avsm changed the topic of #mirage to: mirage 2 released! party on!
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<m__> "opam install git" returns error: git.1.7.1 is in conflict with irmin.0.9.8. This happens when installing earlier versions of git too
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<yomimono> m__: I think irmin 0.9.9 is about to hit opam
<m__> I have pinned it, but then it asks for downgrading so many packages
<m__> for instance: downgrade mirage 2.6.0 to 1.1.2
<m__> looks like ancient
<yomimono> m__: oof, yeah, that's not great
<yomimono> I don't see the maintainer of those packages on the channel at the moment so it might be worth filing an issue over
<Drup> m__: pastebin of "opam config report" please ?
<m__> # OPAM config report
<m__> ah, wait
<m__> Thanks, that solved the problem
<Drup> :)
<m__> does it mean a problem in opam's solver?
<Drup> it just means the built in solver is bad, it's a known problem. In an ideal world, there wouldn't be any built in solver and everyone would use external solvers
<Drup> unfortunately, aspcud, packup and the likes are not available everywhere.
<Drup> m__: on which linux are you ? you should probably report the fact that the opam package should depend on either aspcud or packup
<m__> ubuntu
<Drup> you build from source ? There is a ppa with aspcud and it should work directly
<m__> I installed it a long time ago. But I think I installed it from ppa:avsm/ppa
<Drup> yeah, that should be the good one
<m__> If I am not wrong
<m__> but it looks that it didn't come with aspcud
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