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<hannes> not sure whether I'll make it to the call later today...
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<unpurecamelbot> I'll be logging this meeting…
<yomimono> :D
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<engil> looks like the bot is really looking forward to the meeting…
<avsm> You're early, unpurecamelbot!
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<gemma> Haha keeping us in suspense too ...
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<avsm> Greetings! Mirage IRC chat starting. Agenda is up at: https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Call-Agenda
<avsm> But first, who is here? Wave for the Irmin logging camera.
<dbuenzli> \o/
<engil> ~o~
<thomasga> /o/
* yomimono waves
<rudenoise> \o/
* djs55 waves
<avsm> We've had quite a few releases in the last couple of weeks: Mirage 2.8.0, followed swiftly by Mirage 2.9.0 to deal with some regressions. thomasga and talex5, would you like to tell us more?
<talex5> \o/
<dinosaure> hi
<yallop> hello
<mort___> .
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<thomasga> 2.9.0 doesn't fix regressions, it adds support for logging
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<avsm> my bad, 2.8.0 was by yomimono to fix up various tcp/ip interface issues
<talex5> Yes. We can now start adding logs support to other libraries and users will be able to see it by default.
* yomimono cheers
<thomasga> so basically if you use Logs in your libraries, you can use the mirage tool to configure a simple log reporter
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<thomasga> either at configuration time or runtime
<talex5> I've added support to tcpip and mirage-net-xen so far.
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<thomasga> and you use simple patterns to turn on/off some log sources
<avsm> Quite a few libraries have now started to shift to the logging interface I see. So if you see "printf" or "Console.log", then consider porting that to use Logs instead
<thomasga> also, I've fixed the argv parsing issue
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<thomasga> so that should fix booting on EC2
<talex5> Confirmed: I can boot my Qubes firewall without hacks now :-)
<avsm> thomasga: awesome!
<djs55> @thomasga I was just wondering about that. What was the fix?
<thomasga> I've added a way to change the default parser for command-line argument
<thomasga> and there a new `no_argv` parser which just doesn't care
<djs55> ah yes sounds handy
<avsm> One quirk of the newer releases it that you may need to pass "--network 0" to mirage configure. Previously we were very permissive about how network interfaces were named, but now they need to be distinct.
<thomasga> so it's a configuration-only parameter
<avsm> yomimono: thomasga: talex5: is there a short paragraph about these new features we should put somewhere?
<thomasga> not yet, I will try to write something before the next meeting
<avsm> "how to use logging in a library", "the networking naming situation"
<avsm> suggestions for where to put this welcome -- I was thinking expanding CHANGES would be easiest
<avsm> to explain the import of new features
<dbuenzli> In the documentation !
<avsm> yes indeed...
<talex5> How to use logging in a library is basically: read the Logs docs - nothing Mirage specific.
<avsm> one motivation to do more documentation PRs: the more often we do so, the more often the website is redeployed and we catch bugs in the master branch :-)
<yomimono> I think the "how to use" is less compelling than an example of how much nicer it is to deal with problems now that we have logs
<avsm> yomimono: yeah, that's true
<djwillia> is "--network 0" the only change to the configure step with the new release?
<avsm> debugging no longer requires grep over console logs
<yomimono> for example, one or two of the use cases talex5 was working on at the hackathon
<thomasga> yes, my plan is just to write a small wiki page with an example
<avsm> Fantastic. Closing out mirage release topic and moving on shortly...
<dbuenzli> Just curious is someone using tags ?
<avsm> tags?
<dbuenzli> Logs tags
<yomimono> I think the answer is no
<talex5> mirage-logs will print them as key-value pairs I think.
<avsm> should we be?
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<dbuenzli> No not necessarily
<thomasga> not yet
<avsm> oh I see, they can be used to attach (for example) a session tag so that we can trace from Ethif->IP->TCP->HTTP->TLS->App
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<dbuenzli> Basically any kind of typed value can be attached to a logs message.
<avsm> this seems really useful to filter out sessions... could also filter by NAT state on UDP packets to find one session in DNS djs55 yomimono
<talex5> yominono: the examples were mainly error reporting rather than logging. We'd better get that stuff in soon, or people will start using logging instead to return errors :-(
<thomasga> yes, lots of unexplored use-cases
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<yomimono> extremely good point
<mort___> (cool— i can see "magpie for mirage" — phoenix? — becoming an MPhil project soon :))
<hannes> (soory, late... needed to punt)
<avsm> Ok, next topic: good news and bad news
<avsm> Bad news: our first security advisory! Good news: Hannes did a great job of driving and root diagnosing it and pulling in everyone needed.
* djs55 dons his bad news sensitive sunglasses
<avsm> Semi-good-news: it was actually fixed back in January
<hannes> bad news: it was actually our second flaw (remember mirage-fs-unix 2 years ago with a directory traversal) ;)
<avsm> So we definitely need to speed up our disclosure process somewhat
<avsm> Aww hannes, I was zero-indexing :-)
<avsm> This one was quite serious, but only affected the Xen backend
<avsm> But there is precious little documentation about how the Xen device drivers should work
<avsm> so the Mirage libraries are increasingly also becoming oracles that explain it
<avsm> So anyone motivated to learn more about the low levels are encouraged to dive into mirage-net-xen, mirage-block-xen and friends and send doc PRs with questions/clarifications
<dbuenzli> Is there a well defined perimeter were these can happen. So that e.g. would could focus on these for auditing.
<djs55> they're quite hard to unit test in their current state (except vchan which is functorised and runs over any source of pages, events etc)
<hannes> dbuenzli: unfortunately it seems those "protocols" are "documented" in the linux source code...
<avsm> dbuenzli: it's anything down at the Xen layer. The interfaces are generally defined in code and not specs.
<talex5> djs55: I think you had a branch doing something similar for mirage-net-xen...
<djs55> talex5: yes that's true — it wasn't complete… however how that we have a netback it would be easier to resurrect I think. I wanted to write client/server tests which was tricky as we had no server code at the time
<dbuenzli> I see. Do these layer then leak higher-up ?
<hannes> (I got btw good feedback on the disclosure and the detailed analysis of how I cornered the issue)
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<avsm> One very nice PPX extension that we can now use thanks to the the 4.02 minimum version is ppx_inline_test https://github.com/janestreet/ppx_inline_test -- figuring out how to embed more documentation that can also act as tests over a functorised version of the driver (that doesnt require xen) would be interesting
<talex5> djs55: yes, I extracted the netback support from that branch. It'll need rebasing on trunk now.
<hannes> dbuenzli: at least mirage-net-xen not, for TX it has its own page pool; for RX it copies the incoming data into a freshly allocated buffer... thus, the memory used for xen <-> mirage is very well contained
<avsm> dbuenzli: ideally, we would pass zero-copy pages up through the application stack, but we don't have sufficient support for this yet at the library level. It would require a blocking interface over Bigarray fragments, so parsers would need to restart in an IO loop and so on
<avsm> Ok, thank you again to hannes for his efforts in the last week to isolate this bug and push out the releases.
<avsm> Onto 4.03.
<thomasga> (thx hannes!)
<raboof> (yes great read!)
<yomimono> (VERY BIG thanks indeed!)
<avsm> I have a PR that adds OCaml 4.03 support! We have fixed a lot of libraries to now work with 4.03! 4.03 has been released!
<yomimono> !!
<hannes> imho for the future: it would be nice if those low-level libraries get PRs approved by at least 4 eyes (please, let us stop to merge them individually)
<thomasga> yay, everything broke with 4.03
<avsm> hannes: well its not the number of eyes that concerns me, but the accuracy with which they see
<thomasga> hannes: maybe we can start by 2 eyes
<thomasga> I mean 2 pair of eyes
<avsm> very few people understand those low level interfaces
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<yomimono> ...maybe we can define this in terms of brains instead
<thomasga> indeed
<dbuenzli> Also the problem is that diffs are not such a good review process.
<hannes> (well, actually I'd like to establish this code review principle for mirage libraries... just let a PR sit and invite people @foo to review (with whom you feel confident they'll understand something))
<djs55> If we refactor the code a bit we could start adding unit tests, perhaps that would catch some things
<thomasga> we should start to add test first indeed
<avsm> One suggestion I had for a future hacking evening would be for everyone to pick a driver and document/understand/add-tests to it
<thomasga> I always trust better tests than eyes
<yomimono> I think it's a good idea to do *all* that stuff
<yomimono> tests can also be bad code
<dbuenzli> The problem in case was a little bit hard to test...
<yomimono> and it's very useful to have >1 brain think about them
<avsm> dbuenzli: not really :-( we could have had a unit test that just sat in a loop granting and ungranting pages
<dbuenzli> ok
* hannes tries all the time to find another brain on ebay... so far not much success
<thomasga> yes, that's a problem with the library design then. we should design testable components :p anyway, more brain/eyes/tests is good, we should do all of that.
<avsm> i must say that oasis infuriates me with respect to test cases, since there's a flag and something else that invisibly runs only some tests
<talex5> @hannes: I don't think we have a big problem with things becoming broken right now. Changes at the moment usually make things better.
<mort___> agree with all that. if i understand correctly, not self-merging PRs would be a simple start though
<talex5> We have a lot of very research-quality code we need to upgrade.
<hannes> talex5: I'd be really careful with those "core" parts...
<avsm> yeah, it's just that there's a lot of code written in the early days of Mirage that needs a critical look at
<djs55> I think not self-merging PRs is good, although we do need to promise to review things quickly and not let them stagnate
<avsm> please ignore authorship of said code while reviewing it :P
<thomasga> yes please
<hannes> talex5: and in order to upgrade there should maybe a design document!? (specifying things handled and not handled, lifecycles of pieces of memory, ...)!?!?
<noddy> time for a Full Rewrite (TM)? :)
<dbuenzli> No we'll whip
<thomasga> (and delete as much as my code as possible)
<avsm> hannes: in the ocamldoc signatures!
<avsm> more good news about ocaml 4.03 : a unified documentation tool is on its way
<hannes> I mean you can hack as much on broken code as you want, but it won't turn into high quality code unless you really think about it (sth I learned from noddy and buenzli ;)
<mort___> @hannes: such documentation has been discussed many times but not been written. perhaps avsm suggestion of a doc/comment/query focused hackathon is the best way to start it...
<avsm> the issue with doing it piecemeal is that there's lot of random knowledge about those layers that is buried in various developers' minds
<avsm> so much like the ocaml compiler hacking sessions, you can get a surprising amount done in an evening over wine and code
<avsm> i bet the device drivers are in that class -- it's quite easy to write tests
<dbuenzli> I can drink a surprising amount of wine.
<avsm> one area where we will *have* to do this is with the forthcoming Solo5 merge with djwillia
<hannes> so, code reading weekends? one of the things I've planned for marrakesh2017 is to print out all the libraries in order to be able to use pen and paper..
<avsm> for the first time we will have two driver paths for the low-levels, so abstraction will be required
<thomasga> (yes we need more wine to improve MirageOS pliz)
<gemma> Noted
<dbuenzli> I encourage to print code (don't think too much about the trees) I do this for most of my libraries at a certain point.
<talex5> Agree we should set aside time for code reviews (existing and PRs). Maybe not weekends though...
<dbuenzli> It makes it for a very different kind of review.
<djwillia> will need a lot of wine for the Solo5 merge
<hannes> dbuenzli: also better readable than screens on the roof terrace
<avsm> Ok, let's move on: I'll take an action to figure out when to have a local hacking session (perhaps in June when dbuenzli is in town) to do code review explicitly.
<dbuenzli> Arriving the very 1st of june.
<djs55> I also print code — I used that technique to understand domain migration in Xen while I was in a hospital waiting room
<avsm> you picked a bad time to have a head injury djs55
<dbuenzli> Yeah also reading code on the toilets is quite nice.
<avsm> Onto Ocaml 4.03: is anyone blocked on a library that depends on 4.02?
<thomasga> js_of_ocaml
<avsm> The most notable one is js_of_ocaml, which is fixed in trunk
<hannes> avsm: mirage-platform needs a release
<avsm> yeah need to pin that for now
<avsm> hannes: yes, I'm just bringing up mirage-www on it before releasing it, to get more testing. It also adds strtod/l so that float parsing works
<thomasga> I've released new version of irmin and git which are working fine on 4.03
<avsm> anything else? oasis released, all the Jane Street libraries are good, Irmin/Git are going great. Things are generally in decent shape.
<hannes> (one last thing about PRs: I still don't understand where pp_hex for cstruct.t should life... or what is the point of hex if it doesn't provide it, but cstruct does it instead)
<avsm> One thing: test with the flambda variation as well, since it is stricter with respect to .cmx files due to the inliner.
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<dbuenzli> If bigarrays were in the stdlib I'd put it in fmt...
<avsm> hannes: was working on the basis that this is a specific printer for Cstruct to output in hex format, not a general hex printer
<avsm> i.e. its more of a debug interface for cstruct
<dbuenzli> So it should live in cstruct then.
<avsm> yeah, and will be in cstruct.2.1.0 released today hopefully
<hannes> in the end, I'd like to have one single place of code which converts a byte buffer into hex... and this might be functorized over all the buffers we use!?
<dbuenzli> Functors... The hammer.
<thomasga> the code in hex should be very fast (@yallop spent some time on it)
<hannes> (anyways, I'l shut up now)
<avsm> Before closing out OCaml 4.03: has anyone tried -flambda with Mirage libraries?
<thomasga> would be better to rely on that if possible
<avsm> it should now work, including in the xen mode, but I havent looked at the build magic
<thomasga> not tried flamba yet
<avsm> i'm hoping desperately that flambda is only a link time thing and not for every object file compilation
<avsm> if it requires changing every object file, I'll be crying in the corner
<avsm> or waiting for dbuenzli's topkg release
<avsm> or both
<dbuenzli> ducks
<talex5> I tried 4.03 a few times, but had problems. And every time I do opam switch, it kills my shell configuration :-( So staying with 4.02.3 for now...
<dsheets> Packages need to install cmx files at least and many do not right now, afaik.
<avsm> alright, I'll take a look at that... a bug should be filed :-)
<avsm> dsheets: ah ok. So we're making progress with 4.03 support, but 4.03-flambda should be considered as the next step (we wont get it entirely for free)
<dbuenzli> Yes they changed the compilation model without really warning the world about it.
<avsm> Ok lets move on from 4.03. In the next meeting, talex5 will hopefully have a working shell after upgrading his compiler (?!)
<avsm> Updates:
<avsm> Mirage-dashboard is looking good!
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<hannes> .oO(is rudenoise around?)
<rudenoise> I am
<avsm> rudenoise: nice!
<hannes> \o/
<rudenoise> thanks!
<avsm> a slightly scarily large HTML page, that
<rudenoise> it's taking shape
<hannes> big applaus for rudenoise! :D
<engil> \o\
<dbuenzli> A lot of my packages say they have no releases. But they do have.
<avsm> dbuenzli: i guess this works from the github api, and not git tags?
<rudenoise> that's right
<dbuenzli> I see.
<djs55> I think we need a zoomed-out view, perhaps one pixel per repo, just to cope with the number of repos we have :)
<avsm> dbuenzli: any suggestions on how to get a changelog from a git tag? we just need a convention
<avsm> rudenoise: actually a summary table would be really helpful, hrefing down to the detailed boxes
<dbuenzli> Checkout the repo and extract it from the change log file.
<rudenoise> sure, I was thinking about making them all colapsable
<rudenoise> cool, currently using Github.Release.for_repo
<engil> rudenoise: If you are open to pull requests about CSS I might give a try at changing a few things, if you don't have any plans already on this side :)
<avsm> rudenoise: dbuenzli: i wonder if we can abstract this in an `opam-changes` plugin that figures it out from the package
<avsm> some packages have CHANGES.md, others have different formats...
<rudenoise> that'd be great, I bunged bootstrap in to get it going but I'm not particularly attached to it
<hannes> using opam information would be great, also for tags (in order to group projects)
<talex5> How does it work out the contributors?
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<rudenoise> it loops any events and grabs the user from them
<talex5> So... just recent contribs then?
<dbuenzli> In topkg if your change log has a well defined format, I automatically extract the lateset release notes.
<thomasga> no the Github API exposes all the contributors
<talex5> For example: I'm certainly not the only contributor to mirage-console.
<thomasga> `opam install topkg`
<hannes> but a contribution is also opening an issue and commenting..
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<avsm> dbuenzli: nice; i'll fixup any libraries i port to make sure it has a well deffined changelog then
<rudenoise> I think I'm only including those who've generated more than one event
<dbuenzli> I think it works with the mirages ones.
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<yomimono> dbuenzli: any docs on a "well-defined" format?
<talex5> rudenoise: I'm a very minor contributor to that lib.
<dbuenzli> Yes.
<yomimono> Excellent, thanks!
<avsm> alright, thanks for the continued work on this rudenoise! Onto Canopy... aside from finding serious security holes in MirageOS/Xen, how's it going engil?
<dbuenzli> Ah no in fact it's in the man page of topkg-log sorry.
<engil> well, hard to tell
<engil> a few bugs that we need to fix
<engil> and hmm
<avsm> The one deployed on canopy.mirage.io is working well
<avsm> and the IRC logs logging is great
<thomasga> rudenoise talex5: the Github API should expose https://github.com/mirage/mirage-console/graphs/contributors
<engil> yeah, master isn't looking too good though
<engil> :)
<hannes> it is leaking memory... guess what I've a new bug for this weekend ;)
<engil> one question, I was thinking about doing a release at some point
<avsm> I'd recommend using OCaml 4.03 and bugging mshinwell for his memory profiler (really!)
<hannes> [but likely it is mirage-http]
<engil> but I was wondering how unikernels and releases works together
<avsm> the memory profiler was waiting on a 4.03-capable cohttp, which we have now thanks to rgrinberg releasing a ppx-conduit
<yomimono> dbuenzli: ah, nice. thanks.
<avsm> unikernels/releases: use OPAM versioning
<thomasga> @engil and @hannes: does it leak with irmin-unix ?
<hannes> ah, the interesting question again... shouldn't unikernels be opam packages? ;)
<hannes> thomasga: I've no irmin-unix... but I saw you had a recent release...
<thomasga> yes, there is a memory leak in lwt_unix
<engil> avsm: how would it work ? an opam package that would install the unix binary ?
<engil> how about xen ?
<avsm> engil: yeah should work fine. You just ensure the mirage configure phase doesnt call opam
<hannes> thomasga: ah, I deploy it on Xen at https://hannes.nqsb.io -- and there I had to restart after some days
<avsm> one feature it would be nice to have from the mirage CLI is to generate a local `opam` file
<hannes> thomasga: what I'd like to know is how mirage.io is actually deployed? how much ram? restart on crash or not?
<hannes> avsm: +1
<aantron> thomasga: is this leak already reported as an issue?
<thomasga> aantron: https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/229 I saw you fixed it, thanks!
<avsm> aantron: we appreciate you stepping up to do maintenance work on Lwt!
<thomasga> 1024 RAM + restart on crash
<aantron> thomasga: well, credit goes to @talex5 for the actual diagnosis :)
<avsm> Ok, lets move on to the last bit. Just 10 minutes left.
<thomasga> hannes: and https://mirage.io/stats/gc for live memory usage
<hannes> thomasga: thx (I deploy on 128MB and fail on crash)
<avsm> Infromation retrieval!
<dbuenzli> Le serpent de mer.
<hannes> thomasga: but those I don't really understand / cannot zoom out enough / doesn't show me its uptime
<avsm> the OCaml Labs website has been wallowing in unmaintained mode for some time, so gemma has been centralising and updating information on ocaml.io -- a simpler mediawiki than the older site
<avsm> This is intended just to capture OCL activity around multicore/etc, but it's proving to be quite a useful place to keep notes on stuff.
<hannes> yay :) ocaml.io :D
<gemma> Yes
<avsm> So for example https://ocaml.io/w/PPX is where I noted down blog posts etc to find useful tips on moving to PPX
<gemma> Feel free to add to/create new pages as per the PPX and HardCaml pages
<hannes> (my only criticism is that it is not a mirageos unikernel, but some piece of php ;)
<avsm> This wiki isn't really "announced" yet, but if you find some useful OCaml tips and need somewhere to put them, the ocamllabs wiki will continue to be around.
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<avsm> hannes: yes indeed. but it's running TLStunnel for HTTPS (soon to be a unikernel), and also I've got a cohttp/fastcgi branch so that the webserver can also be a mirage unikernel soon ;-)
<thomasga> hannes: I think there is tlstunnel between the crap php and you
<avsm> also there is a http2https unikernel that redirects 80->443
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<avsm> so the unikernels are bravely defending the weak PHP centre
<mort___> microservices ftw!
<avsm> As dbuenzli often notes, we do want to refresh the Mirage documentation more easily, and so the next step is to port mirage-www to not crunch the data into itself but to git pull its data from a remote source
<avsm> most of this is "almost done" (and Canopy is helping)
<avsm> but ocaml.io is there for the OCaml-specific features. Anyone can register on the site (it's a normal wikimedia setup), so go ahead. Anonymous posts are discouraged
<avsm> ...but I haven't locked out anonymous posts yet, until abuse actually occurs. Please dont...
<avsm> Finally: blog posts! A number of people have volunteered to do blog posts on the new features. Thank you!
<avsm> yomimono: how's the hackathon round up post going?
<gemma> Woop
<avsm> yay!
<yomimono> If anyone has last-minute contributions, that's the place to say so :)
<avsm> There was also a lot of interest in AFL fuzzing, so if anyone wants to pick that up see what yomimono did in morocco...
<hannes> a friend was not satisfied with the mirage tutorial stuff, and thus started to bug me and wrote things down (at https://github.com/cfcs/mirage-examples -- imho more easy to get into than some of the content of mirage.io)
<avsm> mirage-examples is awesome!
<gemma> That's great!
<thomasga> hannes: that's great!
<thomasga> folding that to main website would be awesome
<thomasga> (replace folding by replacing or whatever is simpler)
<avsm> I'll add a link to it shortly if my website ever builds again on the 4.03 branch
<avsm> Any other blog posts people would like to do?
<avsm> Also my apologies: I missed out the very exciting Solo5 release that djwillia did. How did the release go djwillia ?
<avsm> I notice that mato leapt in to test it on dodgy old x86 hardware without the latest greatest 2MB page support :)
<djwillia> well, we're still in the process of making everything work the right way with opam rather than the old build it had
<djwillia> mato has been a great help
<avsm> yes, moving the various libraries to an OPAM base is really useful
<mato> avsm: 1G page support actually. not dodgy, just not there on mobile CPUs
<mato> avsm: mkt segmentation by intel :(
<avsm> mato: ah, didnt even realise x86 had 1G page support these days
<djwillia> yeah, we used 1G pages by default in ukvm, which wasn't the most compatible choice :)
<avsm> i've been dipping my toes in cross-compilation using https://github.com/multiarch/crossbuild
<avsm> its a Docker container that supports cross toolchains for a vast number of cpus and also osx/windows
<avsm> but still not convinced OCaml 4.03 to use it fully yet. If anyone understands cross-compilation in OCaml, would like to chat...
<avsm> it should make (for example) OSX and Windows binaries easy to generate from a Docker script
<dbuenzli> whitequark
<avsm> yeah, I'll bug whitequark
<hannes> yes, whitequark has android/win/ios cross building setups
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<avsm> Alright! An hour on the dot! Anything else anyone wants to bring up?
<avsm> I'll hopefully have an flambda report soon. Also sean grove is doing a mirageos talk in London this Tuesday evening
<avsm> if anyone happens to be in London next week and wants to cheer him on
<avsm> but if nothing else -- git commit the logger for this week engil!
<thomasga> \o\
<hannes> logger... syslog... wanthave
* avsm waits for the Not_found exception
<reynir> o/
<engil> unpurecamelbot: commit done
<unpurecamelbot> done
<hannes> did wiredsister start her outreachy yet?
<engil> unpurecamelbot: bye
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<avsm> and relax
<djwillia> bye all!
<avsm> see you!
<reynir> Oh I mised it all heh
<dbuenzli> ...
<engil> :)
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<gemma> Bye everyone
<avsm> hannes: gemma: ah yes must remember to add Outreachy to the agenda next time
<ricarkol> byeee
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<avsm> yomimono is mentoring
<gemma> Yes! Will do
<raboof> o/ bye!
<yomimono> hannes: nope
<yomimono> 20somethingth I think
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