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<haesbaert> what is the module that represents a network interface ?
<haesbaert> I'm a bit lost, is it possible to not want a mirage stack and just a network interface ? so that I can send/recv raw packets ?
<Drup> You have the tcp and udp modules
<haesbaert> but say I want to build the full frame
<Drup> then why not use the stack ?
<mattg> I think that would be ETHIF for frames: https://github.com/mirage/mirage/blob/master/types/V1.mli#L316
<haesbaert> ah awesome, that would be indeed
<haesbaert> I'm a bit lost, just started to build the unikernels, the ETHIF is something I can pass to the Main module ?
<haesbaert> as I can pass a console or a stack.
<Drup> yes
<mattg> That's building up a stack "manually"
<haesbaert> so I derive an ETHIF from a NETWORK
<Drup> well, it's derived for you
<haesbaert> in that example, config.ml is something like:
<haesbaert> register "ethifv4" [
<haesbaert> main $ default_console $ tap0 $ default_clock
<haesbaert> ]
<haesbaert> tap0 becomes a NETWORK I suppose ?
<haesbaert> ahh I get it, "ethifv4" is a special keyword
<Drup> No, it's not a special keyword
<Drup> and yes, the "tap0" combinator is defined inside mirage
<mattg> I think it's also possible to pass an ETHIF into the unikernel, rather than a NETWORK, and use the mirage combinators to construct that
<haesbaert> passing the NETWORK should be fine, it's not a requirement, I assumed NETWORK involved n ETHIF
<haesbaert> Drup: ack
<Drup> haesbaert: no, pass an ethif
<haesbaert> makes more sense ?
<Drup> and use the DSL to build one, based on the combinators
<haesbaert> ok, I need to wrap my head around this, first time I see this module syntax.
<Drup> Basically, the rule of thumb is : don't apply functors yourself.
<haesbaert> module E = Ethif.Make(N)
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<haesbaert> reading this would be something like, E is an instance of an Ethif module ?
<haesbaert> I'm missing nomenclature here
<Drup> yes
<haesbaert> so Make is not really declared in the signature of Ethif,
<haesbaert> is Make special ?
<dsheets> ETHIF is the type of an interface but Ethif is a module which contains a functor (called Make) which can produce an ETHIF
<Drup> casing :]
<mattg> Which is returning you a module that fits the ETHIF type
<mattg> ~i think~
<mattg> hopefully someone can confirm that!
<haesbaert> ah great, that clarifies, I was missing the link with Make
<dsheets> a little bigger than ETHIF actually: https://github.com/mirage/mirage-tcpip/blob/master/lib/ethif.mli#L18
<mattg> sorry just missed dsheets message clarifying it all!
<haesbaert> ah I see, then input wants the hooks for each type of payload
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