<kristianpaul> nats`: navre? :)
<lekernel_> roh: hi
<roh> lekernel_: hi
<lekernel_> got my email?
<roh> yes
<roh> i should have a composite source (the dvb reciever)
<lekernel_> ok
<lekernel_> are you there today?
<roh> soldering equipment is there (some fine tools)
<roh> dunno yet. late evening
<roh> need to sleep a bit very soon.
<lekernel_> you're going to sleep _now_?
<roh> well.. i wanted earlier but a customer kept me awake with his apache problems.
<lekernel_> lol
<roh> ;)
<lekernel_> anyway
<lekernel_> is there anyone else at the agency now?
<roh> i dont think so
<lekernel_> this chip replacement thing is on the critical path for rc3
<roh> i see. i think we can do it tonight or for sure somewhere on the weekend
<roh> if you want to use solderpaste you need to bring some. but we got fine solder and the hot air station
<roh> bbl
<lekernel_> roh: can we fix a time this weekend and stick to it?
<Fallenou> at London St Pancras
<Fallenou> waiting for eurostar
<lekernel_> week end in paris?
<Fallenou> yep lekernel :)
<lekernel> you should check out leloop before they get evicted =]
<lekernel> but well... the site doesn't say much
<Fallenou> are the ydoing interesting stuff ?
<lekernel> well, don't go there if you expect top-notch hardware hacking, but from a social/political point of view, it's very interesting =]
<lekernel> it's a busy 11-story squatted former bank
<lekernel> artists, researchers (yeah, there are even some academic people there), musicians, squatters, hackers ...
<Fallenou> humm ok
<Fallenou> has the seat 42
<lekernel> I definitely recommend it
<Fallenou> I try not to stand out of the crowd in London
<Fallenou> I suppose you understand why :p
<lekernel> jackgassett: I think you should be able to rewrite the proprietary bram2bit fairly easily in your project
<lekernel> in fact many of the bitstream elements required for this purpose are documented by xilinx
<lekernel> BRAM data doesn't seem to be intertwined with other configuration data (interconnect, slices, etc.)
<lekernel> instead you have commands at the end of the bitstream that write configuration data with special values of the frame address register (FAR) - this configuration data simply gets pushed into the block RAM
<lekernel> and the FAR value tells which BRAM element to write to
<lekernel> you can simply get the FAR values for your placed/routed design by filling the BRAM with random data and examining what gets written where
<lekernel> you'll also need to generate a frame CRC, but fortunately this is documented for spartan 3 (but not 6 :/)
<Fallenou> from France
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: salut :-)
<kristianpaul> Okay,i had tested with the scope the memory card using TP, i can confirm CLK (159Khz) also visualized square signals coming from CMD when bios run, later with rtems
<kristianpaul> but DAT0-3 _always_ are up (3.2V)..
<kristianpaul> i guess at least if any response from card is coming it should appear in DAT0, but nothing hapened with both toshiba 512B and 1Gb Nokia cards..
<Fallenou> yop kristianpaul :)
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: btw are you moving to he US finally to work with intel?
<Fallenou> no no I'm not
<Fallenou> I went to London instead of US
<Fallenou> maybe later :) dunno !
<Fallenou> I didn't studied yet the list of interesting companies I'd like to work with/at
<Fallenou> I will do that when I will have my diploma :p
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rfdd2b9a / (6 files): place: new placer beginning to work (wip, buggy, no flip flops) - http://bit.ly/e7ykyH
<Fallenou> :)
<kristianpaul> oh
<lekernel> #{~! this placer thing is so messy to write
<lekernel> I think we need a tool akin to lemon/re2c/flex/bison but which processes fpga architecture descriptions and writes the messy parts of placer/packer systems
<Fallenou> hehe flex bison is quite awesom :)
<lekernel> now we also need to make it fast...
<Fallenou> to write big parsers for you
<lekernel> you should try lemon+re2c
<lekernel> cleaner than the GNU stuff
<Fallenou> oh ok
<lekernel> the GNU tools use many GNUisms which make non-portable parsers (do you see a pattern here?), which also are non-reentrant by default (and making them reentrant is messy)
<lekernel> also, lemon+re2c are simple things which do not require autocrap to build
<lekernel> you could run a lemon+re2c parser on a microcontroller... now good luck with the GNU things
<kristianpaul> oh, really?
<lekernel> sure, I did it on AEMB/LM32 even without a C library
<kristianpaul> :o
<kristianpaul> without a C library, looks even more portable it seems then
<Fallenou> maybe they reinvented the wheel
<Fallenou> you are always more likely to be portale reinventing the wheel
<lekernel> well, in fact, they do use a few C library functions. what I meant is without newlib/glibc/etc.
<kristianpaul> ah ok :-)
<lekernel> at the beginning I tried with the GNU tools but there were endless problems
<Fallenou> ok
<lekernel> lemon+re2c went without a hitch
<kristianpaul> lekernel: still interested on a gcc replacement? ;)
<lekernel> it's not something i'm going to spend time on, but yes
<kristianpaul> sure
<mumptai> hi
<lekernel> hi
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r3d71a35 / (3 files): place: bugfixes - http://bit.ly/i8xVNV
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rb74db8d / antares-place/initial.c : place: fixed carry chain placement - http://bit.ly/hX06G5
<nats`> hi
<nats`> lekernel: you know a simple verilog softcore ?
<kristianpaul> there is a "CPU" that can fit on a 48 cells CPLD, thats simple :-)
<lekernel> nats`: navre?
<nats`> how many LUT it takes ?
<nats`> because by simple I mean C programmable interface to control device
<nats`> lekernel: I will take navre to give it a try
<nats`> where do I check out the project ?
<kristianpaul> nats`: is a milkymist core
<kristianpaul> milkymist/cores/softusb
<kristianpaul> milkymist/cores/softusb/rtl/softusb_navre.v
<lekernel> about 1.2k luts iirc... but see for yourself
<lekernel> and yes gcc-avr works for it
<nats`> lekernel I'll try and make some feedback :)
<nats`> because I need a softcore to make a little tool :)
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: hi
<kristianpaul> ah, wait i need to go
<kristianpaul> bbl