avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<m__> I have two processes competing on updating the value of an Irmin key. What is the best way of applying a lock inside their corresponding functions?
<yomimono> m__: can you not have each process create a branch, make updates, and then resolve conflicts with a custom merge?
<yomimono> if you can solve your problem that way it might fit in better with Irmin's own locking
<m__> A simplified simplified example of the function is: it reads x, and if x has value v, then it increments v. I am worried about race condition here. How is it possible to solve it using your suggestion?
<m__> I would like to lock the value of x until one of the programs unlock it
<yomimono> m__: sorry, going afk, back later
<m__> thanks, I will wait :)
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<yomimono> m__: it sounds like you want to use x itself as a locking primitive
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<m__> right
<yomimono> in that case yeah, the approach that I mention is definitely not going to work
<yomimono> the whole point of that being that each process can get its own view of x, totally counter to what you're trying to do
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<Drup> I'm getting lost in all this interconnected mirage projects
<Drup> especially in the upper stack
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