<lekernel> hi Fallenou
<lekernel> how was the talk?
<lekernel> "A packed OSHUG this evening."
<lekernel> "have just seen a glimpse of the future thanks to @yannsionneau especially for an amazing http://milkymist.org OSHUG Q&A. FPGA FTW!"
<lekernel> rather good according to the twitter comments it seems :)
<Fallenou> lekernel: it was great !
<Fallenou> they are really nice and interesting guys :)
<Fallenou> lekernel: I met an asian guy who told me you sent him an email about selling Milkymist Ones
<Fallenou> a guy that sells arduinos and sparkfun stuff
<lekernel> oh yeah I spammed a lot of persons
<lekernel> who were generally very dismissive
<lekernel> or say "yes" and never act
<Fallenou> he was thinking milkymist was not production ready yet
<Fallenou> not good for his customers
<Fallenou> I said well it's not reayd for VJs yet, but your customers are hackers and arduino guys
<Fallenou> and it's definitely hacker ready
<Fallenou> it runs RTEMS, Linux
<Fallenou> it's hackers ready
<Fallenou> So I don't know if he will change his mind or not
<lekernel> let's get some well know person like Steve Wozniak or so to endorse it, then all those little guys will shut up and act
<Fallenou> oh and I talked with the director of "get it maid"
<Fallenou> err have it maid
<Fallenou> made*
<lekernel> hmm, what's that?
<Fallenou> ahah nice video
<Fallenou> basically it's something to see if you have interested users who wanna buy your stuff
<Fallenou> you put a "threshold" for manufacturing
<Fallenou> and a price
<Fallenou> when there is enough people in pre-order state, you can "safely" manufacture
<Fallenou> knowing that you will have buyers
<Fallenou> you just run the production batch when you reach the threshold
<Fallenou> so that you can lower the price, (puttin a higher treshold maybe
<Fallenou> taking less risks
<Fallenou> that's the idea
<Fallenou> lekernel: when I said you had an open source fpga toolchain as a work in progress
<Fallenou> they were amazed :p
<Fallenou> I hope some of the guys will come here and contribute
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: (getimade) oh, i'm sorry to say but... those guys really know what _manufacturing_ really is about??
<kristianpaul> I could not be adam or wolfgang, but that is clear taht manufacuring is not behind a click and preordering.. well i should agree with sebastien, and said that for "blinling" stuff it may work
<kristianpaul> (anyway personal opinion)
<kristianpaul> aw_: hi
<kristianpaul> Had you already talked with vendor about crystal?
<aw_> kristianpaul, not yet. any news or suggestions?
<kristianpaul> i'll just about to run a self check here
<kristianpaul> so nope, aw_
<kristianpaul> sebastien recomendation*
<aw_> yes, exactly it is.
<kristianpaul> I dont see how lekernel conclude it is overtone, yet
<kristianpaul> both look same for me, at least for what i can see
<aw_> yeah...that's I was also thought. yes, I indeed didn't understand what's meaning of overtone.
<aw_> but he found that his is 2x bigger than mine. It's the real discovery that I need to watch out.
<kristianpaul> indeed
<aw_> both two xtal have beedn declared with +/- 30ppm at 25 degree.
<kristianpaul> yeap
<kristianpaul> also by judging datasheets i will trust more in  YOKE
<aw_> and CSA309 general temperature is even worse than yoktan is +/- 30 ppm.
<aw_> unless Yoktan doesn't control their products well-qualified done.
<aw_> me too.
<aw_> so btw, the 2x symbol is a real good capture. I'll watch out this.
<aw_> kristianpaul, btw, any news or thoughts from you, just let us know as always a useful input for us to think out more details. tks.
<kristianpaul> k
<kristianpaul> always fight putting memory card in his place
<kristianpaul> phew!
<kristianpaul> got a blue screen whe trying run a patch with video_a
<kristianpaul> argg
<kristianpaul> xiangfu: do you think is posible port that code a rtems command ?
<kristianpaul> gn8
<kristianpaul> lekernel: had you noticed  the ADV is ESD sensitive device?
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul should avoid ESD warning in the mm1 box
<kristianpaul> i comment ESD, because you'were doing ESD tests if remenber well
<roh> esd doesnt mean immediate failiure in all cases
<kristianpaul> comment about**
<kristianpaul> roh: sure
<kristianpaul> _just_ _saying_
<roh> sometimes its just 'damaging' the chip and it dies soon after.. or a year after that
<kristianpaul> oh, yes !
<kristianpaul> hmm
<roh> so i wouldnt give too much of a significance to the chip dying in _one_ single case on the board of a developer who soldered around on the board _a lot_ and used it without case most of the time i guess
<kristianpaul> ;-)
<roh> when the second one is dead.. please remind me;)
<Schmoove> hi
<Schmoove> bye
<lekernel> aw_: an overtone crystal is a crystal of a lower frequency that resonates on one of its harmonics
<lekernel> typically 3rd harmonic, but there are sometimes 5th overtones too
<lekernel> for example, we could use a 9.54MHz crystal in 3rd overtone for generating the 28.36MHz
<lekernel> (with proper oscillator dynamics, which the adv7181 doesn't have)
<lekernel> it's exactly like violin players
<aw_> hmm..interesting ..now i know your meanings on 'overtone'.
<aw_> also i discovered it's a R1 50 ohm at range 10MHz <= fo <= 27MHz in foundamental mode. Since it's not sure if its the root cause, but it's good to discover/follow that we at least to use a fundamental mode xtal.
<lekernel> it's probably a fundamental mode xtal... well, if you're worried, you could check that by sending 9.54MHz to it and check that it doesn't resonate
<aw_> lekernel, good capture on this mode check. btw, I'll reconfirm with here vendor and request.
<lekernel> the main point is to choose an appropriate crystal for rc3
<aw_> yeah...at least to pick that mode first. later I got a new datasheet or doc. I'll let you know. or even I just order CSA309 one.
<lekernel> btw, the board already had a CSA309 crystal when it failed
<lekernel> it's the board you shipped me with a non-working crystal and I replaced it right away
<aw_> uhm? wow..
<lekernel> currently the symptom is best described as: video chip power supply OK, crystal oscillating and clock running, I2C signals from the FPGA correctly measured at the chip's pins, but no I2C response from chip
<lekernel> it really sounds like the adv7181 got internally damaged somehow, but this did not break the crystal oscillator
<lekernel> i'll probably replace it pretty soon
<aw_> so the I2C now from decoder is no more response at all. it's really bad.
<aw_> I think that I'll need to check things as: 1, review the four supplies (DVDD/AVDD/PVDD/DVDDIO & their grounds) routes is suitable to apply enough driven power/current to chip inside?
<aw_> 2, does part unqualified at all even it works few times? 3, solderability on chip..hmm...
<lekernel> yeah, I checked the solders too, I saw no lifted pin
<lekernel> and I measured signals on the pin, near the package
<aw_> yeah..good, confirmed those connection by touching the pads on board not probe the package's pin directly is good.
<aw_> not sure sure current the route's thickness is good enough for chip. since i met problems before like thickness is wider enough. then either I added a more bigger value of decoupling capacitor old board or used a same capacitor value on a new re-layout board with wider thickness routes.
<aw_> this was rarely happened though.
<aw_> but our case with a likely internally damaged somehow, it's real strange.
<lekernel> insufficient power traces wouldn't break i2c imo
<lekernel> just cause semi-random glitches
<aw_> umm....don't know what possible accidence would cause from outside or internal. anyway i would review that all ground copper layer/area to keep a well-taken considerations.
<aw_> during rc3 routing.
<wolfspraul> lekernel: you got the failure when csa309 was on the board?
<lekernel> yes
<wolfspraul> not that I believe there is a connection, but it's good to keep in mind. aw_ - you read that?
<aw_> yes, i just knew his board with that cas309 already.
<Fallenou> kristianpaul: the getitmade stuff is not for doing the actual manufacturing, it's for being sure that you have clients
<Fallenou> getitmade does not manufacture anything
<lekernel> wolfspraul: vital signals (power supply, clock, i2c, reset) at the adv7181's pins are measured ok... guess the chip is simply dead
<lekernel> my next step is to replace it
<lekernel> roh: you have a hot air station, don't you?
<lekernel> my usual technique for replacing tqfp's with little hardware is to cut the pins, remove the chip body, then lift the pins one by one
<lekernel> quite aggressive :)
<aw_> um..to replace it needs hot air station is better.
<lekernel> interesting: my video camera died as well
<lekernel> (the one that was connected to the board when it failed)
<aw_> which color RCA con. on board you connected? green?
<lekernel> yes, it's cvbs
<lekernel> but maybe it's just that when dying the camera sent some overvoltage down the video cable that burnt the video chip
<lekernel> it's powered on 12V so it has the potential for doing that
<aw_> this could be possible. but you need to recall how/what you did recently on camera or else...to track down any upstreams.
<aw_> so please think both your camera and m1 board. the only common ground goes through RCA connector. make sure no one else possible existed.
<lekernel> the camera has its own transformer and only one RCA cable going out
<lekernel> so no, it's not a ground problem
<lekernel> maybe let's just add some diodes on the video input as additional protection against broken cams on RC3
<lekernel> what's the parasitic capacitance of a typical dirt cheap zener?
<aw_> have you ever tried to use multimeter to measure current. and at that time. has it ever happened that you touched the current ground probe pin?
<aw_> yeah...we can take consider to add them.
<aw_> second..
<lekernel> the board was cased when the failure happened, with no weird experiment going on
<lekernel> just normal use case
<aw_> yeah...your camera is dead. but why?!  checking...zener..
<lekernel> well it's an old relic from the early 90s
<lekernel> i'm not surprised it died
<wolfspraul> lekernel: aw_ do I understand correctly that we decided to add additional diodes on video-in for rc3?
<wolfspraul> (just trying to understand the conclusion from above...)
<lekernel> yeah let's do that
<lekernel> i'll just check first that by replacing the video chip it still works
<aw_> i think we'd better to use bidirection diode (TVS) to protect it...still recall my sch.. before..:-)
<aw_> with just 3pF could be enough.
<roh> lekernel: yes
<wolfspraul> roh: another small feedback. the screws on top and bottom are torx (I think)
<wolfspraul> ah no, something else, checking...
<wolfspraul> hex socket?
<wolfspraul> but the ones to fasten the connectors are Phillips (+)
<aw_> lekernel, I used BAV99WT1G for limit video inputs 1V(p-p) format. http://uk.farnell.com/on-semiconductor/bav99wt1g/diode-small-signal-750ma/dp/1651159
<wolfspraul> I think the best would be if they would all be the same, and the simplest (Phillips?)
<roh> wolfspraul: how long ago?
<roh> wolfspraul: screws got replaced.. now they should be the same size and imbus
<wolfspraul> ah ok
<wolfspraul> old case (my own)
<wolfspraul> actually I just see top and bottom are even different on mine
<wolfspraul> top is hex socket
<lekernel> aw_: you mean you already have successfully used this part?
<aw_> yes, i used this parts passed ESD/EMC/FCC/CE.. :-)
<lekernel> how did you connect it?
<aw_> surely some other references design used another http://octopart.com/cds3c16gth.-epcos-5371445
<lekernel> I guess you need two to protect against negative voltages too
<wolfspraul> bottom is torx+slot (man! even wikipedia doesn't list that one :-)) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screw_drive
<aw_> in parallel to 75 ohm but in front of it.
<lekernel> hmm ok, but there are two diodes in these devices
<lekernel> which ones do you use and how?
<aw_> yes..so I said it's better that to use a TVS part. :-)
<wolfspraul> roh: all are inbus now? (inbus = allen = hex socket)
<wolfspraul> including the ones fastening the connectors?
<wolfspraul> all the same inbus size or different ones?
<lekernel> the breakdown voltage of the TVS part is 150V
<lekernel> that's way too much
<lekernel> we don't want to protect against esd here, but against overvoltage generated by faultly video sources
<wolfspraul> btw - Elphel includes 3 different sized inbus keys with all their cameras, with those you can open every last screw in the camera
<roh> wolfspraul: the ones on top and bottom are
<lekernel> what we want is some device that clamps the voltage on the video inputs to a reasonable range, say +/- 2V
<roh> heh.. do 2 antiparallel 5.5V zehner count?
<wolfspraul> roh: did you find black screws for midi/dmx/video now? do you still think that's desirable?
<roh> wolfspraul: nope.. didnt find them for the video
<wolfspraul> for the video-in, there is a lot of silverish look already anyway, for dmx black would probably look better
<roh> i can get st2.9 in black (dmx) but not st2.2 (cinch)
<aw_> i used BAV99WT1G ...yes,but I only connect one terminal to +5V and the other terminal connected to GND, the third one is connected to cvbs.
<wolfspraul> why can't the top and bottom screws be phillips as well, like video/dmx ?
<roh> uh fuck
<roh> just read about japan
<terpstra> it's insane
<terpstra> 8.9 earthquake and 10 meter wave
<terpstra> massive destruction along their entire coast
<kristianpaul> reading the "From the bitstream to the netlist" paper
<aw_> lekernel, with BAV99WT1G we surely can clamp the undesired voltage.
<lekernel> forward voltage is too low... or, well, it'd sink 50mA at 1V
<lekernel> that's too much
<lekernel> we should use a zener
<lekernel> or two of these diodes in series
<lekernel> and the same for negative voltages, that's 4 diodes in total
<aw_> well...we can decide and find other similar one to meet our decoder.
<aw_> it surely can be alternative as you said with 4 diodes in total.
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: fyi, a full flashing for the mm1 take 1m19s
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: that's with high-speed fix, right?
<kristianpaul> wolfspraul: yeap
<wolfspraul> too bad we don't have a number to compare without the fix (no need to test it...)
<wolfspraul> 1.19, hmm
<wolfspraul> what do we do in those 80 seconds?
<kristianpaul> you can compare with xilinx cable
<kristianpaul> write to the nand flash
<wolfspraul> load the entire 32mb blob via jtag and write it into nor flash?
<wolfspraul> it's nor
<kristianpaul> is no 32Mb at all
<kristianpaul> ah ok
<kristianpaul> bitstream + bios + rescue + flicernoise
<kristianpaul> i dint include data filesystem
<wolfspraul> how much is written roughly?
<wolfspraul> guess I was disconnected
<kristianpaul> 4000k
<kristianpaul> aprox
<wolfspraul> kristianpaul: how many MiB are transferred in those 79 seconds?
<wolfspraul> so that's 50 KiB / second
<kristianpaul> hmm, i missed flickernoise
<kristianpaul> but you get an idea
<wolfspraul> yes, sure
<Fallenou> flickernoise is like 9 MB iirc
<Fallenou> so you miss a lot :p
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: lzma ;-)
<Fallenou> oh flickernoise is uncompressed by the bios at boot time ?
<kristianpaul> yeap
<Fallenou> oh nice
<kristianpaul> not so.. as you some seconds delay
<kristianpaul> at least for me
<Fallenou> well if you flash your board a lot it's interesting
<kristianpaul> :-))
<Fallenou> maybe for end users it would be better to boot faster
<kristianpaul> anyway, i think pdf stuff should be optional, as is not fully behave as anyone can expect
<kristianpaul> s/is/it
<Fallenou> you tried reading a pdf ? did it work ?
<kristianpaul> it work
<kristianpaul> is slow
<Fallenou> :x
<kristianpaul> loading pdf and zooming
<kristianpaul> so is usefulness for me, also add more boot delay..
<kristianpaul> but i can read pdf, thats good :-)
<lekernel> yeah, i'll make this feature optional
<lekernel> it could be possible to make the executable lighter though, by removing fonts and cmaps from mupdf
<lekernel> it'd be great if you could figure out how to do btw :)
<lekernel> the mupdf says several MB can be saved by removing these things
<lekernel> mupdf website
<lekernel> also, when reading light pdfs like flickernoise help (which is the intended purpose) it's not that slow
<kristianpaul> i was reading sysctl.pdf and still slow tought
<kristianpaul> remove = rm -f *.o ;-)
<lekernel> ?
<kristianpaul> nv
<kristianpaul> why not just loading pdf as raw images?
<kristianpaul> mm1 is not a  general purpose pdf reader so you can cheat
<Fallenou> oh yes just displaying the pages one by one
<Fallenou> displaying screenshots of the pdf
<Fallenou> will be faster and lighter
<Fallenou> humm lighter not sure cause maybe the images can be heavy, dunno
<Fallenou> but faster
<lekernel> it's not as classy as just dumping a pdf on the flash via ftp or memory card and reading that directly :p
<Fallenou> sure not as classy :)
<lekernel> and, also, this pdf reader is also a demonstration of mm as general purpose computer, running 3rd party software (mupdf)
<Fallenou> I wonder how hard it would be to port a graphic terminal emulator
<Fallenou> like the simplest one
<kristianpaul> from busybox?
<Fallenou> xterm maybe
<kristianpaul> ah
<kristianpaul> note the X <-
<Fallenou> one that does not use gnome/kde/whatever lib
<Fallenou> humm yes :(
<Fallenou> maybe it's easy to remove the X part
<Fallenou> dunno
<kristianpaul> (general purpose computer) when running something like linux may be
<kristianpaul> atleast you want fork rtems in something else.. :-)
<CIA-37> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r5bb0fe2 / (flash/flash.sh src/Makefile src/cp.c src/main.c): Optional PDF and LZMA compression - https://github.com/lekernel/flickernoise/commit/5bb0fe289dd22c97d8bbf87a81c6af0a14e35f71
<lekernel> Fallenou: just write one
<Fallenou> I guess it's not easy
<Fallenou> better porting one
<kristianpaul> mtk..
<Fallenou> xterm seems to be the "simplest" one but i'm searching
<lekernel> Fallenou: it _is_ easy
<lekernel> you don't need to be a rocket scientist to write strings in a framebuffer, do you?
<lekernel> with small features like scrolling, colors, position, etc.
<Fallenou> I don't know, I've never looked at how a terminal emulator works
<Fallenou> isn't it supposed to behave like vt100 or something ?
<kristianpaul> -e: unknown command..
<Fallenou> with a lot of features to support
<Fallenou> I've been told that linux terminal emulator is quite a complex thing
<lekernel> yeah, but that's only because the unix/linux termios API is about as fucked up as Xilinx software
<lekernel> you don't need all those features
<lekernel> well, actually i'm not sure if "feature" is an appropriate word
<Fallenou> =)
<Fallenou> in any case before writting somethign I look around to see if this already exists
<lekernel> that's basically a toxic waste dump of cruft from the 70s era when computers used mechanical typewriters as "screens"
<Fallenou> yes it's a legacy thing
<Fallenou> if i understand correctly
<kristianpaul> :-)
<Fallenou> what do you think of the last one ?
<Fallenou> fbterm
<lekernel> you don't need windows
<kristianpaul> will keep using the serial port
<lekernel> mtk already has a windowing system
<lekernel> if you can take out the windowing part, good
<Fallenou> humm yes I see
<lekernel> also, you could also have a look at the framebuffer tty emulation system in the linux kernel
<lekernel> and at least we know this code works
<lekernel> but really, you don't need anything complicated
<kristianpaul> (general purpose computer) when running something like linux may be more general :-)
<Fallenou> ok
<lekernel> kristianpaul: sure, but it also shows that you don't need GNU/Linux to run programs like mupdf :)
<kristianpaul> lekernel: indeed
<lekernel> Fallenou: if you add this terminal feature, "hide" it
<lekernel> ie instead of a button in the control panel, use a key combination, like ctrl-alt-t
<Fallenou> ok
<kristianpaul> hmm the line out noise still there even if i do a software mute
<lekernel> Fallenou: is there a recording of the oshug talk?
<Fallenou> I think no
<Fallenou> just a few pictures
<CIA-37> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rf950032 / (2 files): New video in/DMX patches - http://bit.ly/f18mjR
<CIA-37> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * r716dd8f / (5 files in 5 dirs): Place binaries in subfolder + gitignore file - http://bit.ly/gwXfrl
<lekernel> I want some of what lattice people are smoking
<Fallenou> LOOL
<Fallenou> wtffff
<lekernel> "that's what I call green technology"
<Fallenou> :''
<roh> wtf
<CIA-37> flickernoise: Sebastien Bourdeauducq master * rf52cbc3 / src/main.c : Mount memory card read only - http://bit.ly/hqxCI9
<kristianpaul> wtf?
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: any interesting question from OSHUG talk?
<kristianpaul> nice pics btw :-)
<Fallenou> hehe thanks
<Fallenou> yes a loooooot of questions
<Fallenou> I managed to answer to most of them
<Fallenou> for one or two I had to say that I didn't know and redirected the guys to the ML / IRC
<kristianpaul> What you use mac?? ;-)
<Fallenou> they were very interested
<Fallenou> yes :p I apologized for that at the beginning
<kristianpaul> haha
<Fallenou> but some of them are using mac too
<Fallenou> so it was ok ;)
<kristianpaul> You shoudl use mm1 next time for, i dont see better way of showing the product you're talking about works
<Fallenou> I would if I had one :p
<kristianpaul> ah, yes..
<Fallenou> at least I showed pictures and videos from vimeo
<kristianpaul> Man you need to by one too ! :-)
<kristianpaul> just tww left
<kristianpaul> twO
<Fallenou> yeah for the moment I am paying my rent in London and I will see what's left of my bank account :)
<kristianpaul> :|
<kristianpaul> used credit card to pay mm, so well, i pay bill as anynone does
<lekernel> my opinions about London and what costs what there could be compared to those on autocrap, so I won't comment on that
<Fallenou> you're working on your communication skills ? :p
<kristianpaul> ;-)
<kristianpaul> 14:36  * Fallenou is back
<kristianpaul> 14:37 < Fallenou> no no dma
<kristianpaul> Fallenou: can you exaplaing what was that?
<Fallenou> scrolling up
<kristianpaul> lekernel: is the xbar doing something usefull right now?
<kristianpaul> I saw the comit is from 10/2010
<Fallenou> sorry I can't scroll up that far  kristianpaul :x
<kristianpaul> also, can you make a quick explanation of the DMA between TMU and wishbone, i mean how do you avoid a botleneck if TMU is par of the FML
<kristianpaul> ?
<kristianpaul> Is tha the xbar for? does it work well? how it works? (i really dunno)
<Fallenou> leaves the office
<kristianpaul> For save some chatting i'm okay if you point me a documentation to read, i lack good links/books/whatever about  this topic
<kristianpaul> or for easy is this http://milkymist.org/socblock.png diagram updated?
<kristianpaul> find an article about bus mastering in wikipedia
<kristianpaul> wonders why serial boot was removed from the bios boot order
<Fallenou> it was kind of slow I guess
<kristianpaul> what was slow?
<Fallenou> serial booting
<kristianpaul> ah yes
<lekernel> anyone knows a good free replacement wallpaper that looks like http://my-blackberry.net/wallpapers/11/m/Fluorescence.jpg ?
<lekernel> this one looks great, and wouldn't be too bright (we'll also need a dark MTK color theme too)
<lekernel> but it's not free
<kristianpaul> :p
<lekernel> switching between the dark patch rendering and the bright GUI definitely hurts the eyes when you're on a big screen
<kristianpaul> hehe yes
<lekernel> hmm... not the best quality picture :(
<lekernel> we can use LCARS colors for extra nerd points
<kristianpaul> I have some artwork for a radiohead album but dunno license..
<lekernel> if it's on a radiohead album it's probably non-free... no?
<kristianpaul> i think
<kristianpaul> by 2.0
<lekernel> but nc-nd
<lekernel> kristianpaul: hmm I doubt it
<kristianpaul> hehe
<lekernel> everything from digitablasphemy.com is non-free
<lekernel> does preloading some wallpapers into the m1 qualify as commercial use?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> you sell it, thats is "content"
<lekernel> dunno... it's a bit of a gray area for me
<lekernel> I can ask for a specific permission anyway
<Fallenou> just to be sure I guess it's better to avoid anything in nc-by
<lekernel> I agree, but in the absence of a good !nc !nd alternative it's better than nothing
<lekernel> for things like the wallpaper, which is just a preloaded file on the FS, we don't have to be super-picky about freedom of the content (as long as we have the permission from the author to use it in this way)... let's get things done
<kristianpaul> http://opencores.org/project,wb_conbus feature1, feature2... -_-
<kristianpaul> argg, i always forgot my opencores accunt when wanted download soemthign..
<wpwrak> lekernel: (lattice) don't smoke their stuff ! after that, you must be pissing brain cells
<wpwrak> tuxbrain_away: do you still need files from me for your atben/atusb fab quote or have you already generated them yourself ?
<wpwrak> oops, wrong channel
<kristianpaul> haha ;-)
<kristianpaul> back from snap
<kristianpaul> s/snap/nap
<kristianpaul> lekernel: with current conbus in mm up to how manye slaves and masters are supported?
<kristianpaul> still 8 as from open cores page said?
<kristianpaul> i'll take several as no limit :-)
<kristianpaul> acording to conbus.pdf
<kristianpaul> and the self-explanotry parameteres :-)
<Fallenou> lekernel: just a few hours before the deadline
<Fallenou> for gsoc
<Fallenou> have you submitted ?
<Fallenou> or someone else ?
<kristianpaul> :o
<kristianpaul> what?
<kristianpaul> read JDH reply
<kristianpaul> what?....
<kristianpaul> sigh
<kristianpaul> decides go to the grocery store
<Fallenou> :o
<Fallenou> feedback about the talk
<Fallenou> well more about the event
<kristianpaul> argg, again crossposting sorry
<roh> ignore JDH...