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<apache2> Sargun: no.
<apache2> Sargun: if you're compiling for unix you can still do regular stuff, but I assume you mean for the barebone backend?
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<maker> hello
<maker> so Cohttp_lwt_unix has the Client module
<maker> is there a way I can use a Cohttp client without relying on unix stuff?
<maker> also, this is weird
<maker> if from utop I require "cohttp", open Cohttp and Cohttp_lwt_unix, then:
<maker> utop # Client.post;;
<maker> Error: Reference to undefined global `Cohttp_lwt_unix'
<maker> how comes?
<Drup> lwt/unix stuff is included in a subpackage
<Drup> "ocamlfind list | grep -i cohttp" to see the list
<maker> so I should require this subpackage as well?
<Drup> Yes
<maker> I expected it to find all dependencies by itself
<maker> og wait
<maker> *oh wait, not I does bring something, just not everything
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<hannes> maker: mirage-http contains an http client I guess... at least irmin/git uses https git remotes..
<maker> Drup: wow, cool - thanks!
<maker> hannes: yep, but I'm doing some weeird shit here at INRIA
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<maker> hannes: and the idea would be to make it as aesy as possible to be useful also for you guys
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<maker> hannes: it's an acme client
<hannes> nice
<maker> we'll see, for now I make no promises :P
<hannes> but so, in order to be useful, you'll need some side effects in the end... and I guess the way cohttp is structured you need to decide on it very much upfront (but I'm not a cohttp expert here)
<maker> hm
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<hannes> rather, you need to write for each side-effecting implementation a piece of code, of course the acme protocol itself could/can be implemented in a non-side-effecting way (similar to what we do in ocaml-tls with engine.mli, and then put mirage_tls and lwt_tls on top)
<Drup> I would functorize over I-dont-remember-which-interface
<Drup> (the one that is given you by the mirage device)
* maker foresees sudden complications
<maker> yes I'm looking at the mirage-http client
<maker> does it really need to be functorized? Looks like it's using Cohttp_lwt.Client anyway
<maker> so maybe you can handle it in the config.ml?
<maker> boh
<Drup> maybe not ? Not sure
<maker> lol
<Drup> ask rgrinberg on #ocaml
<Drup> he'll know best
<hannes> Drup: have you btw looked into merlin codebase (re: using sed in Makefiles)
<Drup> hannes: I haven't
<hannes> Drup: you shouldn't then..
<Drup> Thanks for the warning x)
<hannes> (I had to since it used GNU sed extensions... and I have a BSD sed...)
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<maker> Drup: cool there's nothing to worry about :)
<maker> also I'm still not using merling
<maker> *merlin
<maker> should I really?
<Drup> yes
<maker> it feels like I'm downloading xcode
<maker> big, weird but useful
<Drup> You will work fast, your life will be brighter, baby seals will be happy and world peace will be achieved.
<maker> what a glorious future
<hannes> I didn't use merlin for 2 years (after starting OCaml for real)... but nowadays I like the jump-to-definition and browsing of types...
<maker> im using Tuareg now
<hannes> plus error highlighting (though C-x C-c seems to save/recompile/reload too much if I have multiple errors in a file and want to fix one-by-one)
<maker> and I have only highlighting I think :D
<maker> for everything else theres utop™
<hannes> yes.. but for utop you need to switch focus, which is always annoying
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