<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: how do you like the cameras so far? from a user's perspective I mean.
<wolfspraul> they are quite small and with the little metal hook should be easy to attach somewhere, true?
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: i _really_ care a lot in how i react when i move
<kristianpaul> yeah, there is a space for a crew
<wolfspraul> what do you mean with 'care a lot i how I rect when I move'?
<wolfspraul> react
<wolfspraul> you mean you like the feature as it is implemented in flickernoise now?
<kristianpaul> i mean, i move camera then i watch on the screen my move
<wolfspraul> and you think that's a good feature?
<kristianpaul> well i dont is a flickernoise feature
<kristianpaul> i was talking about camera with no flickernoise effects yet aplied
<wolfspraul> ok but what is your point then?
<wolfspraul> you like the fact that you can connect a camera to m1?
<wolfspraul> you like to see yourself? :-)
<kristianpaul> hahaah no no
<kristianpaul> i mean i like see that if i move i.e. my arm i can see it just that on screen, and the movement is natural i mean not slowdown or something
<kristianpaul> got my idea?
<wolfspraul> so you want to say that if someone has a camera, they can enjoy m1 much better?
<kristianpaul> sure
<kristianpaul> oh yes !
<wolfspraul> ok
<kristianpaul> play audio is good at first but you eventually be bored
<kristianpaul> video in, well you have lot to play with :-)
<wolfspraul> also compare the different lenses I sent you, curious how you feel about those
<Fallenou> 01:13 < wolfspraul> you like to see yourself? :-)
<Fallenou> who doesn't ?!!
<kristianpaul> yeah sure, but with effects :-)
<Fallenou> :p
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: for example I am wondering whether you think the wide angle lense makes sense
<Fallenou> kristianpaul: you like to see the video running smooth with no lag, I guess that's what you meant
<kristianpaul> btw you know what i care about when replacing lenses, i mean is not that way ccd-chip exposed some how?
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: no lag, right !
<wolfspraul> bah no, don't worry
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> ok
<wolfspraul> the sensor is quite deep inside
<wolfspraul> of course don't try to clean the sensor with a cloth or so
<wolfspraul> just in a clean environment, at home, take the current lense off, put the new one on - done
<kristianpaul> btw sharp one is tricky coloring images,
<wolfspraul> tricky coloring images?
<wolfspraul> I have trouble understanding you sometimes :-)
<kristianpaul> I know :(
<wolfspraul> you mean the colors are off/unnatural?
<kristianpaul> he, i.e when you see some colored spots aorund the images
<wolfspraul> what is the color difference to the sony ccd and cmos one?
<kristianpaul> unnatural yes
<wolfspraul> ok
<kristianpaul> oh sure, sony looks more natural
<wolfspraul> so about lenses, of course I think about costs a lot, because I want to decide whether/what to include
<wolfspraul> basically the lenses are all cheap 80 cents to 2 USD
<wolfspraul> but the wide angle one is more expensive, ca. 8 USD
<wolfspraul> so that's a lot
<wolfspraul> which means that the main thing I am interested in is whether you think the wide angle one is any good
<wolfspraul> if not, we can decide whether the 6mm or 8mm or 12mm is better later, they are all cheap
<kristianpaul> ha, how i identify wide one btw?
<wolfspraul> the wide angle one is 2.1mm I think, 145 degree field of view
<wolfspraul> it's short and has a big round glass at the top
<wolfspraul> looks like a big eye looking at you
<kristianpaul> shorter than the others?
<wolfspraul> the others are longer/more like a narrow tunnel
<kristianpaul> ok
<wolfspraul> there is only 1 wide angle
<wolfspraul> you can easily tell which one it is, I think
<kristianpaul> second
<wolfspraul> it's the short one with a big round eye looking at you :-)
<Fallenou> hide ! quick !
<wolfspraul> actually I should have marked the lenses better
<kristianpaul> hmm wait i need a screwdriver for the lense change
<wolfspraul> we may have trouble distinguishing the 3.6mm/6mm/8mm later
<wolfspraul> but at least the wide-angle one is easy to identify
<Fallenou> http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Xu%C3%A9 wolfspraul you know who is doing this ?
<Fallenou> well it's written on the page ok
<kristianpaul> all are different in heights
<wolfspraul> Andres Calderon and emqbit.com
<Fallenou> but I mean do they have a website ?
<wolfspraul> yes
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> they have several
<wolfspraul> linuxencaja.net
<wolfspraul> emqbit.com
<wolfspraul> I think Xue on Qi is abandoned
<Fallenou> ok thanks, i didn't know there was a project already using Milkymist
<wolfspraul> actually I read about the Apache Attic yesterday, I need to introduce that concept at Qi as well, and move Xue to the attic :-)
<wolfspraul> oh definitely, there is
<wolfspraul> only unfortunately I think Xue will die before it makes it into production
<wolfspraul> and I sourced sensors too early, I am sitting on 600 USD of nice high-end Aptina sensors in Taipei, so stupid
<wolfspraul> luckily I rarely make such mistakes
<Fallenou> arg
<wolfspraul> got carried away with excitement, I guess. then we checked the project and found that it's very very far from manufacturable state :-)
<wolfspraul> no problem
<wolfspraul> maybe it will be restarted, don't know
<wolfspraul> you can contact andres about it
<Fallenou> let's hope so
<wolfspraul> he used to reply immediately, then it took a few days, last time 2 weeks, and no answer at all anymore to my last mail :-)
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: short lense is loosy
<kristianpaul> i mean i'm screing it..
<kristianpaul> and feel loose, also i can screw too much or i lost focus
<kristianpaul> s/can/cant
<Fallenou> :(
<kristianpaul> trikky if i select some text and press del i dont behave as evryone would expect
<kristianpaul> (patch editor)
<Fallenou> personnaly with my french keyboard it does not behave as expected at all :p
<Fallenou> and selecting "french" in settings changes nothing
<kristianpaul> spanish one seems work.. hre
<Fallenou> but anyway i am kind of used to type with qwerty keyboards now :)
<kristianpaul> here*
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: ok, what is your point now?
<wolfspraul> about the lense, screw, and focus
<kristianpaul> focus is for near things
<wolfspraul> the way these m12 lenses work is that you focus them by inserting (screwing) down to a certain (focused) point
<kristianpaul> ie if you want do effects with your face only
<wolfspraul> then you fasten the lense at that position with the screw
<kristianpaul> ah i see
<wolfspraul> the screw does not need to be tightened a lot
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> screw, yeah was my fault i missed a bit tight
<wolfspraul> in fact that will damage the threads
<kristianpaul> oh, okay no too much tigh
<kristianpaul> t
<wolfspraul> yes, the only purpose is to hold the lense, which is already pretty stable because of the long thread
<wolfspraul> you may even leave the screw out for home use, if you feel the lense is already tight/stable enough
<Fallenou> gn8 guys
<wolfspraul> focus by manually inserting the lense until it's focused
<wolfspraul> for the long lenses, actually ;-) don't screw them all the way down, you may hit the pcb/lense and probably permanently damage/destroy the camera
<wolfspraul> but it's quite deep down there, i cannot imagine you would screw the lense that deep. just I think this cheap camera has no mechanical protection against that.
<wolfspraul> you could carve out a round circle on the pcb :-)
<wolfspraul> wow
<wolfspraul> andres has just come online!
<wolfspraul> unbelievable
<wolfspraul> must be some 6th sense
<kristianpaul> i think
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: what lense do you have inserted now? is it focused?
<kristianpaul> i have to said that my canon camera behave _much_ better usable ilumination that the sony one
<wolfspraul> is the lense switching business clear now?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> right now, it have the short one, and yes i focused something in the living roon
<wolfspraul> you mean even the sony ccd camera is bad/unusable?
<wolfspraul> what canon camera are you comparing with?
<kristianpaul> a470
<kristianpaul> here i have fluorecent light btw
<wolfspraul> also I'm wondering whether it's really 'usable illumation' or maybe something like brightness
<kristianpaul> i dunno what kind of light is used in parties
<wolfspraul> the sensor in the 1/3'' sony ccd camera is excellent
<kristianpaul> bright, let me tune it by software and i'll tell
<wolfspraul> maybe the quality is lost elsewhere, or it's not lost at all, just that the canon camera does some software tricks to make things look better
<kristianpaul> oh yes !
<wolfspraul> consumer cameras nowadays have a lot of software to make things look better
<kristianpaul> brightness in sofware make all clear now
<wolfspraul> which is actually a big problem for professional photographers, but that's another story
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> i was aboutt to ask that ;-)
<kristianpaul> (remenber the life as you see it slogan from ..)
<wolfspraul> I'm not complaining, they are focusing on what their customers want.
<wolfspraul> so the sony ccd one is as good as the canon one now, with brightness adjustment?
<kristianpaul> yup :-)
<wolfspraul> a 1/3'' sony ccd censor definitely cannot be the bottleneck in our m1 system
<wolfspraul> that's a very high end sensor
<kristianpaul> oh yes
<kristianpaul> now i can focus nicelly some objects :-)
<kristianpaul> okay i'll move to the next bigger in heighe lense
<wolfspraul> you just used the wide-angle lense?
<wolfspraul> you should have 4 different ones I think
<kristianpaul> yes
<wolfspraul> first the one that came with the camera, I think it's 3.6mm on the ccd cameras
<wolfspraul> then one shorter (wide angle) one, separate
<wolfspraul> and two longer ones, separate
<wolfspraul> I forgot the details actually.
<wolfspraul> maybe the longer ones are 6 and 8, or 12 mm
<wolfspraul> something like that
<wolfspraul> they zoom into the distance
<wolfspraul> for our application, either the one that came with the camera makes sense, or a more wide angle one even
<wolfspraul> I would think...
<kristianpaul> ha, higher one is fun
<kristianpaul> btw i dint saw andres nick on qi
<kristianpaul> just juan64bits
<wolfspraul> both are there
<wolfspraul> juan is another one from this group
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> i see
<wolfspraul> if you tried the wide angle lense already, did you notice a difference?
<kristianpaul> wide angle is the short one?
<kristianpaul> lets name it by highs or i'll get confused..
<wolfspraul> yes, probably 'short one'
<wolfspraul> you can see that the opening is bigger too, like a big eye
<wolfspraul> I forgot which ones exactly I sent you.
<kristianpaul> yes big eye short one ;)
<wolfspraul> yes
<wolfspraul> sounds right
<wolfspraul> did you notice any difference when using it?
<kristianpaul> i noticed i can focus, ok, but the view is not wide, what is puposed to be wide here
<kristianpaul> i think big eye is the higher onw
<wolfspraul> the field of view should be wider
<kristianpaul> hmm thats not the short one, is the tallest ;-)
<kristianpaul> the eye is looks like a dome?
<wolfspraul> yes
<wolfspraul> maybe you take a picture and upload it real quick?
<kristianpaul> yeah
<kristianpaul> better
<wolfspraul> I should have labeled them better, my bad
<kristianpaul> bbl (dinner)
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: where is the multiple upload link?
<kristianpaul> ah spacial pages.
<wolfspraul> yes. it's a little buggy too, just ignore the warnings after upload
<wolfspraul> the multi-upload itself should work
<kristianpaul> done
<kristianpaul> i think is wide one
<wolfspraul> heh
<wolfspraul> yes I think 3536 is the shortest and most wide-angle one
<wolfspraul> 3534 == 3536
<wolfspraul> true?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> but is not the shortest
<kristianpaul> by contrast the tallest :-)
<kristianpaul> and the shortest is not so wide, but i can focus/zoom
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: can you see/notice the 1 2 3 writings in back to the lense?
<wolfspraul> bbiab
<kristianpaul> how much is  bit ;-)
<kristianpaul> I *think* the default one the shorted and taller are good enoguht
<kristianpaul> i dont see too much diference between 1 and 2
<kristianpaul> (1 and 2) acording to my local labels some-how referenced in the pic
<wolfspraul> ok you completely lost me now
<wolfspraul> "default one the shorted and taller"
<wolfspraul> wait a sec, I'm looking at the same 3 now
<kristianpaul> ( ok you completely lost me now) :(
<wolfspraul> ok you are right
<wolfspraul> the wide-angle onw is actually the tallest
<kristianpaul> yes !!
<wolfspraul> even though it has the shortest focal length :-)
<kristianpaul> :-)
<wolfspraul> so you tried that one?
<kristianpaul> ya
<wolfspraul> did you notice any difference from the default one that was on the camera?
<kristianpaul> oh, sure !!
<wolfspraul> you should see a wider view of field, on the left/right/top/bottom
<kristianpaul> is wide, i can get my apartment view better
<wolfspraul> aha :-)
<kristianpaul> yes, wider field
<wolfspraul> so you like that, for our use case, or you think it's insignificant
<kristianpaul> i like for our case
<kristianpaul> i think are there two lense very similars
<wolfspraul> so it seems for now we can say the wider the better, for us
<wolfspraul> unfortunately the wide-angle lense is expensive, oh well
<wolfspraul> ca. 8 usd
<kristianpaul> i think is good in order to take a the view of the field
<wolfspraul> higher quality ones will be even more, 16-20 usd
<wolfspraul> maybe we can't do it
<kristianpaul> not of course for just a single person doing some performance
<wolfspraul> the default one on the camera costs just 80 cents :-
<wolfspraul> :-)
<kristianpaul> what about the shorter?
<wolfspraul> 2 USD
<wolfspraul> are those 2 shorter ones better than the one that was on the camera?
<kristianpaul> better in terms of?
<wolfspraul> in terms of your eyes looking at the result
<kristianpaul> they are not so wide as defaullt
<wolfspraul> yes
<kristianpaul> results, okay i liked the shorter
<wolfspraul> the default one has a 3.6mm focal length, I think
<kristianpaul> have nice zoom
<wolfspraul> ahh
<wolfspraul> but before we said 'wider is better', no?
<wolfspraul> what do you like? wide angle or zoom?
<kristianpaul> better for view my whole apartment ;-)
<kristianpaul> good questions
<kristianpaul> i will like one like the default with a bit better zoom
<kristianpaul> wide angle is good and fun, but i cant consider using it all time
<kristianpaul> wide angle or zoom . just in the middle :p
<kristianpaul> is hard to say, i depends
<kristianpaul> it*
<wolfspraul> ok so maybe just the default lense is good?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> is more neutral, thats very clear
<kristianpaul> neutral in terms of wide/zoom
<wolfspraul> yes
<wolfspraul> I sent you a range of lenses
<wolfspraul> the one on the camera is a baseline (I think 3.6mm focal length). Then one wider one (2.1mm), and two longer/narrower ones (6 and 8mm, I believe)
<wolfspraul> so in total I think you have 2.1, 3.6, 6, 8
<wolfspraul> something like tha
<wolfspraul> that
<wolfspraul> well, it seems we can skip over the whole lense business for now, and just stay with the 3.6mm default one
<kristianpaul> i dont see clear diference between 2.1 and 3.6 yet
<kristianpaul> okay
<kristianpaul> i agree
<wolfspraul> 2.1 should give you a wider field of view
<wolfspraul> ok, if you have more feedback, let me know
<wolfspraul> otherwise I will just stay with the default one now
<wolfspraul> if we go with this camera (1/3'' sony), we actually have a good basis to improve this later
<wolfspraul> because 1/3'' is the most common sensor size for M12 lenses
<kristianpaul> for now i'll have to say that too. ther other lenses for me a re too "extreme" in features for being the default
<wolfspraul> and we have an M12 lense holder, which is (currently) the most common holder in the smaller lense formats
<wolfspraul> so there is a huge variety of m12 lenses
<wolfspraul> not so much with M9, M5, etc.
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: alright great. THANKS A LOT for your feedback!
<wolfspraul> so our current candidate for inclusion is the 1/3'' sony ccd camera with 3.6mm focal length m12 lense
<wolfspraul> correct?
<kristianpaul> yes
<wolfspraul> so I will probably buy a handful more of the, like 5 or so, and send to various people and for various reasons
<wolfspraul> will take one apart, take pictures, find datasheets, etc. just in case
<kristianpaul> the extra 3 lense are just for 1/3 right?
<wolfspraul> actually I don't know
<wolfspraul> it works like this:
<wolfspraul> a lense is optimized for a certain sensor size
<kristianpaul> there is few space to screw, i can get same level of zoom as with sony
<wolfspraul> because you want the light to cover the entire sensor
<wolfspraul> you can always use a lense that is optimized for a 1/3'' sensor on a smaller sensor
<wolfspraul> only that the resolution of the lense (lines/mm) will then not be maxed out
<wolfspraul> if you use a larger sensor, the corners of the picture will be black however
<wolfspraul> makes sense?
<kristianpaul> hmm , i said this because sharp default lense is not same as sony
<wolfspraul> most M12 lenses (75%) are optimized for 1/3'' sensors
<wolfspraul> yes sure, possible
<wolfspraul> you can use an M12 lense optimized for 1/3'' on a 1/4'' sensor, no problem
<wolfspraul> you just loose some lense performance
<kristianpaul> so is not fair comparisn for wide/zoom. of course quailty is clear that sony beats. but i not sure if we need so much quality for flickernoise
<wolfspraul> if you would use it with a 1/2'' sensor though, there would be black spots in the corners
<wolfspraul> for example there are 1/3.2'' sensors
<kristianpaul> perfomance and zoom, okay i'll all lense on sharp
<wolfspraul> a bit smaller than 1/3''
<wolfspraul> they are often used with lenses optimized for 1/3'' because you loose very little performance
<wolfspraul> actually you can design custom lenses :-)
<kristianpaul> oh
<kristianpaul> custom = expensive
<wolfspraul> but let's not tell anyone here otherwise we free lense design software next... :-)
<wolfspraul> no no
<kristianpaul> no?
<wolfspraul> not necessarily
<kristianpaul> oh
<wolfspraul> it's just a bit of glass
<wolfspraul> (or plastic)
<kristianpaul> oh really
<kristianpaul> hmm i wonder if telescopes custom lense are cheap too ;)
<kristianpaul> plastic, they have the machine?
<kristianpaul> something with polish? or..
<wolfspraul> you can google for 'ZEMAX EE' as a starting point
<kristianpaul> ok
<wolfspraul> that's a commonly used lense design software
<kristianpaul> and the machine?
<wolfspraul> lenses are built out of prisms, glasses, filters, etc. many mechanical worksteps.
<kristianpaul> i see
<wolfspraul> first you need a design
<kristianpaul> of course
<wolfspraul> the little I've seen about lense manufacturing suggests that the worksteps are very unique
<wolfspraul> you don't cnc a lense out of some block
<kristianpaul> ;)
<kristianpaul> i was thiking i polish
<wolfspraul> but anyway. I don't suggest we work on a copyleft lense design, let alone a copyleft version of something like zemax ee.
<kristianpaul> s/in/in
<wolfspraul> we just buy a lense, done.
<kristianpaul> :-)
<wolfspraul> yes, lots of polishing
<kristianpaul> i'll like see those machines, just intelectual interest, drop a pic if you can
<wolfspraul> also ionization or whatever it was exactly to get some filters onto them
<kristianpaul> or already know the brand
<kristianpaul> ionization, oh wow
<wolfspraul> I walked through a lense factory once, they didn't want me to take pictures though (I'm not a customer, so I can understand).
<wolfspraul> it's definitely very different from any other workshops I've seen, a unique field of its own.
<wolfspraul> but in the end it's just a simple bit of optics/mechanics. no magic inside :-)
<kristianpaul> software magic ;)
<kristianpaul> nah, this lense dont work on sharp..
<kristianpaul> lenses*
<kristianpaul> i tried both tall and shor one
<kristianpaul> nu luck, all out of zoom, really *out*
<wolfspraul> interesting
<wolfspraul> all 3 extra lenses I sent don't work on the 1/4'' sharp ccd camera?
<kristianpaul> well if you see sharp and sony, the sharp lense i really *tiny*
<kristianpaul> not
<kristianpaul> well i tried just two, i dont see wht the third will
<kristianpaul> remenber the not trusty mnual?
<kristianpaul> i show a interesting drwaing about sizes of the lense mount
<wolfspraul> ok, possible
<kristianpaul> i mean the lense it self for the sharp is really tiny compared to sony
<wolfspraul> sorry I just threw together a first 'pack' of things
<kristianpaul> so from that point  i dont think are compatible
<kristianpaul> even if it fit
<kristianpaul> wich actually does well
<wolfspraul> maybe you cannot use a lense designed for a 1/3'' sensor on a 1/4'' sensor, maybe the difference is too much
<wolfspraul> I don't even know what sensor size the 3 extra lenses were designed for :-)
<kristianpaul> there are machanical differences i think
<kristianpaul> haha
<kristianpaul> :-)
<kristianpaul> i changed the default wayt the mechinal support is arranged
<kristianpaul> FYI
<kristianpaul> is easiert his way to put the camera in better place
<kristianpaul> hmm seems some minors edit are need in videoin.c so vide-in window can be bigger and also vide-in preview
<kristianpaul> Any one can explain me the difference between having a cached/uncached bridge?
<kristianpaul> i know what cache means but i dont see how sofyware/processor? can take advantage of it..
<kristianpaul> Btw flicerknoise said, detected signal: PAL-B/G/H/I/D
<kristianpaul> lets imagine then we can have a VGA like camera on the mm1 :-)
<wolfspraul> imagine what?
<kristianpaul> he, a very *personal* expresion
<wolfspraul> flickernoise detecting PAL sounds right
<kristianpaul> Imagine using the M1 video-in and current video camera, as a simple VGA-like camera :-)
<kristianpaul> (considering we can carry mm1 easilly one day)
<kristianpaul> thats it :-). just imagining
<wolfspraul> sure, I would suggest Andres to reboot his camera like this
<wolfspraul> at least it will work quickly
<kristianpaul> i was checking source code, looks easy, well i think i can understand some parts, looks logic for me :-)
<kristianpaul> discover what ioctl whar is for
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: afaik andres once told me rtems was not of his like
<kristianpaul> as linux provided more out-of-the-box drivers
<kristianpaul> anyway i like it :-)
<kristianpaul> (rtems)
<wolfspraul> Andres hasn't been the best in translating from theory/plan to reality, so far.
<kristianpaul> btw
<wolfspraul> if he likes Linux better and thinks it's easier because there are more 'out-of-the-box' drivers, then great
<kristianpaul> lekernel: did google vp8 mail about hdl code answered?
<kristianpaul> 'out-of-the-box' drivers, well who dont ;-)
<kristianpaul> gn8
<wolfspraul> n8
<lekernel> kristianpaul: when you see things like the del key not deleting selected text in the editor, could you simply fix them? :-)
<lekernel> same with keymaps, I don't have keyboards to test (but you have!) so they are simply not implemented
<lekernel> and no, I didn't get any answer regarding vp8 ...
<lekernel> thanks for bringing that up, I completely forgot about it :)
<lekernel> did others get any answer?
<kristianpaul> dunno if others get answer
<kristianpaul> (could you simply fix them?) he, well let me finish first my own TODOs and i'm please to help :-)
<nats`> plop
<kristianpaul> hola
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: ping
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: how easy is add support for a seconf UART in rtems
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r79bf0a9 / (antares-pack/transform.c libanetlist/net.c): pack: handle carry chain inputs - http://bit.ly/fAL7pe
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r3a8a2b6 / antares-pack/transform.c : pack: better recognition of matched XORCYs - http://bit.ly/fcXWE7
<kristianpaul> I want to test some modifications i did to wishbone with something simpler, so i tought uart? :-)
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rfa3273e / antares-pack/transform.c : pack: connect CARRY4 outputs - http://bit.ly/fNldn7
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r4dc3d99 / antares-pack/transform.c : pack: BUFGP, FDE, and use I/O port names - http://bit.ly/hTjwbq
<kristianpaul> lekernel: hi
<lekernel> hi
<kristianpaul> can i use the mic input as a variable for patch?
<kristianpaul> also can i load custom pictures to the patches? and make it appear as a banner?
<lekernel> yes
<lekernel> and custom pictures yes if you add some code
<kristianpaul> should i add code for get anwers for all this questions? ;-)
<kristianpaul> in any case i just was playing a bit with flicernoise and i wanted to do what i asked.. no more :-)
<lekernel> ?
<lekernel> what questions?
<kristianpaul> how i use the mic input as a variable for patch?
<kristianpaul> no more questions ;)
<kristianpaul> i want the video in "breaks" in little parts when in do a clamp
<lekernel> like in milkdrop
<lekernel> there's also doc/handbook.tex/pdf you may want to read
<kristianpaul> 3.6.2 Reacting to sound <-- EMPTY
<kristianpaul> thats why i'm here asking you
<kristianpaul> but seems i cant get the answer here, and now i must go to milkydrop website..
<kristianpaul> thansk anyway
<lekernel> well, it's in the milkdrop guides
<lekernel> you have wave modes reacting to sound
<lekernel> and bass/mid/treb/... variables
<lekernel> kristianpaul: for your video in thing
<lekernel> you can try something like
<lekernel> per_frame=video_a=bass
<kristianpaul> acording to variable monitor treb react is the most changinf when i clamp
<lekernel> yeah, or treb :)
<lekernel> you can also process the treb value with some other equations (even including bass or other variables) to get a better effect
<kristianpaul> he, it works
<kristianpaul> yeah i need more equations
<Fallenou> kristianpaul: should be easy
<Fallenou> bbl
<kristianpaul> dammit i damaged my repo..
<kristianpaul> arghh!
<Fallenou> just your local repo i hope
<kristianpaul> nope local is okay
<kristianpaul> i already commited two changes and after git push github i still getting "Everything up-to-date"
<kristianpaul> how it can be??
<kristianpaul> i bet is github fault
<kristianpaul> arggg
<kristianpaul> i'll move to gitoriouss then ;)
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: okay i'm about to add second in hardware
<kristianpaul> what should i care to make it usable for rtems?
<kristianpaul> bbl (lunch)
<Fallenou> bbl going back home
<CIA-43> antares: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r6cfe793 / (5 files): place: rtree structure - http://bit.ly/h7vaRJ
<Fallenou> is back
<Fallenou> kristianpaul: so what have you done so far ? i'm lost in your changes sorry
<Fallenou> you added a master to the FML bus ?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> no !
<kristianpaul> je
<kristianpaul> wishbone bus have two parts
<kristianpaul> a DMA-like one and other for mico32 and slaves
<kristianpaul> i added one more "slot" for the dma one
<kristianpaul> also i modified CSR for 5 bit addressing, and i'm about to add another UART in this bus
<Fallenou> ok nice :)
<kristianpaul> hmm damit i did some mistakes with the 6x1 arbiter..
<kristianpaul> thanks sebastien wich point it !
<kristianpaul> and was pure lazyness it is obviosuly out of the logic..