I am trying to flash your binaries from /people/xiangfu/milkymist-one
I'm a little confused with the flashall.batch file in there
wolfspraul: jtag -n flashall.batch will flash all expect the 'flickernoise'
the batch file in the wiki also has soc-rescue and splash-rescue
and yes, also flickernoise.fbi, but in your directoy there is a file flickernoise.fbiz - it that zipped and will it be unzipped automatically?
why is there no flickernoise in flashall.batch ?
my flash.batch have soc-rescue and splash-rescue too :)
wolfspraul: forget sorry.
adding now
oh right, sorry. I confused the + and -. so in fact the soc-rescue and splash-rescue are missing in the batchfile as documented in the wiki
(fbiz) yes. just flash the fibz to milkymist. the new bios will automatic detect and extract it.
I am not sure if we need both libftdi1 and libusb. since we using the usb interface and libftdi chip in daughter board. I just install both of them.
need to make sure with someone who really understand the detail.
strange. I had to run 'ldconfig' after 'make install' so that jtag could find liburjtag.so.0
xiangfu: ok great, it all worked and I'm booting from your binaries :-)
the used USB keyboard I bought still doesn't work, this time it has no USB hub
works on my notebook
is USB keyboard working in your images?
it's the first time I try this keyboard, so it may very well be something with the keyboard
I'm looking at the video-in preview now, nice
had some trouble at first when I plugged in the camera, it didn't pickup the signal, and when i pressed 'ok', the board froze
after a reboot it's all fine though
let me see whether I can reproduce this...
great. next time I will try to add the "VERSIONS" and "md5sum". VERSIONS is for compile those bin with which git commit.
nah, now it works
ok, so my remaining problem is that the usb keyboard doesn't work
no USB hub now
can we increase the size of the video-in preview?
If someone is really looking at it, I am sure there is no reason why it shouldn't be bigger, if we have the screen space anyway
no bigger video-in preview?
hardcode to 144x180
lekernel, Is Jon Beniston a lattice employee?
(i am atm connecting gdb via my jtag chain tool and want to know if the code in gdb from him was used successfully, which i assume is 'yes' if he works at lattice)
xiangfu: is the MAC hardcoded somewhere in those binaries?
wolfspraul: (usb keyboard) mine is working on 0.2 version of firmware.
hm. i've seen it working also here.
no clue which version
ah yes, sure in general it is working.
I have 2 unknowns right now: 1) I reflashed Xiangfu's binaries 2) I have a new (used) USB keyboard I just bought for 5 USD on the street
i used a crappy noname and a old cherry kbd i think. lekernel has a rollable rubbermat-thingie
cram the keyboards into your notebook and see if they work there
it works on my notebook but not on my m1 (with xiangfu images)
i see. any usb errors in dmesg?
sure it works there, otherwise I wouldn't ahve bought it. that was my 'in-store' test :-)
maybe linux is just more error proof
good idea, but no, all fine (just plugged in)
roh - btw, I was looking at some screws on the market today
I can easily get pretty much everything here
the spacers, the bottom spacer/stand, the screws for top and bottom, and the ones for the connectors (that one I still need to find a bit shorter one)
do you want me to buy anything and send to you?
not sure. do you have prices?
I don't like the allen/inbus keys we have right now.
I'd prefer the simplest type possible, just a cross-type.
the ones on the side (for the connectors) are not black yet, at least on my case
prices is so close to zero it's hard to tell :-)
the spacers were about 10 cents (the big ones)
the 'small parts' are only 3-4 euros in total per case.. so its not that bad. its more important to have reliable repeatable sources for that (where i do not need to worry about getting something else for the same order-number)
yes sure, agreed
my main point is:
1) allen/inbus key
2) all screws black now?
also the ones on the side holding the connectors?
the screws must be something like 1-2 cents or so, or less
I only bought 20-30, I cannot tell
i'd like to use only black ones (anodized, not only colored, that rubs off) but i cannot get all types in black.
she laughed at me and said I should buy at least 100 :-)
do you still use allen/inbus keys on top and bottom?
the top/bottom screws are something like 4 cent a piece.
yes. inbus was nicest to use mechanically. slot sucks and pozidrive or so wasnt available with an nice flat head. only sucky, totally cheap looking ones and not in black.
did you find black ones for the connectors on the side?
its DIN912
nope. thats DIN7981
what is what?
what is DIN912, what is DIN7981?
the spec for the screw type.
the rest is 'diameter, lenght'
which one?
you mentioned two now - DIN912 and DIN7981 - which one is which?
912 is the head/bottom one (inbus) and the 7981 is the one for the sides
ah ok
the sides are ST2.9x13 for the dmx and ST2.2/13 for the rca
means you should be able to buy 'DIN912 M3x6' and 'DIN7981 2.2x13' as well as 'DIN7981 2.9x13' and they should ask for color and material only  ;)
you are very sure that the case I descriped as 'transparent light-blue' is the one called 'hellblau' (5C18) at modulor?
very sure.
ok good
i found it nearly too transparent/light ... but i guess thats taste
maybe we should test a bigger group than 3 people? ;)
oh, DMX and RCA have different widths?
yes. the thick ones break the rca socket, and the thin ones do not grip in the dmx. so we need 2 diameters
ok I will note some of this into parts.txt
the thick ones i found in black. the thin ones not.
it should be already in there
the din arent in there arm.. adding
roh: if we find an ST2.5, do you think it may fit in both the RCA and DMX connectors?
dunno. we could try.
but i dont think it exists. i would have seen on the lists
if you want enough screws its easy to get built-to-order.. so i guess its the same like with getting black ones ,)
pushed parts.txt
terpstra: I think he is. but lattice is a chip vendor, which does not distinguish itself from the others regarding the quality of their software.
what is crazy is that making a chip is way more difficult than making a software
for a very bad experience, you can try their LM32 simulator in GDB :)
think i'll pass :)
Fallenou: for a software guy maybe.
is not convinced :p
wolfspraul: can you post lsusb -vvv and dmesg traces of your non working keyboard to the list?
wolfspraul: also, connect the keyboard in Milkymist BIOS and have a look at what gets sent to the serial port
if all you ever did all your life long is designing and building chips I could imagine you might have trouble writing good software if you suddenly had to
(btw the keyboard can also be used in the BIOS. well, when it works ;-)