<carlobar> hi, i have modified the the HPDMC controller in order to support 16 bits memories, but i got errors and i dont know whats wrong.
<carlobar> The HPDMC write/read 16 bit data, so i made an entity that perform 2 read/write to get a 32 bit data.
<carlobar> I can read/write data using the bootloader, but when i try to write at 0x40002000, the data at 0x40000000 is overwriten, and i dont understand why. I made a simulation of a write operaion at 0x40002000, but it looks fine, someone can help me?
<kristianpaul> hmm, icap allows multiboot
<kristianpaul> but is not clear to me if xilinx support partial reconfigurarion or core load/unload.. in spartan6..
<kristianpaul> all what i found is about virtex
<kristianpaul> multiboot still nice, but not the main goal..
<kristianpaul> well, if you can resume and reboot fast enought... ;)
<kristianpaul> where is my xilinx7 :D ??!!
<kristianpaul> "current implementation of the bus macro uses eight 3-state buffer" ohh, 3 state
<kristianpaul> and saying, okay i can do reconfigure  partially, it will be not much that two "modules" it seems..
<kristianpaul> bah, i forgot check  ack before read wb_data_i ..
<lekernel> carlobar: see fml doc, you need an uninterrupted stream of data, which means your hack cannot work unless you also double the DDR frequency
<lekernel> (you can also just buy a M1 *g*)
<lekernel> kristianpaul: partial reconfiguration works for spartan6, but as always it's bloody and dirty
<lekernel> it doesn't use 3 state buffers though (the s6 doesn't have them anyway)
<lekernel> and you can have as many modules as you want (or, more exactly, 1/16 of the FPGA tile count on S6, but that's a lot :p) but you have to be prepared to hack the tools and/or the bitstream files quite heavily for that, depending on how much flexibility you need
<kristianpaul> lekernel: (partial reconfiguration in s6) how do you know that? already tried? got some paper about it? or..
<lekernel> i'm using the partial reconfiguration features to reverse engineer the bitstream format more easily
<kristianpaul> :o
<kristianpaul> ha, cheating, you are taking apart the bistream  using partial reconf!
<kristianpaul> make sense
<lekernel> jeje
<kristianpaul> (it doesn't use 3 state buffers though) so, what it uses?
<kristianpaul> a special secret xilinx unviversal bus? :p
<lekernel> this is more up to date
<lekernel> but for s6 they don't support it (and they said they will never) but many things should work anyway
<kristianpaul> ah
<lekernel> they have this "difference based" reconfiguration too
<lekernel> (which is officially supported for s6)
<lekernel> guyzmo: hi
<lekernel> did you get some lua stuff to work?
<kristianpaul> not in a mipsel machine..
<kristianpaul> oops
<kristianpaul> :D
<lekernel> wonders about the other features of that bot
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> at least joking is on the list of features
<kristianpaul> s/joking/humor
<lekernel> !joke
<lekernel> !fortune
<scrts> lol :)
<mwalle> larsc: are you an openwrt developer?
<trem> nite all, sweet dreams