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neither is linked from the main ocaml site, but it's better than anything on there, imo, for a quick introduction to the language
pattern_: thanks, I'll definitely look at them.
pattern_: except, aren't both URLs the same?
are they?
pattern_: oh, I have to start using larger fonts. :)
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Finally I seem to have found all bugs.
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mellum: moin
moin moin
Turn 1 of 10 | 20 x 20 300 +
.././game2 - ../pfc/mellum
Game1: 1 wins Game2: 1 wins
mellum: Jetzt funktioniert das schon viel besser.
docelic|sleepo is now known as docelic
mrvn: Und, wer gewinnt?
mellum: Ich, hin und rueckspiel.
Aber gegen alle bis auf meinen fehlerhaften entry.
Trotz Fehler gewinnt der einmal.
Hm, interessant :)
Ich spiel gerade 10 runden, so den Tag ueber. Mal sehen was insgesammt rauskommt.
Wenn die anderen nicht alle so langsam waeren ....
Checkst du auf Zeitueberschreitung?
Momentan nicht.
Aber im Schnitt bin ich vermutlich unter 1s.
jef: Wo sind die screenshots?
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mellum: Any Idea how to cache move sequences and their scores and how to update them on the next move?
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mrvn: well, usually tou cache boards
I don't have a board. Just two lists of possible moves.
I was thinking of making a set of moves taken and map those to the score.
But thats realy wastefull since most sets will have the same beginning.
Well, a move is very small, you could pack it into two bytes. So that shouldn't matter that much
a common suffix tree would probably be much smaller and faster for lookups.
Also easier to cut out elements when a move is made.
Did you try caching of boards?
Any analysis on how much that saves?
I tried it, did not seem to have any effect for some boards, worked for others, though
29261 map hit
4936 map miss
for a empty 3x3 board
a 4x4 board takes ages if you print hit/miss for every move you test :(
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Mellum: How deep did you search? Just 8 seconds or till the end?
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mrvn: 8 seconds
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Hm, I want to write a function unique: 'a list -> 'a list, which returns only unique elements in a list, using Set. How can I create the appropriate Set variable?
mellum: Do you need it uniq all the time? Using sort and then kicking duplicates would be easier.
module OrderedMoves =
type t = move * player
let compare x y = compare x y
module MovesSet = Set.Make(OrderedMoves)
Well, I don't really know the type... it's the 'a in the 'a list I get
But the sorting idea seems better, anyway :)
compare is 'a -> 'a -> int
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let unique l =
let l = List.fast_sort compare l in
let rec loop l =
match l with
a::b::c when a = b -> a :: (loop c)
| l -> l
loop l;;
why does this not work?
Oh. I need loop (a :: c).
[1;2;2;3;3;4] bleibt erhalten
let usort l =
let l = List.sort compare l in
let rec uniq accu head = function
[] -> List.rev (head::accu)
| x::xs when x = head -> uniq accu head xs
| x::xs -> uniq (head::accu) x xs
in uniq [] (List.hd l) ( l);;
well, I don't really care about order
Then kill the rev
But that could make the sort slower next time around.
Hmm, my variant seems simpler :)
except it doesn't work
and I don't understand why
You don't uniquify 1::1::[]
You don't uniquify 0::1::1::[]
i mean
Oh. Yes.
you need to catch a::b::c a=b and a<>b
And then you have the three cases I had.
let unique l =
let l = List.fast_sort compare l in
let rec loop l =
match l with
a::b::c when a = b -> loop (a :: c)
| a::b -> a :: loop b
| [] -> []
loop l;;
this one works :)
only for small lists
And it also works for empty lists :)
But okay, I'll use the accu version
which doesn't work for empty lists
rewrite yours with an accu
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mrvn: Hmm, when I do that, I end up with your version... doesn't work without passing head around
let unique l =
let l = List.fast_sort compare l in
let rec loop l accu =
match l with
a::b::c when a = b -> loop (a :: c) accu
| a::b -> loop b (a::accu)
| [] -> List.rev accu
loop l;;
But its probably better to pass the head as argument instead of creating new lists all the time.
or does ocaml optimize that away?
Dunno. That's probably shadowed by the time for sorting anyway.
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Its intresting that all fields on a 4x4 board are equaly bad.
really? one would have thought that edges suck slightly less.
no, edges are better at first. You loose less moves
But there are only 3 places you can set initially and whatever you choose later you have to take the two others.
Oh well.
I still don#t have a mechanism that catches draws.
If I have a move where both sides play 4 stones and one where both sides play 8 and draw I choose the first.
But I think you can't get a draw on a halfway intresting board.
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does ocaml have a callcc facility?
I think yes
There was one implemented using fork().
Oh well. I always found callcc too confusing, anyway :)
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