)
<wpwrak> mwalle: a cool, so you know of it. did you take an mm1 there ?
<mwalle> i couldnt convince my gf to spent 60 eur for visiting the party
<wpwrak> mwalle: dump her ! :)
<mwalle> lol :b
<lekernel> ah yeah revision... actually I talked to those guys already but they weren't very welcoming
<wpwrak> lekernel: stupid of them :-( considering the one in .ch ? smaller may mean less of an attitude
<lekernel> dunno if it has anything to do with size
<wpwrak> lekernel: you can just ping them and see how they react. i would consider mm1 extremely relevant for this kind of event. it may just be too radical for some to comprehend ;-)
<wpwrak> hmm, thinking of it, someone should bring a ben with vga out and show something funny ;-)
<kristianpaul> :D