Or write a compiler for makefiles in a day.
ocamlp4 to parse makefiles into an ocaml AST, ocamlc to convert the ocaml AST into a C AST and gcc to make a binary.
mrvn, i am confused in trying to work out the types of the y combinator you gave me as an exercise yesterday... i have the terms numbered for reference here -> http://pastecode.net/index.php?tag=184
do i start with the x's that i've numbered 7 and 8, or those that i've numbered 15 and 16 ?
First step is to draw lines between the abstraction and the instances of a variable: fun _x_ -> 2 * _x_
Connect every variable to the fun that binds it.
Then rename them so that they are uniqe.
i see
let me try that...
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which (x x) ? the one in the first line, or the 2nd? the x7,x8 or x15,x16 ?
doesn't matter
so what do i do with them? i've already assigned them the same type... so i can't do (x:'d->'d)
x is a function that takes a 'd as input, but the output can be anything: x 'd->'j
ok... let me go with that
But x is the argument passed to x, so 'd must be 'd->'j
yeah, i'm following you
x: ('d->'j)->'j
But thats the argument passed to x ==> x: (('d->'j)->'j)->'j
or something like that and on and on and on
You have a recursive type there that would keep on growing for ever.
wait, how did the last ->'j get there in x: ('d->'j)->'j ?
The type of x is the type of its first argument. You have to substutute it again and again
i know we have: fun y -> (x x) y
but y is 'f
not 'j
no, you are still doing (x x)
and you will be forever
because x gets itself as argument
(x x) results in ('a->'b as 'a) -> 'b
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i see that x gets itself as input, but i don't see why that would result in an infinate recursion
Ok, lets ignore the fact that its x and x and look at (a b)
a:'a and b:'b initially, ok?
(a b) --> a:'b->'c
don't you mean (a b) --> a:'a->'b ?
no, b was type 'b
oh, 'b was already taken
ok, go on
But thinking back to (x x) we would know that b has the same type as a:
a:'b->'c b:'d->'e (b must be a function just like a)
But from (a b) we get a:('d->'e)->'c
don't we get a:('b->'c)->(b:'b->'c) ?
we know nothing about what type a returns
ah, forget that
we don't?
a:('b->'c) (b:'b->'c) you mean
a:('b->'c) b:('b->'c) even
yeah, but then it gets confusing. a:'b->'c b:'d->'e [ignoring that 'b='d and 'c='e]
Thus we get a:('d->'e)->'c, ok?
yes, it certainly is confusing... because i don't know where 'b='d and 'c='e came from
pattern: Originally we wanted to type (x x) and called them (a b).
So a and b in (a b) must have the same type.
Both would be x
go on
And the only way 'b->'c and 'd->'e are the same type is with 'b='d and 'c='e
where did we get 'd and 'e ?
out of our bag of unused types.
and why are we looking in that bag?
is it because we want to give b:('d->'e) ?
because b can't have type 'b and be the same type as a is
b must be a function so we pull out two types and create 'e->'d
'd->'e i mean
for b:('d-'e) ?
for b:('d->'e) ?
ok, so now 'b='d and 'c='e
i'm with you
a:'b->'c gets the argument b:'d->'e, thus 'b is actually 'd->'e
a:('d->'e)->'c, ok?
But then b must be of the form ('f->'g)->'h
i see now
so what do we do?
yeah, i see the infinate recursion now
so what do we do about it?
a:('a->'b as 'a)->'b
what do you mean by "as 'a" ?
b: 'a->'b
Thats the way ocaml denotes that its recursive
i don't follow
a has type 'a->'b in which the 'a is 'a->'b in which 'a is 'a->'b
It says that the arguments is the same as the full type
Its something the normal type system can't find.
'a as 'b creates 'b as alias for 'a
Say you have a function f:('a->'b)->('a->'b)
You can write that as f:('a->'b as 'c)->'c
or: let f (x:'a->'b as 'c) (y:'c) = 0;;
val f : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) -> int = <fun>
does "as 'c" mean as the last type? f:('a->'b as 'c)->**this** ?
it means wherever 'c stands should stand 'a->'b
so does it then become f:('a->'b)->'a->'b ?
Normaly it just saves you typing a large type again and again
so now (x x) takes itself for an argument still
Same as function (x::xs as l) -> l | [] -> raise ...
In the case of rectypes as in (x x) you get x:('a->'b as 'a)->'b
x has type 'a->'b and the argument ('a) too.
i haven't learned the "|" operator, or what it means to say "| []"
It's not really an operator.
And if you haven't learned that yet, it's time to read the part that tells you about it. =)
i will, definately
if i don't throw up my hands in despair after thi
# let f = function false -> "false" | true -> "true";;
val f : bool -> string = <fun>
# f false;;
- : string = "false"
If you haven't learned how to do pattern matching that doesn't always succeed yet, then you don't really know ML at all.
Sooo, giving up now would be a bad idea. =)
i don't know ml at all, that's for sure
but looking at how convoluted this whole type inference thing is does not make me hopefull that i'll ever know ml
It's not convoluted.
it makes me yearn for the simplicity of assembly language
function a -> b | c -> d is the same as function x -> if x = a then b else if x = c then d else raise Match_failure
pattern: you don't need to know how the type inference wotrks at all. You just have to know that it does it and sometimes why it doesn't or can't work.
e.g. That let f x = x x;; can't work (unless you have -rectypes)
Now you know why (x x) doesn't work so you can move on to the "fun" part.
and match and |
so if you have -rectypes it automatically makes x:('a->'b as 'c)->'c ?
...when it sees (x x), that is
I wouldn't worry about type inference too much. Here at university people are thought ocaml (and other similar langugaes) in on course and a term later they have a course about how the type inference in those languages actually works.
pattern: thats what the -rectypes adds to the normal typeing system.
I don't think there's a course on type inference.
yes, you mentioned that course... but i didn't know i had enrolled it in when you told me to figure out the y combinator :)
you can do your masters thesis on them
pattern: The y-combinator is something you see early when you do lambda calculus.
so do i need to figure out the types of an expression when i see it? or do i just type it in to ocaml's toplevel and see what it says?
pattern: Then, when you move on to typed languages you quickly see that they fail to type it.
pattern: 99.999% I just type it in as I think and see if it compiles.
You can implement the Y combinator in ML.
i see
Haven't you seen the comp.lang.ml FAQ? =)
If it doesn't I check what ocaml things what type it is and compare it to what I think.
so when i type:
# let y f = ((fun x -> (fun z -> (f (fun y -> (x x) y) z)))
(fun x -> (fun z -> (f (fun y -> (x x) y) z))));;
val y : (('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = <fun>
pattern: That usually all you need to know.
what do i make of the last line?
what does 'a and 'b refer to?
y takes two arguments: (('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) and 'a
don't i need to go through the whole type inference thing to figure it out?
'a and 'b can be anything. But all 'a and 'b must be the same.
For fac 'a=int and 'b=int
But you can have 'a=int list and 'b=float array
'a (or 'b) is a polymorphic type.
ok, so maybe that was a bad example...
what about when we work with that example i asked you about earlier:
'a->'b only tells you its a function, 'a->'a tells you its a function which return type equals its arguments type.
here, in order to see what 'c was we had to go through the whole type inference heuristic, didn't we?
pattern: no, just to see that g is a function that takes the type of x as argument and so on
We don#t know what 'c is but if we see g:int->int we know that x must be int
The type inference makes a relation between the types of f, g and x.
Is there a mode for emacs that pops up a bubble help containint the type of a variable if the mouse hovers over it?
(or displays the type in the status line)
even if there was, i can't believe that i'd have to program by typing random things in to the editor and seeing if they work
pattern: you programm what you want to do. The type inference makes sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot along the way.
well, i feel like shooting myself in the head now
pattern: In many other languages you don't have types at all while you programm. At runtime the programm then just crashes or complains that the types don#t match up.
In scheme you can write (+ 1 "Hallo")
not to be discouraging, but i think it's becoming clearer to me why functional languages, with all of their advantages, isn't used as widely as the imperative languages
Of cause + doesn't work with an int and a string so when (if at all) the + is ever evaluated the programm will stop.
i'm still going to continue trying to learn ocaml, though... maybe i just need to read more and see this from some other perspectives before it clicks
pattern: imperative languages have a big headstart and imperative is somewhat more intuitive at first.
"somewhat" is a huge understatement, from where i'm sitting
pattern: Learn ocaml. Forget about type inference details. Just keep in mind that ocaml does it and look at the results.
if your background is nothing but imperative, it would be somewhat difficult
but I think you're stressing this too much, like mrvn says
but i have more than 20yrs imperative programming experience behind me... and maybe it's that that's somehow making functional concepts harder to grasp
just try programming some things and see how it turns otu
The problem is that you have grown up with recepies: 1. add the egg, 2. add flour, 3. add the milk, 4. steer, 5. cook, 6. eat
1. open the latch, 2. put in the bateries, 3. close the hatch
or maybe it'd be easier if i learned functional programming as a kid, or i had a stronger math background... i don't know... but learning pretty much any imperative language is a breeze compared to learning a functional language... at least that's how i feel right now
pattern: Only your first one.
whee, i think you're right... i think some practice programming would help
You could have started with ml or scheme or some other untyped language.
I didn't worry about what was going on when I first learn ocaml
hell, I still don't know half the time :)
just think of something small you would like to do (like draw a Mandelbrot fractal) and implement it.
Or calculate prime numbers.
the tutorials and the ocaml book haven't proceeded with practical examples, so far... maybe they'll get to them later... so far it's been all theory and syntax
pattern: Are you reading the O'Riley book?
but i've ordered The Functional Approach to Programming, by Guy Cousineau and Michel Mauny... maybe that'll be better
yes, i was reading the o'riley book
How many pages without examples?
there are no page numbers in the html version
about 3/4 of the way down this looong page
i don't think they get to practical exercises for at least a chapter or two after this page
apart from this there's only the guy cosineau book in english from which to learn ocaml, afaik
I learned it before the book was out, so :P
yeah, but did you already know functional programming?
did you take a course on it?
I was in HS
I knew C++, perl, python, other things of that nature
If you know some languages the ocaml docs are quite helpfull. But you probably have to know some functional language to get an idea what your doing.
well, maybe i'm just slow now that i'm 32
or maybe it's because i haven't practiced writing anything
I would guess it's that
find something you want to write, and then write it
or maybe i'm just letting type inference discourage me too much
use the book and manual as a reference, learning as you go
I learned scheme first and then haskel and ml before finding ocaml onthe funtional side.
pattern: type inference can be absolutly ignored, unless you make mistakes.
i've also ordered sicp... that teaches using scheme... maybe i should pick that up before trying ocaml
yeah, but you already knew other functional languages
i can learn an imperative language very quickly as well, since i know a billion of them already
yeah. Its realy a crash course into ocamls syntax and features. You have to roughly know what your looking for to implement something and then look it up.
whee, no i haven't looked at the examples bundle
pattern: Think of a small thing to implement and do that and if you get stuck ask.
I find that way betterto learn a language than any book. Books are eigther far to long assuming you know nothing or far to short assuming you need a refference.
cool, thanks, whee
ok.. i will do just that
i'll try to program something
i'll start with an x server
just kidding :)
pattern: Actually that would be nice.
There is a Module that speacks the full X protocol where you could steal all the datatypes and such.
How difficult would it be to write an Objective-C/OCaml bridge?
And Module Graphics has some drawing primitives, keyboard and mouse for you. :)
Or has anyone done it?
Riastradh: you mean a compiler from Objective-C to ocaml?
No, a bridge, so you can instantiate Cocoa classes and call Cocoa methods from OCaml.
You could use Corba
Cocoa being an Objective-C API, in case you didn't know.
Riastradh: one doesn't exist, but it should be easy
What FM would I have to R to figure out how?
haskell has one which is a full binding in a 16kb bz2, using template haskell (which we could do with camlp4)
I saw some bridge for C++ code which could be worth a peak.
could generate the ocaml object that references the objc one at compile time
Peek, and no it wouldn't. First, I refuse to deal in any way with C++; and C++ is also -WAY- too different from Objective-C for that to be useful at all.
and because of the dynamic binding of objc, you could write one object yourself that all your ocaml objects would ultimately interact with
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it'd be a major pain to do each cocoa object by hand, so I really would recommend going the camlp4 route
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whee: google for "ocamlp4 tutorial" and you get slides for a talk about how to write a compiler for makefiles in a day using ocamlp4. Shou7ld give you some examples on how to parse the cocoa object sources.
i just skimmed through that today
looked neat
it's even geared towards people who don't yet know ocaml
lots of parallels in there between ocaml and c constructs... and it's pretty practical
I've used camlp4 before, but there'd be no parsing of source involved most likely
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in the example wc.ml program i see:
let ic = open_in name in
count_channel ic;
close_in ic
doesn't "ic" only exist before that semicolon, after the "in"?
how can "close_in" refer to "ic"? isn't it out of scope?
there's an implicit "begin" .. "end" there
where? after the semicolon?
after in, spanning all ; expressions
actually, I am always a bit unsure about imlicit begins, I tend to add them explicitely
and where does the implicit "end" go?
before the next "in", I would think
unfortunately, though i'd always follow your example and use explicit "begin" and "end", i have to understand where these go if i am to understand these examples :(
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how do i explicitly end a match e with expression?
match e with ( .. ) or match e with begin .. end
oh, i see, thanks
Why would you ever need that? the -> ends the expression.
Do you mean (match e with expr) or begin match e with expr end?
Or is that equivalent?
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* Riastradh
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* Riastradh
pokes someone awake.
* emu
determinedly sleeps
* mrvn
* mellum
mellum: By the way, wir haetten am Donnerstag den Schein bekommen
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Riastradh: Why do you wake sleeping dogs if you don't have dog food?
Oops, I wasn't paying attention to the channel.
we'll just have to eat him instead
OCaml is complaining that: The files maths.cmo and maths.cmo disagree over interface Maths
...when trying to #load 'maths.cmo' after compiling: