mwalle, what reference material did you write your gdbstub.c with?
mwalle, i'm translating it into something that drives the monitor, but don't know what some of the packets you send mean.
xiangfu, when i flashed msd-dec2010/soc-1.0RC2.fpg from msd-apr2011/soc-1.0RC3.fpg; once flash completed, if i used "Shutdown" to select "Reboot", the info will still show SoC 1.0RC3.fpg.
xiangfu, only exactly power off and power on board again, then platform version info is correct though.
lekernel, i think that this is because fpga needs to be driven a real signal trigger on PROGRAM_B pins a low level. which h/w RC2 version won't be have this function. right?
aw_: that is normal I think. no need warry about that. :)
xiangfu, um..i know. but this should can be done by s/w? well..i don't know.
xiangfu, :-)
xiangfu, hm..it's reasonable now I think. the soc bitstream needs to be load during fpga configuration stage which only LED1 lights after power cycling. :-) good this is the reason. :-)
so whenever you see the info shows rightly is because address starts from 0x80860000 is regular BIOS/splash/APP(Flickernoise)/data partition. All of them can be directly changed/reloaded by "Reboot" button. :-)
aw_: need look into a little why it's not change after software reboot
aw_: the SOC string is read from "0xe000103c". but I don't know why after software reboot. ti's still the old.
need lekernel  to answer this question :)
simply, software reboot doesn't reload the bitstream
mwalle: it seems that the QEMU VNC server doesn't take into account the resolution changes... at 1024x768 the picture is messed up
who wants to submit a CCC camp talk with me?
mwalle: is bwalle related to you?
rtems-milkymist: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r860d0b4 / c/src/lib/libbsp/lm32/shared/milkymist_networking/network.c : Ethernet: get rid of ipalign - http://bit.ly/dVwPAm
?! wireshark shows outgoing frames of 2962 bytes from my computer (which obviously trigger rtems/milkymist ethernet bugs)
larsc: nope
ifconfig shows my mtu is set to 1500 ...wtf?
hmm... ifconfig mtu 1000 reduced those frames to 1962
let me try with a very small mtu :)
argh... breaks netboot which doesn't handle fragmented UDP
I don't get it. why does TCP seems to send frames larger than the MTU?
but not UDP?
is sick of bugs
arn't we all
lekernel: it seems that your vncclient doesnt support resizing
it works for you?
I connected after resizing
mwalle: btw ethernet is completely broken for you?
for me about 1/3 of the "large" (several hundred bytes) frames appear somewhat truncated, maybe by hardware
instead of having 1500 bytes, they have a random length between 650 and 750 bytes
lekernel: (vnc) no it doesnt work
ping works, bot nothing else
{#~{[! adding printk() in the ethernet ISR RX makes the bug disappear
lekernel: you could try to print in a buffer
it could be because printk() makes the ISR a bit slower
if this is the case and when i'm pissed off enough about that, i'll just add a dummy loop in the ISR lol ;)
so writing into a buffer wont change the timing too much
mhahaha yeah, adding 80K NOPs into the ethernet ISR makes it work
what's the point of having non-copy things like mbuf if it's to lose time in useless loops
does not get it
mwalle: btw for some reason the bug is never triggered for ping packets, no matter the size and frequency
Fallenou: making a copy free driver takes one hour. fixing pesky bugs like that take one month or more.
qemu will have opengl disabled by default
mwalle: what's the problem btw? linking the opengl nvidia library breaks the x86 emulator?
can't you only link qemu-system-lm32?
lekernel: yes seems to break some amd64 archs
just link the lm32 arch against opengl?
nah, i dont think thats a good idea
why not? the other archs don't need it anyway
that would just be another workaround..
which requires more changes
disabling opengl by default is only a oneliner
and --enable-opengl wont hurt much
and maybe there are the same problems for lm32 on amd64
ok, but i'm worried that distros would just build the QEMU package with the default options and all will ship qemu-system-lm32 without opengl
mh, i c
I have an nvidia card, and opengl+qemu works for me...
lekernel: are you subscribed to qemu-devel?
nope... too much traffic
yeah, lol :)
almost 30k unread mails in my inbox ;)
lekernel: ok i suggest to disable opengl by default except for lm32 targets
this will be an ugly configure hack, arg
milkymist: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * ref32be1 / (7 files in 2 dirs): Ethernet: simplifications and fixes - http://bit.ly/dNQJDo