avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<mort___> quick opam question: what does the following error mean?
<mort___> [ERROR] In /Users/mort/research/projects/mirage/src/tftp/tftp.0.1.3/opam:
<mort___> warning 41: Some packages are mentionned in package scripts of features, but there is no dependency or depopt toward them
<dsheets> mort___, probably that you are using package variables for your package in the defn of your package
<dsheets> I believe the advice is to use global variables like "%{share}%/mypkg" instead of mypkg:share
<dsheets> but really this is an opam deficiency afaict
<mort___> ah! yes— alcotest:enable without depending on alcotest perhaps
<mort___> finally. i think the opam setup for ocaml-tftp is fixed. w00t.
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<thomasga> the GotoMeeting stuff doesn't seem to work
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