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<Drup> hannes: huum, nice :p
<Drup> that's everything, right ? Not only the part that are linked in ?
<hannes> it is using our wonderful tool chain to hook as "-cc myprogram.ml" passed to ocamlopt, and then records byte sizes of passed in .a, .o, -l files... still a bit cheating
<hannes> cheating due to the sum of all the bytes is >5MB, the main.native ~2.5MB (this is built on unix with mirage)... i suspect cc does some dead code removal?
<Drup> hannes: well, it only links in modules that are actually used
<hannes> ack
<Drup> not the whole archive
<Drup> (I wouldn't really call that dead code removal)
<hannes> yep... can do nm tricks to find the more concrete sizes
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<Drup> hannes: what are you using for the graph ?
<hannes> Drup: my treemap.ml
<Drup> right
<Drup> I have a similar tool for opam packages
<hannes> for the dependency graph I emit dot file using findlib
<Drup> that's for ocamlfind packages, right ?
<Drup> if you want to have fun :p
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<Drup> re.str, booouuuh
<Drup> hannes: would be nice to get a module size decomposition (with grouping by archive it comes from, ofc)
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<hannes> Drup: and yes, agreed..
<hannes> Drup: btw functorias depends doesn't like dotty (and I cannot find xdot in my FreeBSD)
<Drup> what do you mean ?
<hannes> Drup: if I set --dot-command to dotty, I do not see graphs... generating a dot and other graphviz tools works
<Drup> I remember testing that
<Drup> it's a python script, you can copy it in your path
<hannes> ah, thx for the pointer
<hannes> I thought it must be sth of the graphviz distribution
<Drup> no, it's an external tool
<Drup> hannes: feel free to comment on https://github.com/mirage/functoria/issues/28 if you think we should change it or something
<Drup> dotty's UI is so terrible that it would make graphs pretty much unreadable
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